Sydney region: outline plan, 1970-2000 A.D.: a strategy for development/ a report by the State Pl
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![]() | Sydney Region: Outline Plan 1970-2000 A. D. . ”‘31-”: A St[...] |
![]() | [...]N: N.A.W. ASHTON, _ A.S.T.C.(Arch.), Dip.T.C.P. (Sydney), F.R.A.I.A., F.A.P.I., A.M.T.P.I. DEPUTY CHAIRM[...]ELL, C.B.E., B.SC., a Commissioner of the City of Sydney. |
![]() | Contents 1 PREAMBLE Part 1 The Outline Plan General Strategy 5 Chapter 1 THE NATURE, ROLE AND CONTENT OF THE OUTLINE PLAN 9 Chapter 2 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS 11 Chapter 3 GENERAL OBJECTIVES 14 Chapter 4 BASIC PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THE PLAN 18 Chapter 5 THE POPULATION BASIS OF THE PLAN 27 Chapter 6 THE REGIONAL ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT[...]rt 3 Implementation 93 Chapter 19 PHASING OF THE PLAN 96 Chapter 20 FINANCE 104 Chapter 21 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Maps Outline Plan Phasing Plan 1 2 3 Sydney Region Principles Diagram 4 Central Coast Princip[...] |
![]() | [...]ears ago the Cumberland County Council prepared a plan to guide the future development of Sydney. Dur— ing this period there have been many chan[...]n the State Planning Authority's Report entitled "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Pre- lude to a Plan", published in October 1967. Many of the principl[...]room for development within the framework of that plan has now been almost fully utilised. The changes[...]ire a high level of planning and co-ordination if Sydney is to retain its place as Australia's foremost ci[...]nd these changes will have their repercussions on Sydney's existing port facilities, and indeed on the role of Sydney as a world port. Fast air transit is bringing Aus[...]op- ment of large cities and international ports. Sydney in particular has added another million to its po[...]cted over the next thirty years. A new strategic plan is needed. New areas must be opened up for indust[...]ale as rapidly as possible. As a basis for such a plan a comprehensive survey of the Sydney Region was under— taken, and its results were summaris[...]t Report should be read in conjunction with these Outline Plan proposals which now |
![]() | [...]and a strategy for the further development of the Sydney Region over the next three decades. The proposals are d[...]efficient and effective growth and prosperity of Sydney over the years to come. The task of developing Sydney in a form which will ensure that it effectively m[...]lenging one. The successful implementation of the plan will depend upon the understanding and support of[...]quality. Following the issue of its publication "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan", the State Planning Authority has undertaken ext[...]onal organisations. Its task in preparing the new plan has been greatly helped by the many constructive[...]many of these ideas have been incorporated in the plan. The planning task has, in these respects, been a[...]hopes will continue in the implementation of the plan. |
![]() | Part 1 The Outline Plan — General Strategy |
![]() | Chapter 1 The Nature, Role and Content of the Outline Plan The Outline Plan is different in its form and, to an ex- tent, in[...]al Government Act. This chapter explains why the plan takes the form it does, what its functions are, a[...]of promoting and guiding the development of the Sydney Region. A Plan of Principles and Strategy In essence, the Outline Plan comprises principles, pol— icies and broad stra[...]urban struct— ure for the future development of Sydney, and has regard both to the need for economic eff[...]eals with the broad phys— ical structure of the Sydney Region - its living areas, main industrial and commercia[...]and the transport and communications systems. A Plan of Broad Proposals Generally, the proposals of the Outline Plan are drawn in a semi-diagrammatic way. The transla[...]ed they work within the general intentions of the Outline Plan. Second, it is not practicable for the Sta[...] |
![]() | [...]can be given final detailed form. Given that the Outline Plan is endorsed and adhered to by the State Governmen[...]ernment Act, 1919. This is the means by which the Outline Plan will be given its statutory form and detail. It i[...]to a pattern of development in all sectors of the Sydney Region is not yet complete. There are extensive feasibil[...]been in the South-West and West Sect- ors of the Region. The feasibility of settling a half a million or more people outside the Region altogether will also require thorough technical i[...], can be accepted as a firm and final part of the Outline Plan. Proposals for universities and other tertiary e[...], remain to be finalised and added to the current plan. Iranspoflafion whilst the Outline Plan sets out objectives and a strat— egy for rail a[...]tworks in time for the initial publication of the Outline Plan. This is partly because data required from[...] |
![]() | [...]rk is accepted as a fixed physical element in the Outline Plan. In addition, there are certain proposals for the[...]reasonably reflect the general principles of the Outline Plan. Beyond this, the questions arising with respect[...]ications network in a form which will ensure that Sydney will be provided with move— ment systems appropriate to the twenty-first century. Plan Flexibility and Phasing It must be recognised that change is constant, and that the Outline Plan must not only be flexible enough to meet unforese[...]tions for con— tinuing growth after the initial plan period. It needs to be kept under review constantly, and the process of changing the plan to meet new conditions must be simple and rapid. In this process the Phasing Plan which defines the order of development and is des[...]and economical expansion, is a key element in the Outline Plan. The Content of the Outline Plan The plan comprises the following documents:- 1. The Outline Plan Map This shows the urban areas, the major[...] |
![]() | [...]s of the principles and policies contained in the Outline Plan. 2. The Principles Diagram for the Sydney-NewcastIe-Wollongong Area. This shows the princi[...]he pattern of land use and communications for the Sydney Region in re- lation to the Newcastle and Wollongong are[...]coastal areas. 3. The Principles Diagram for the Sydney Region. This shows, in a wholly diagrammatic manner, th[...]basis in principle of the proposals shown in the Outline Plan. 4. The Phasing Plan. This plan shows the order of priority of development areas[...]nd policies which are a funda- mental part of the Outline Plan. For convenience the report is illustrated by small scale versions of the maps included in the Outline Plan, and also by a map which shows, in general terms,[...]te physical extension of urban development in the Sydney Region. Each of these documents should be regarded as essential and complementary parts of the Outline Plan. |
![]() | Chapter 2 Basic Assumptions Any plan for the development of the Sydney Region must ne- cessarily be based upon certain assumpti[...]ntrol of those responsi- ble for formulating the plan. The present proposals are based on the followin[...]ty For the new development areas proposed in the Outline Plan, the estimates of population capacity have[...] |
