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Harry Seidler's umbrella: selected writings on Australian architecture and design
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Sydney art deco & modernist walks: Potts Point & Elizabeth Bay
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Australia's first real building: Governor Arthur Phillip's portable house, Sydney Cove, 1788
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Our great Victorian architect: Edmund Thomas Blacket (1817-1883)
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Le Corbusier in the Antipodes: art, architecture and urbanism
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Australian architecture: a history
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Architectural drafting instruments, circa 1860s
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Etching - Circular Quay by Sydney Ure Smith, 1916
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Etching - Towers of St Andrew's by Sydney Ure Smith, 1915
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Etching - Matthew Place by Sydney Ure Smith, 1926
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Etching - Old Cottages, Princes Street, 1926
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Etching - Scots Church by Sydney Ure Smith, 1926
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Etching - Old House, The Rocks by Sydney Ure Smith, 1916
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Towards standards for architectural archives February 12-13, 1981/ The American Institute of Archit
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Building Sydney's history: structures, sculptures, stories and secrets/ Derek and Julia Parker
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Underground space in the urban environment - development and use: technical papers/ edited by Ken
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Touch this earth lightly: Glenn Murcutt in his own words/ Philip Drew
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The Mint project/ edited by Robert Griffin
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A singular vision: Harry Seidler/ Helen O'Neill
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