Liverpool St (149/155) Sydney. JWT. Erect awning to Elizabeth St.
George St (572/598) Sydney. K/a 580 Carringbush.Partitions level 2.
Martin Place (19/29) Sydney. MLC Centre. Install new cooling towers on roof.
Castlereagh St (77/83A) Sydney including 162/166 Pitt St. Suspended ceiling & fitout Shop P10.
Martin Place (19/29) Sydney. MLC Centre. Partitions level 65.
Martin Place (52/56) Sydney. State Bank. Partitions 21st floor.
George Street (333-339) Sydney. Partitions suspended ceiling shopfront signs ground floor.
Pitt Street (168-174) Sydney. Alterations to restaurant fitout shop P29, 30 and 31.
York Street (1) Sydney. Royal Insurance Building. Partitions level 11.
Kent Street (201-217) Sydney. Partitions and doors level 29 commercial tower.
George Street (429-481) Sydney. QVB. Refurbish confectionery shop 3.
Castlereagh Street (73-75) Sydney. Mayfair Theatre. Partitions levels 4, 5, and 6.
Pitt Street (79-85) K/A Bond Street (20). Alterations and upgrade sprinkler system level 8.