![]() | [...]mental aim of the State Government to ensure that Sydney remains the foremost commercial centre and port i[...]ncourage strong industrial growth, fundamental to Sydney's expansion; (b) ensure that every effort is mad[...]th will depend; (c) encourage the development of Sydney in a form which will minimise the costs of provid[...]trade. 6. Administration It is assumed that the Outline Plan proposals, when adopt- ed, will, in general, be a[...]roposals envisage a substantial proportion of the Sydney Region's expected population growth being settled in the[...]substantial proportion being settled outside the Region itself. It is assumed that if the re— co[...] |
![]() | Chapter 3 General Objectives A plan is a series of co-ordinated proposals for action[...]s now put forward to guide the development of the Sydney Region ever the next three decades have had regard to a number of general objectives:- 1. The development of Sydney should be inter-related with that of the State as a whole. The future of Sydney and of the country areas of the State are inter-r[...]ust be effectively exploited. The planning of the Sydney Region should have regard to the general aim of promoting strong economic growth in the State as a whole. 2. Sydney should remain Australia’s greatest city, commercial centre and port. The planning of the Region should be directed towards en- suring that, in a[...]large city complexes operating on a world scale, Sydney shall retain its pre—eminent position as Austra[...]city and port of world status and importance. 3. Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongong should be regarded as a closely related urban complex. Sydney—Newcastle-Wollongong should increasingly be con[...]located industrial land should be available. The plan must have regard to the need for a plentif[...] |
![]() | [...]r movement. The scenic and recreational assets of Sydney's harbour and of its beaches, lakes and estuaries[...]nd memorable character and identity. The heart of Sydney, enhanced by its setting on the har- bour, has a[...]ssary in communications and public utilities. The plan should therefore be designed to make the m[...] |
![]() | [...]vity achieved. 9. Flexibility is necessary. The plan should be flexible enough to take account of the[...]. 10. Long-term growth must be allowed for. The plan should indicate the basis for dealing with[...] |
![]() | Chapter 4 Basic Principles Underlying the Plan Certain basic principles underlying the plan and the rel— ationship of its parts to each other, must be formulated before the plan can be prepared. These principles emerge p[...] |
![]() | [...]ble where there is uncertainty, as in the case of Sydney, about the scale and rate of growth. The topographical limitations of the Sydney Region pose diff— iculties for the general implementat[...]adaptable to the particular circumstances of the Sydney Region and to the exploitation of new tech— niques whi[...]ave been adopted in formulating the proposals for Sydney's development over the next three decades:- 1. T[...]rland Planning Scheme and is continued in the new Outline Plan. E |
![]() | [...]rks in a satisfactory and economical manner. The Outline Plan therefore defines special corridors wide enough t[...]bjective to be secured as far as possible. On the Outline Plan those parts of the corridor network which pass th[...]specifically. 6. The principle of developing the Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongong area as one inter- re[...] |
![]() | [...]ssets for living and rec— reation which are the Region's special attraction. This will provide an urban[...]loyment. The biggest single urban problem in the Region is the great and increasing concentration of employment in the metropolitan city centre. Sydney shares this problem with many other great cities. A basic principle of the Outline Plan is to encourage the development of a limit[...] |
![]() | Chapter 5 The Population Basis of the Plan The plan for the future development of the Sydney Region begins with people; their activities and needs fo[...]acilities of all kinds; their needs for movement. Sydney has reached an advanced stage of technological de[...]public and private development. The basis of the plan must necessarily be the best possible estimate of[...]tion assumption in Chapter 2, it is expected that Sydney's pop- ulation will grow from the present level o[...]will need to be acc- ommodated either within the Region or partly outside it in other areas of the State.[...]success. A Strategy for Population Distribution Sydney has gained population from the country areas over[...]t of population from the rest of the state to the Sydney Region over the past twelve years has been of the[...] |
![]() | [...]ivert population and secondary industry away from Sydney. Movement to Urban Centres Outside the Region The concept of decentralisationhas long been bui[...]fference to the strong drift of population to the Sydney Region, which has gained about half a million people (ne[...]isfactory distribution of activities with- in the Region and by insufficient public investment in services[...]here. However, physical planning studies for the Sydney area itself now indicate that there is not indefi[...]he question of diverting urban growth outside the Sydney Region is determined, and its practicability thor- oughl[...]integral part of the population strategy for the Sydney Region should be the adoption of a provisional aim to steer 500.000 of Sydney's projected growth to new centres in oMeraMWSOItheSnng outside the Sydney Region. This might be partly to appropriate areas immediately outside the Sydmy Region as defined, for example, to the northern parts of Wollongong, and partly to areas well away from the Region. This is an ambitious aim. It will require[...] |
![]() | [...]er physical and economic relat— ionship between Sydney and Newcastle. (ii) Sydney will need to expand its existing airport to both[...]s already occupied for am defence, and Wyong. The Outline Plan includes a provisional proposal for a major new a[...]industry. Improved, rapid communications between Sydney and Newcastle will be necessary. These developmen[...]equabkz than that of the immediate hinterland of Sydney. Further detailed feasibility studies about the[...]about the urban pattern can be delineated in the Outline Plan. These two major proposals, the one for movement to urban centres outside the Sydney Region, and the other for dev— elopment in the Gosford[...]berland. Extension of the Existing Urban Area of Sydney Following the physical surveys which have been u[...]4, it is proposed that the existing urban area of Sydney be extended and redeveloped to accommodate anuhhn[...]1—18 in this Kyort and shown graphically on the Outline Plan maps. Chapter 11, in particular, discusses the po[...]n cap— acity of the existing main urban area of Sydney. Existing Main Urban Area of Sydney It is envisaged that when this area is fu[...] |
![]() | [...]he principle of development is put forward in the Outline Plan to accommodate apopthmnexpannonofapmvxhnambz37Q00[...]substantial urban development are included in the Outline Plan. The area has special scenic value in parts and t[...]o beaches, the Hawkesbury Estuary, Pittwater, and region- al open spaces. If fully developed it could acco[...]ment in various sectors which are included in the Outline Plan,some allowance is made for minor extension[...] |
![]() | [...]s 20,000 Gosford-Wyong 500,000 TOTAL EXPANSION IN SYDNEY REGION 2,320,000 Urban Centres Outside Sydney Region 500,000 TOTAL 2,820,000 * If there is wide accept[...]irm proposals for this expansion are made in the Outline Plan at this stage. A decision will be made f[...] |
