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template is Document
Letter - Council resolved on reinstatement of Assistant City Surveyor, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Council resolved on reinstatement of Assistant City Surveyor, 1850
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Letter - Improvement Committee unable to help with drainage problem in Castlereagh Street, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Reply to his letter stating that his offer of ballast cannot be accepted, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Notification of reports of the Improvement Committee adopted at the Council meeting, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Notice calling for tenders by 8th April next for various supplies and works., 1850
template is Document
Letter - Council resolved that debentures be issued to Company., 1850
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Letter - Eighteen labourers were only authorised for employment for 18 days, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Council accepted tender for fencing at Lachlan Swamp, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Request to prepare Bond of Surety for fencing contract, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Council accepted tender for fencing at Lachlan Swamp and requested bond, 1850
template is Document
Letter - Enquire into Sewerage, Drainage and Sanitary condition of City, 1849
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Letter - Water Committee note the limited supply of water to Sydney Flour Mills, 1849
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Letter - Transmission of voting papers for a seat on the Legislative Council at the election, 1849
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Letter - William Bland chosen a Member for Sydney to serve on the Legislative Council, 1849
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Letter - Transmittance of receipts and disbursements of Council for year 1849, 1849
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Letter - Councillors elected for Gipps, Bourke, Brisbane, Macquarie, Cook and Phillip Wards, 1849
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Letter - Notification of his election on 1st instant as Councillor for Gipps Ward, 1849
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Letter - Prepare Bonds of Surety for works on Castlereagh, Elizabeth and Union Streets, 1849
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Letter - Notification of acceptance of his tender to supply one hundred alignment posts, 1849
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Letter - Accept tender for curbing, guttering and cleansing gratings in Castlereagh Street, 1849
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Letter - Call for applications for post of Collector of Rates for Phillip and Macquarie Wards, 1849
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Letter - Supply of water at Circular Quay discontinued because of great waste of water, 1849
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Letter - The Mayor requests names of all rate defaulters in Bourke and Cook Wards, 1849
of 161