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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - 56 Allen Street Glebe - Erect dwelling, 1982
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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - 19 Lombard Street Glebe - Convert to two flats, 1976
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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - Ross Street Glebe - Harold Park Paceway, 1996
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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - 34 Darling Street Glebe - Alteration to house, 1982
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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - 95/97 Glebe Point Road Glebe - Change of commercial use, 1970
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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - 22-24 Wood Street Forest Lodge - 5 lot subdivision, 1986
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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - Rear 11 Arundel Street Glebe - Use premises for cabinet making, 1982
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DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION - 15-21 Glebe Point Road Glebe - Erection of commercial premises, 1991
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 5 Lodge Street Forest Lodge - Addition to house, 1992
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 1 Albert Street Forest Lodge - Addition to house, 1992
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 48 Darling Street Glebe - Erection of fence, 1979
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 25 Mansfield Street Glebe - Erection of water closet, 1977
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 44 Toxteth Road Glebe - Alterations and additions, 1977
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 15 Ross Street Glebe - Erection of new Scout Hall, 1974
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 15 Albert Street Glebe - Alterations and additions, 1972
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 30 Ferry Road Glebe - Alteration to house, 1972
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 36 Ferry Road Glebe - Provision of shower room and water closet, 1969
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 8 Toxteth Road Glebe - Addition to house, 1996
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BUILDING APPLICATION - 8 Toxteth Road Glebe - Alteration to house, 1996
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PROPERTY FILE - Wentworth Park Road Glebe - Pt Lot 678 Dp 729635 Wentworth Park Road - Wentworth Park Greyhound Racing Complex
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PROPERTY FILE - Street General - York Street Glebe
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PROPERTY FILE - Street General - Woolley Street Glebe
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PROPERTY FILE - Street General - Woolley Labe Glebe
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PROPERTY FILE - Street General - Wood Street Glebe
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