![]() | [...]expansion proposed to be accommodated within the Sydney Region on the basis of local government areas.[...] |
![]() | [...]owth in the Immediate Environs ofSydncy When the Outline Plan is compared with the map which shows the general limiting factors to urban expansion in the Sydney Region, there remain only four possibilities for further substantial population settlement in the Region,* given that the South Creek area must be reserve[...]upon conventional existing housing densities for Sydney, with only a small proportion. of home units. If[...]. There is insufficient justification to base the plan on this possibility, although general encourageme[...]r remote from the main streams of activity in the Region, and it would require major public works to make[...]osals for its development are put forward. * The Region as at present defined does not include the[...] |
![]() | [...]ion capacity would be about 250,000. Thisgeneral outline of_further possibilities over and above the proposals of the Outline Plan shows that it would be v very difficult to find s[...]ving environment for the people. Thus the need to plan for substantial urban growth outside the County o[...]pparent that a viable population strategy for the Sydney Region calls for two forms of development programme to o[...]expansion in and adjoining the main urban area of Sydney itself, in accordance with the proposals for the various sectors as shown in the Outline Plan. (b) Urban expansion in new or existing centres[...]decades is a relatively short period in which to plan and organise the deve- lopment of new towns. The[...]the century which will be satis- factory both for Sydney and for the State as a whole. |
![]() | [...]ments. The most important assumption on which the Outline Plan is based is that appropriate action will be taken to ensure these objectives. The Outline Plan itself is concerned with the development of the p[...]e biggest single planning problem in metropolitan Sydney in this age of the motor vehicle. 1. General The earlier publication'Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan? in Chapter 3, outlines the growth, character and problems of Sydney's economy. That chapter should be read in conjunction with this Report. Economic Diversity Sydney's economy is broadly based, and as Australia's pr[...]portunities. Insofar as the future development of Sydney can be guided so as to draw it into closer relati[...]rse economy, and a wide range of port facilities, Sydney-Newcastle—Wollongong will possess greater stren[...]e reasons that one of the basic objectives of the Outline Plan is to bring about this closer relationship[...] |
![]() | Total Employment A population of 5% million in the Sydney Region, with 44.5% in the workforce, will mean a workfor[...]Employment Composition For the purposes of the Outline Plan there are four basic categories of employment rel[...]ng, etc.), only a few thousands of workers in the Region, 1%,are so employed, and they are not significant for the distribution of population in the Regional Plan. (b) Manufacturing Industry As in all large cit[...]ulation lived in the Inner Suburbs but 61% of the Region's employment was located there; 21% of the Region's employment was concentrated in the metro[...] |
![]() | General Principles for Future Employment Distribution The Outline Plan has regard to two main considerations, namely:—[...]nity), rather than as dormitory suburbs. ThePon Sydney's foundation has been its port, which, in turn, l[...]acturing industry and of metro- politan services. Sydney's future prospects of remaining Australia‘s fir[...]opment Industrial zones inthe main urban area of Sydney are ex- pected to remain and to consolidate. It is important to Sydney's future prosperity that sufficient new industria[...]nd sewerage. If this is not effectively achieved, Sydney could well lose its place as Australia's premier[...]reas has not been easy. Much of the topography of Sydney's immediate hinterland is not readily suited to i[...]n general however, it has been found possible, in plan— ning the new urban sectors or cities, to plan for indu- strial areas in each sector which, when[...]in the areas already zoned for industry. Thus the Outline Plan proposals res- ult in as close a relationship bet[...]ries needing to be very close to port facilities. Sydney's 29 |
![]() | [...]adjacent to the port facilities. The Out— line Plan envisages industrial development of this kind, bo[...]ble for such industries, if they are important to Sydney's in- dustrial growth generally. In the meantime,[...]of settling one million people further away from Sydney, in the Gosford-Wyong area or outside.the Syd-. ney Region, will be dependent on adequate arrangements to en[...]tropolitan City Centre It is appropriate for the Outline Plan to indicate the role of the metropolitan c[...] |
![]() | [...]obably more economically, in other centres in the Region. This matter is discussed later in this chapter.[...]on will expand. The Institute of Tech- nology and Sydney Technical College on Broadway, together with the nearby Sydney University, when fully expanded as intended, will[...]the general development of the metropolis, and to Sydney's status as a world city, that it possess a livel[...]er with the great assx of the Harbour, create for Sydney an outstanding visual character. This can only b[...]re. Employment The Central Business District of Sydney had an employment level of about 230,000 i[...] |
![]() | [...]has been dem- olished. If the population of the Sydney Region doubles over the next thirty years, if the Centra[...]street system has changed little in the course of Sydney's history. The intensity of development an[...] |
![]() | [...]centre due to the additional business activity. Outline Plan Approach to City Centre Employment Levels—Offi[...]be done without prejudicing the essential role of Sydney as the main commercial centre in Australia and as[...]de range of employment, in the outer parts of the Region 7 at Parramatta, Campbelltown, and in certain of[...]The principal existing shopping centres in the Region will be encouraged to broaden their range[...] |
![]() | [...]be near the geographical centre of the en- larged Sydney urban area, and at a focal point on the com- muni[...]some of the exis— ting south-western suburbs of Sydney. West Sector Three substantial commercia[...] |
![]() | [...]anhShon One of the biggest movement problems in Sydney is that of journey—to—work movements a[...] |
![]() | [...]ansport Planning for Transport and Land Use The Outline Plan is based to a significant degree upon the concept of a major north—south communications corridor linking Sydney with the two other major coastal cities, Newcastle and Wollongong. Within the Sydney Region, the future urban land use pattern conforms close[...]. An important transport— ation objective is to plan the future distribution of population and employm[...]ut will form part of the succeeding stages of the Outline Plan. The initial proposals are limited to a broad str[...]ation areas. The For! The future economy of the Region and the State depends directly on the continued e[...]ntegrated approach to land use and transportation plan-V ning. Port activities and ancillary com[...] |
![]() | [...]thods. Rail links to the rest of the metropolitan Region must continue to be improved, so that mode[...] |
