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Press Conference 12.30pm - New legislation to allow the NSW government power over Council
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Media Monitors - Inner Sydney residents have had a win in the fight against development on the
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Talk-back programme regarding Victoria Street Development.  Participants were Lord Mayor N Meers,
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City Extra Segment - Participant were: Alderman N Meers (Lord Mayor); Alderman Doug Sutherland; Mr
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City Extra Segment - Participant were: Alderman N Meers (Lord Mayor); Alderman Doug Sutherland; Mr
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Interview with Robert Ampt, City Organist regarding his appointment and the organ of the Town Hall
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125th Anniversary of City of Sydney - Proceedings of Special Meeting of Council on 20th July 1967 -
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125th Anniversary of City of Sydney - Proceedings of Special Meeting of Council on 20th July 1967 -
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Sydney Council Sacking - Dub From Margaret Throsby 2BL - Speakers include: Ted Mack; and public
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Sydney Council Sacking - Dub From Andrew Cole Show 2BL - Speakers include: Doug Sutherland; Terry
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The Grand Organ - Sydney Town Hall - Liszt, Widor, Franck, Reger performed by the Sydney City
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The Grand Organ - Sydney Town Hall - Liszt, Widor, Franck, Reger performed by the Sydney City
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The Grand Organ - Sydney Town Hall - Liszt, Widor, Franck, Reger performed by the Sydney City
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The Grand Organ - Sydney Town Hall - Liszt, Widor, Franck, Reger performed by the Sydney City
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"Hello Australia" Radio Programme (Duration 30 minutes) HBC Sapporo [Cassette Tape]
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Lord Mayor Leo Port - Speech Review of Strategic Plan [Cassette Tape]
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Australia Citizenship Ceremony 26 January 1977 - Speeches by Lord Mayor Alderman Leo Port and Prime
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Speeches by Lord Mayor and Premier on the occasion of the reception to honour the Premier of New
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The Lord Mayor of Sydney and The Prime Minister of Australia Mr Malcolm Fraser Speech [Long Play
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1969 Australia Day Ceremony - Chief Commissioner Treatt [Long Play Tape]
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Sydney Sans Francisco Sister City Inaugural Broadcast - Sydney [Long Play Tape]
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Sydney Sans Francisco Sister City Inaugural Meeting [Long Play Tape]
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Australia Day 1968 - Chief Commissioners Speech The Honorable Vernon H Treatt, The Honorable J L
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The Grand Organ - Sydney Town Hall - Performed by City Organist Robert Amp
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