![]() | [...]decision by the State Government is awaited. If Sydney is to remain a world port its facilities will hav[...]to further port uses remains in Port Jackson. The Outline Plan has accepted as essential planning objectives the[...]full potential of Botany Bay for port purposes. A region~ al network of railways and roads is proposed, ca[...]uthern shores of Botany Bay from all parts of the Region and its immediate hinter- land. In the formulation of the Outline Plan the port has been regarded as a key element in th[...]rt Jackson and Botany Bay on the one hand and the Sydney Region and the rest of the State on the other. Airports[...]airport and secondary airfield facilities in the Sydney Region over the next two or three decades. After dis—[...]d to be reserved for another major airport in the Sydney Region for use towards the end of the century; th[...] |
![]() | [...]0 A.D. the total passenger traffic in' and out of Sydney airports could be as high as 20 million persons p[...]n of that airport onto the Kurnell Peninsula. The Outline Plan therefore accepts that the present airport facili[...]difficulties yet to be resolved, the Out— line Plan envisages that a site for a major airport must be[...]n. Pending a final determination, the Out— line Plan aims to reserve certain non—urban lands in the[...]ded for airport purposes. For the time being the Outline Plan accepts the continued use of Richmond aero[...] |
![]() | [...]the likely area of future urban development. The Outline Plan proposals for urban development west of Fairfield[...]Road and Rail Transport The earlier report, “Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan", in dealing with the question of trans— port,[...]to the Port and to bulk rail and road terminals. Sydney's existing transport system is primarily a[...] |
![]() | roads and traffic control systems in the Sydney Region have greatly increased in the last 20 year[...] |
![]() | [...]sals to extend the railway system in the Syd- ney Region involve the extension of the East Hills line to l[...]ulated inner suburbs. The Government bus fleet in Sydney totals approximately 1,580 vehicles, including 70[...]he first of the new vessels, a 510 seat ferry for Sydney Harbour Fer- ries Pty. Ltd., is expected to be la[...]bly the most attractive public transport units in Sydney are the hydrofoils now in service on the C[...] |
![]() | [...]is. Much remains to be done in this regard before Sydney can experience the benefits of a public transport[...]nto the Toronto city centre from the suburbs. In Sydney's inner suburbs, within a radius of about 5 miles[...]ghways Many of the existing major streets in the Sydney Region are carrying traffic volumes considered to be bey[...]ary costs in the movement of goods throughout the Region, no information has as yet been obtained on the n[...]Census. The Department of Main Roads has a road plan for the Syd- ney Region which designates the routes to be construc[...] |
![]() | [...]ng the principles upon which a regional transport plan should be based, due regard was paid to the wider ob— jectives of the Outline Plan. The key issue here is that of accessibility. The[...]spaces should be accessible from all parts of the Region. Improved acc— essibility is needed to the metr[...]adequately service the future distribution of the Region's population, the following transport planning ob[...]er chapters, have been adopted as a basis for the Outline Plan:— 1. The future transport system should provid[...]being expanded to service the urban growth in the Region. 3. Public investment on transport facili[...] |
![]() | [...]e parts of the road and rail network shown in the Outline Plan at this stage, can illustrate only the generalise[...]the Principles Diagram to demonstrate the adopted plan— ning principles rather than to give details of[...]k- ing the three major coastal cities, Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong. Within the Sydney Region, the principle of a primary road grid complementi[...]d in other parts of the metro- politan area. The Outline Plan shows the parts of the regional road net- work which are regarded as firm commitments by the plan— ning and construction authorities concerned. T[...]ing,a modified grid system of highways within the Sydney Region appears to be the pattern best suited to a[...] |
![]() | [...]mileage. However, there will be many parts of the Sydney Region where there will be no opportunity for choice, an[...]sals put forward tentatively at this stage in the Outline Plan, a number of transport planning studies are curre[...]he problems of integrating land use and transport plan- ning in potential urbanereas, such as Rou[...] |
![]() | [...]eral One of the basic objectives adopted for the Outline Plan is that full regard should be given, in designing[...]rvice than many other areas. It is the aim of the Outline Plan to minimise these diseconomies as far as possible[...]ublic utility services is outlined in the Report "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan". The Outline Plan now put forward has regard to three main problems[...]y network extends over a much wider area than the Sydney Region with the new generating sources being well away from Sydney itself. Supplies generally are expected to be inc[...]ly problems which have emerged in relation to the Outline Plan are those of locating the transmission lin[...] |
![]() | [...]on. It is likely that the main entry point to the Region will be in the vicinity of Appin, where it will b[...]rly small breakdown sta- tion before entering the Sydney system. The way in which supplies will be further[...]h drains into the ocean outfall sewerage system. Sydney already has a major problem of financing works to[...]there is a shortage of indus- trial sites in the Region with available water and sewer- age facilities, and unless this is rectified Sydney's in— dustrial expansion will be prejudiced. T[...]s for the population increase of 2 million in the Sydney area (excluding the Blue Mountains and Gos[...] |
![]() | [...]e population expansion of 50,000 envisaged in the Outline Plan. The Gosford—Wyong area is outside the area for[...]half a million, provisionally pro— posed in the Outline Plan, will be necessary before final conclusions can b[...]relation to the order of urban development in the Outline PlanRegion, the probable distribution of the investment betw[...]ore other areas. This is reflected in the Phasing Plan and discussed in more detail in Chapter 1[...] |
![]() | [...]substantial parts of the immediate hinterland of Sydney will, because of increased run—off of st[...] |
![]() | [...]be necessary as a consequence of the expansion of Sydney. The Reservation of “Special Use-Corridors”[...]be taken into account in the planning of an urban region such as that of Sydney. The overhead electricity transmission networks[...]n- tial to the efficient growth and prosperity of Sydney. Thus the Outline Plan reflects the action that can be taken now to safe[...]n sectors for urbanisation shown in detail in the Outline Plan at this stage, the South-West and West Sectors. P[...]horities for the co-ordination of networks in the Region. Finally, it may not always be possible,[...] |
![]() | [...]f planned provision of regional open space in the Sydney Region. It describes the open space proposals of the Outline Plan and identi- fies some of the main issues involved in their future plan- ning and implementation; it also proposes that a[...]shore Study, on the recreational resources of the Region. The October Report, "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Pre— lude to a Plan" commented (Chapter 8) in general on the need for recreational open space, the factors influencing the need, Sydney's potential resources, particularly water areas,[...]overall demand for recreational open space in the Region and highlighted the specific importance of beache[...]nal parks and the like. The recent report on the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Study reflects a serious attempt to assess the significance of Sydney Harbour as a major regional open space. Fo[...] |
![]() | [...], Lane Cove River Park and Ku— ring-gai Chase. Outline Plan Proposals The requirement for regional open space for the Sydney Re— gion, catering to general recreation demand[...]of regional open space in the preparation of the Outline Plan, regard has been paid to the following:- (a) Maj[...]er and active rec- reational opportunities of the Region (e.g. the Na— tional Parks and the main[...] |
![]() | [...]enity. In the light of these considerations, the Outline Plan pro— posals so far considered by the Aut[...] |
![]() | [...]been practicable to do more than iden— tify the Region's regional open space requirements in broad term[...]es of Gosford—Wyong, where a large part of the Region's requirement for new regional open space will ne[...]planning for recreation and open space within the Region, at a later stage, be carried out on the basis of[...]which a compnr hensive assessment is made of the Region's open space re- sources and deficiencies, actual[...]ing them, and on this basis a regional recreation plan would be prepared, showing how and where the demands of the Region are to be met. This survey and plan would need to extend beyond the Region, particularly to the Illawarra District.[...] |
![]() | [...]ies to higher stan— dards of civic design. The Outline Plan, at this stage, has been mainly concerned[...] |
![]() | [...]functional ties with the metropolis. The report "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan“ identified two particular problems associated[...]d Hospitals Estimates to date suggest that for a Sydney of five million people, provision will need to be[...]planning proposals have been incorporated in the Outline Plan. As a general rule universities, colleges[...] |
![]() | future urban development as shown in the Outline Plan. A site is being acquired by the Authority on beh[...]cations of good accessibility. Defence Uses The Outline Plan contains proposals for linking and exten— ding[...]use between urban districts. At this stage, the Outline PlanOutline Plan proposals reflect the present existence of the Li[...]gs and needs for the purposes of the Metropolitan Plan, but no comments have yet been recei— ved. These special uses are recognised in the Outline Plan without prejudice to future negotiation for amendment in the light of urban needs important to Sydney's growth. Major Special Uses Sectors For the Region as a whole, one of the principal concepts adopted for the accommodation of Sydney's growth, the con— centration of urban d[...] |
![]() | [...]ke. The space needs for uses such as these in the Region are virtually impossible to predict with any accu[...]ir of large acreage land remains available in the Region for as long as possible to accommodate suc[...] |
![]() | [...]the Area At the metropolitan or regional level, Sydney shares with other large cities in industri[...] |
![]() | [...]n obsolescence has hitherto not been serious, but Sydney is now entering an era when many parts of the inn[...]ears will see great changes in the older areas of Sydney if the problems of congestion and urban renewal a[...]to per- mit the economic growth and efficiency of Sydney to be pre— judiced through lack of determinatio[...]of urban reshaping and renewal which lie ahead. Outline Plan Proposals Much thought and effort has gone into[...]rea are, as indicated in the Authority's report, "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan“, still valid. The Outline Plan does not therefore directly contain many proposal[...]ion site is envisaged at Broadway in the heart of Sydney. Further proposals for tertiary education, and other regional special uses will be incorp- orated in the Outline Plan when consultations with the appropriate authoriti[...]the basic principles which are recommended in the Outline Plan for the new urban areas should also be applied to[...]of the Area The surveys which have preceded the Outline Plan have not been concerned with the detail of[...] |
![]() | [...]he landscape nor in the townscape. The people of Sydney are, in general, relatively affluent. In their dw[...]ture has done a great deal for the environment of Sydney. It remains for the people and those who a[...] |
![]() | [...]in the concept of the Central Coast linear urban region. Existing Area The present population is[...] |
![]() | [...]d pattern of land uses can be incorporated in the Outline Plan. The principle of reserving special corri[...] |
![]() | can be included in the Outline Plan. However, the key elements in the transport syste[...]or have mostly been settled in principle, and the Outline Plan reflects these as follows: Raflways The existi[...]sway through the Campbelltown area isshown in the Outline Plan. The Government has announced the intention to co[...]hown on the base map to assist in identifying the Outline Plan proposals. The diversion of the Hume Highway from[...]Department of Main Roads. It is not shown on the Outline Plan at this stage but it will be taken into account i[...]ing studies and the preparation of a final master plan for the development of the new cities in t[...] |
![]() | [...]gically of special importance to the expansion of Sydney. Electricity and Gas No special problems have e[...]any transfer of natural gas from Victoria to the Sydney Region will enter the Region. It is envisaged that the breakdown point[...] |
![]() | [...]natural extension of the existing urban since the Outline Plan does not envisage the the present Green Be[...] |
![]() | [...]s are directly related to the prin- ciples of the Outline Plan which supersede the green belt concept und[...] |
![]() | [...]re necessary for the future development needs of Sydney. The Western Railway and Great Western Highway p[...]reen belt concept of the County of Cum— berland Plan. To optimise the use of public transport,[...] |
![]() | [...]as The existing special uses are retained in the Outline Plan at this stage. However, it is hoped that some or[...]between the two Expressways, will be added to the Outline Plan as soon as they are determined. It is prop[...] |
![]() | [...]l village are not the subject of proposals in the Outline Plan at this stage, because it is considered more appr[...]ation growth envisaged for settlement outside the Region. This will be done as part of a study of the Illawarra Region. The designated area is well positioned for urbanisation. It is 15—20 miles from the Sydney City Centre, and about 10 miles from Kings[...] |
![]() | [...]in the Cumberland Plain and in close proximity to Sydney is, as indicated on the map showing factors inhib[...]developed to satisfy the urban expansion needs of Sydney. Non-conforming uses based on old patterns[...] |
![]() | [...]. Basic Principles and Role of the Sector in the Outline Plan : Castle Hill The Castle Hill area, in View of i[...]ople over and above the existing zoned areas. The plan proposes a small industrial area. West Pennant H[...]side for one of the finest panoramic views in the Region. At this stage, low density residential de[...] |
![]() | The Outline Plan therefore envisages residential develop- ment of[...]yet be determined, it is again quite feasible to plan a linear corridor to accomo- date 370,000[...] |
![]() | [...]its of high quality available in the whole of the Sydney Region. An airfield, for private flying exists in Duffy[...]art of the pattern of airfield facilities for the Region. The area has many exceptional assets as a livin[...]the most desirable resident- ial locations in the Sydney Region. At the same time, for many of the same reasons,[...]s the outstanding scenic and recreational area of Sydney. The Wakehurst Parkway already gives a lead in th[...]ion as to whether it is in the wider interests of Sydney to permit further urban development in Warringah[...]bout double the per capita cost in other areas of Sydney. For this reason, and because the servicing of th[...]e dependent also on major works in other areas'of Sydney, the provision of public utility services[...] |
![]() | [...]if the area were fully developed, could be in the region of $400 million. Much further detailed st[...] |
![]() | [...]ly located on the communications corridor between Sydney and Newcastle. The area is thus in a position to[...]o cities. This is part of the strategy to enable Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong to operate, in the long[...]in order to accommodate the continuing growth of Sydney, for there is a physical limit to urban expansion[...]stablished railway and expressway network between Sydney and Newcastle. (c) The special assets provided b[...]te is more equable than that in the hinterland of Sydney. (d) By the end of the century, another internat[...]ort site will be needed to serve the Metropolitan Region. As indicated in Chapter 7, the Wyong district N |
![]() | [...]proves to be a feasible location in relation to Sydney, it will also be well placed to serve the Hunter RegionRegion, the current planning schemes will undoubtedly need to be revkmed Development Proposals At this stage the Outline Plan proposes in principle to seflr tle up to[...] |
![]() | Outline Plan proposals are subject to the necessary det[...] |
![]() | Vertical aerial photograph of Sydney Harbour. |
![]() | The Phasing of The Outline Plan 92 |
![]() | Chapter 19 The Phasing of the Plan (leneral One of the basic objectives of the Outline Plan is to en— sure that the priorities for,[...] |
![]() | [...]is an integral, and indeed, a vital part of the Outline Plan. Once approved by the Minister, it is most desira[...]nvestment to meet development needs. The Phasing Plan The phasing plan sets out the proposed order of land develop- ment[...]ly release of new areas for development. when the Outline Plan is placed on public exhibition, the Authority pro[...]y completed in that period. Therefore, the phxnng plan reflects this by superimposing three periods:l975-85, 1985—95, and beyond. For example, the phasing plan shows, for the first decade, the land which will[...], but will not be completed by 1980. The phasing plan at this stage, is confined to indicating the timi[...]has been a basic factor in the formulation of the Outline Plan so far. ' General Order of Priorities Th[...] |
![]() | [...]osford-Wyong area and in growth areas outside the Region. Whether the North Warringah area develops depend[...]illages 20,000 Gosford—Wyong 500,000 Beyond the Region as defined 500,000 2,700,000 Note: Th[...] |
![]() | Chapter 20 Finance (Ieneral The Outline Plan provides a broad guide and framework with— in w[...]ated to the other. A primary object— ive of the Plan is to facilitate the most economical use of resou[...]nd communications in particular. However good the PlanOutline Plan will occur in some form in any event. Good planni[...]ich have an important bearing on the financing of Sydney's urban growth, and on the successful implementation of the Outline Plan proposals Building Costs Some elements in the Outline Plan, such as transport, public % |
![]() | [...]ved. Most of the development en— visaged in the Plan however, does involve buildings both for public a[...]d which absorbed most of the building work of the Region in 1964-65 was $366 million, and the rate of incr[...]investment in building work required to meet the Region's growth needs over that period will be at least[...]in the Cumberland Statistical Division was in the region of $9,000. The average price of serviced building[...]erviced block of land for housing in 1965, in the Sydney area, $5,000, was about twice as much as in count[...]y.* This rise in land prices is not exclusively a Sydney phenomenon. The Impact of Land Prices on the Capital Investment Needed for Sydney’s Growth Sydney's expected population growth of about 2,750,000 w[...]titute of Real Estate Developers,reported in "The Sydney Morning Herald", 2.4.68. 9 |
![]() | [...]ly) for normal urban purposes. Of this total, the Outline Plan proposals will call for about 150,000 acres to be zoned for extensions to Sydney itself, and a further 100,000 acres in the Gosford-Wyong area or right outside the the Sydney Region. Of these totals, about 30% will be needed for pu[...]0 acres may be needed for public purposes in the Sydney area itself, quite apart from lands for regional[...]generally for urban development as extensions to Sydney's main urban area, some are already shown as regi[...]ural qualities of environment which the people of Sydney have inherited make Sydney almost unique amongst large world cities. It woul[...]erefore, land required for public purposes in the Outline Plan is acquired after the land has been zoned and is[...]million more than its non- urban value within the Sydney area, with another $75 millkm outside it — a to[...]an— cial benefit from the zoning of land in the Outline Plan for urban purposes, totalling about $1,000 millio[...]investment necessary for the expected growth of Sydney. % |
![]() | If Sydney is to be fully effective both as an economic uni[...]t the public investment pro— grammes needed for Sydney's growth. A system of levying betterment on impr[...]er that land owners in the new areas required for Sydney‘s urban expan- sion could receive a fina[...] |
![]() | [...]sewerage services to match the pro- posals in the Outline Plan for the area under the jurisdic- tion of the Metr[...]level of capital expenditure attributable to the Sydney Region as such, but it appears to be of the order of $23[...]e next thirty years. If Natural Gas is brought to Sydney, the capital cost of transmission and dist[...] |
![]() | [...]eciafly in city centres. These problems apply to Sydney. An effi- cient transport system is essential to[...]of the transport needs and pro— posals for the Sydney Region is necessary before an attempt can be made to est[...]of new freeways may need to be constructed in the Region if there is to be an efficient main roads system to match the urban proposals in the Outline Plan. At $7% million a mile this would mean a c[...] |
![]() | [...]of land will be needed for new main roads in the Region. Thus the price which has to be paid for the land[...]capital expenditure of the State Railways in the Sydney Region, but it is estimated that not more than $2 millio[...]lies. The basic structure and objectives of the Outline Plan have had special regard to the fact that the exis[...]m be eased. This is one of the reasons behind the Outline Plan proposals for new commercial and industrial centr[...]ent of the order of $135 million. Phasing of the Plan It is important that the phasing proposed for the plan be closely followed unless there are very strong[...]p— lementation will establish confidence in the plan, and 1M |
![]() | [...]does not come into development in phase with the plan it may be necessary for the Government to take po[...]needed in the public sector to meet the needs of Sydney's growth, show clearly thattImucthher kveh[...] |
![]() | [...]eneral As indicated earlier in this report, this Outline Plan is different in its character and, to an extent,[...], a strategy for urban development, and a phasing plan for development. It attempts to co—ordinate pub[...]ment. It does not deal with local detail. It is a plan for growth and change which will, itself, need to[...]pport for action to deal with them. This initial Plan is the beginning of a plan process, and not a complete and final plan. There will be many further details and proposals[...]hown on the Principles Diagram into reality. The Plan is intended to be sufficiently clear to gi[...] |
![]() | [...]s and others concerned. Public Exhibition of the Plan It is desirable that now the proposals have been[...], and to lay down guidelines for the expansion of Sydney. For this reason, the Authority would propose to place on exhibition concurrently with the Outline Plan Maps showing lands which it proposes for early r[...]nt. Public Comment and Representations When the Outline Plan is placed on exhibition, it will be distributed t[...]to the general public. The main exhibition of the Outline Plan will be at the offices of the Authority at No. 302 Castle- reagh Street, Sydney. In addition, all local councils in the Sydney Region will be asked to place the relevant docu- ment on[...]sible for the preparation of the development area plan, and to ensure that it adequately reflects the intentions of the Outline Plan. 1% |
![]() | [...]necessary, and with the preparation of the Master Plan and development area plans at the appropriate tim[...]rland Shire Council is already preparing a Master Plan and development area plans for the thaiare[...] |
![]() | [...]atutory Bodies on Outstanding Matters Whilst the Outline Plan is on exhibition, negotiations with Government De[...]ters outstanding at the time of submission of the Plan. Final Approval of the Outline Plan by the State Government After the Outline Plan has been on exhibition for a suitable period, and[...]Government policy for guiding the growth of the Sydney Region. Given this endorsement, it is also assu— med t[...]quired to work within the broad provisions of the Plan, particularly for development control, preparatio[...]mental deve— lopment programmes. Review of the Plan The Authority will review and amend as necessary, the Out- line Plan at least every five years, or earlier where a spe[...]Minister's endorsement. Final Publication of the Plan When the Outline Plan has been finally endorsed by the Minister for Loc[...]Generally The Authority's task in preparing the Outline Plan has been greatly helped by the many constructive[...]ed as being independent of the formulation of the Plan. In the development process the economics,[...] |
![]() | [...]successful implementation of the proposals in the Outline Plan are very great. They will tax to the utmost the t[...]lopers upon whom much of the task of bringing the Plan to successful fruition will fall. 1% |
![]() | [...]I990 - 10W . 7 . ¥ '4" IOIIIMIY 0? "DIN IEGIOI SYDNEY REGION 1970—000 (9 w PHASING PLAN , PUIIISMEHV In! mu Pullllllfi AUIMORIIV[...] |
![]() | [...]IIIIIIIIII llllllllllllllllllll nnnnnnnnnnnnnn SYDNEY REGION 1970-2000 A.D. VA. AERI[...] |
![]() | [...]llfilfllll mm © WI «(alum [KIWI "F SYDNEY REGION 1970—2000 AD. (9 ., » PRINCIPLES DIAGRA[...] |
![]() | [...][HI IUHI! I \ WW , , SYDNEY REGION 1970- 2000 A.D. @ QEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS[...] |
![]() | [...]Fairfield Gosford Holroyd Hornsby Liverpool North Sydney Parramatta Penrith shellharbour Sydney Warringah Windsor Wollondilly Wollongong W[...] |
TXT | |
![]() | -- Outline Plat, _Jt - us -[...] |
![]() | Sydney Region: Outline Plan 1970-2000 A.D.[...] |
![]() | [...]RMAN: N.A.W. ASHTON, A.S.T.C.(Arch.), Dip.T.C.P. (Sydney), F.R.A.I.A., F.A.P.I., A. M. T . P . I. DEPUTY[...]GELL, CB.E., B.Sc., a Commissioner of the City of Sydney. |
![]() | Contents 1 PREAMBLE Part 1 The Outline Plan General Strategy 5 Chapter 1[...]OLE AND CONTENT OF THE OUTLINE PLAN 9 Chapter 2 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS 11[...]Chapter 4 BASIC PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THE PLAN 18 Chapter 5 THE POPULATION BASIS OF THE PLAN 27 Chapter 6 THE REGIONAL ECONOMY A[...]ation 93 Chapter 19 PHASING OF THE PLAN 96 Chapter 20 FINANCE 104 Chapter 21 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Maps 1 Outline Plan 2 Phasing Plan 3 Sydney Region Principles Diagram 4 Central Coast Pr[...] |
![]() | [...]ears ago the Cumberland County Council prepared a plan to guide the future development of Sydney. Dur- ing this period there have been many change[...]n the State Planning Authority's Report entitled "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Pre- lude to a Plan", published in October 1967. Many of the principl[...]room for development within the framework of that plan has now been almost fully utilised. The changes w[...]ire a high level of planning and co-ordination if Sydney is to retain its place as Australia's foremost ci[...]nd these changes will have their repercussions on Sydney's existing port facilities, and indeed on the role of Sydney as a world port. Fast air transit is bringing Aus[...]op- ment of large cities and international ports. Sydney in particular has added another million to its po[...]ected over the next thirty years. A new strategic plan is needed. New areas must be opened up for indust[...]ale as rapidly as possible. As a basis for such a plan a comprehensive survey of the Sydney Region was under- taken, and its results were summarised[...]t Report should be read in conjunction with these Outline Plan proposals which now |
![]() | [...]and a strategy for the further development of the Sydney Region over the next three decades. The proposals are de[...]efficient and effective growth and prosperity of Sydney over the years to come. The task of developing Sydney in a form which will ensure that it effectively m[...]lenging one. The successful implementation of the plan will depend upon the understanding and support of[...]quality. Following the issue of its publication "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan", the State Planning Authority has undertaken ext[...]onal organisations. Its task in preparing the new plan has been greatly helped by the many constructive[...]many of these ideas have been incorporated in the plan. The planning task has, in these respects, been a[...]hopes will continue in the implementation of the plan. |
![]() | Part 1 The Outline Plan - General Strategy |
![]() | Chapter 1 The Nature, Role and Content of the Outline Plan The Outline Plan is different in its form and, to an ex- tent, in[...]cal Government Act. This chapter explains why the plan takes the form it does, what its functions are, a[...]s of promoting and guiding the development of the Sydney Region. A Plan of Principles and Strategy In essence, the Outline Plan comprises principles, pol- icies and broad strate[...]e urban struct- ure for the future development of Sydney, and has regard both to the need for economic eff[...]deals with the broad phys- ical structure of the Sydney Region - its living areas, main industrial and commercia[...]and the transport and communications systems. A Plan of Broad Proposals Generally, the proposals of the Outline Plan are drawn in a semi-diagrammatic way. The transla[...]ed they work within the general intentions of the Outline Plan. Second, it is not practicable for the Sta[...] |
![]() | [...]can be given final detailed form. Given that the Outline Plan is endorsed and adhered to by the State Governmen[...]ernment Act, 1919. This is the means by which the Outline Plan will be given its, statutory form and detail. It[...]to a pattern of development in all sectors of the Sydney Region is not yet complete. There are extensive feasibil[...]been in the South-West and West Sect- ors of the Region. The feasibility of settling a half a million or more people outside the Region altogether will also require thorough technical i[...], can be accepted as a firm and final part of the Outline Plan. Proposals for universities and other tertiary ed[...], remain to be finalised and added to the current plan. Transportation Whilst the Outline Plan sets out objectives and a strat- egy for rail and[...]tworks in time for the initial publication of the Outline Plan. This is partly because data required from[...] |
![]() | [...]rk is accepted as a fixed physical element in the Outline Plan. In addition, there are certain proposals for the[...]reasonably reflect the general principles of the Outline Plan. Beyond this, the questions arising with respect[...]ications network in a form which will ensure that Sydney will be provided with move- ment systems appropriate to the twenty-first century. Plan Flexibility and Phasing It must be recognised that change is constant, and that the Outline Plan must not only be flexible enough to meet unforese[...]dations for con- tinuing growth after the initial plan period. It needs to be kept under review constantly, and the process of changing the plan to meet new conditions must be simple and rapid. In this process the Phasing Plan which defines the order of development and is des[...]and economical expansion, is a key element in the Outline Plan. The Content of the Outline Plan The plan comprises the following documents:- 1. The Outline Plan Map This shows the urban areas, the[...] |
![]() | [...]the principles and policies contained in the Outline Plan. The Principles Diagram for the Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongon,g Area. This shows the p[...]ttern of land use and communications for the Sydney Region in re- lation to the Newcastle and Wollongon[...]al areas. The Principles Diagram for the Sydney Region This shows, in a wholly diagraimatic manner,[...]s in principle of the proposals shown in the Outline Plan. The Phasing Plan. This plan shows the order of priority of development a[...]licies which are a funda- mental part of the Outline Plan. For convenience the report is illustrated by small scale versions of the maps included in the Outline Plan, and also by a map which shows, in general t[...]physical extension of urban development in the Sydney Region. Each of these documents should be regarded as essential and complementary parts of the Outline Plan. 8 |
![]() | Chapter 2 Basic Assumptions Any plan for the development of the Sydney Region must ne- cessarily be based upon certain assumpti[...]ontrol of those responsi- ble for formulating the plan. The present proposals are based on the following[...]ty For the new development areas proposed in the Outline Plan, the estimates of population capacity have[...] |
![]() | [...]mental aim of the State Goverrment to ensure that Sydney remains the foremost commercial centre and port i[...]ge strong industrial growth, fundamental to Sydney's expansion; ensure that every effort is ma[...]will depend; encourage the development of Sydney in a form which will minimise the costs of[...]trade. 6. Administration It is assumed that the Outline Plan proposals, when adopt- ed, will, in general, be a[...]roposals envisage a substantial proportion of the Sydney Region's expected population growth being settled in the[...]substantial proportion being settled outside the Region itself. It is assumed that if the re- comm[...] |
![]() | Chapter 3 General Objectives A plan is a series of co-ordinated proposals for action[...]s now put forward to guide the development of the Sydney Region ever the next three decades have had regard to a number of general objectives:- The development of Sydney should be inter-related with that of the State as a whole. The future of Sydney and of the country areas of the State are inter-r[...]ust be effectively exploited. The planning of the Sydney Region should have regard to the general aim of promoting strong economic growth in the State as a whole. Sydney should remain Australia's greatest city, commercial centre and port The planning of the Region should be directed towards en- suring that, in a[...]large city complexes operating on a world scale, Sydney shall retain its pre-eminent position as Australi[...]city and port of world status and importance. Sydney-rewcast1e.Wollongong should be regarded as a closely related urban complex. Sydney-Newcastle-wollongong snould increasingly be consi[...]located industrial land should be available. The plan must have regard to the need for a plentif[...] |
![]() | [...]r movement. The scenic and recreational assets of Sydney's harbour and of its beaches, lakes and estuaries[...]nd memorable character and identity. The heart of Sydney, enhanced by its setting on the har- bour, has a[...]ssary in communications and public utilities. The plan should therefore be designed to make the m[...] |
![]() | [...]ivity achieved. Flexibility is necessary. The plan should be flexible enough to take account of the[...]h. Long-term growth must be allowed for. The plan should indicate the basis for dealing with[...] |
![]() | Chapter 4 Basic Principles Underlying the Plan Certain basic principles underlying the plan and the rel- ationship of its parts to each other, must be formulated before the plan can be prepared. These principles emerge p[...] |
![]() | [...]ble where there is uncertainty, as in the case of Sydney, about the scale and rate of growth. The topographical limitations of the Sydney Region pose dif f- iculties for the general implementati[...]adaptable to the particular circumstances of the Sydney Region and to the exploitation of new tech- niques which[...]ave been adopted in formulating the proposals for Sydney's development over the next three decades: - T[...]rland Planning Scheme and is continued in the new Outline Plan. 15 |
![]() | [...]orks in a satisfactory and economical manner. The Outline Plan therefore defines special corridors wide enough t[...]bjective to be secured as far as possible. On the Outline Plan those parts of the corridor network which pass th[...]specifically. The principle of developing the Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongong area as one inter.[...] |
![]() | [...]assets for living and rec- reation which are the Region's special attraction. This will provide an urban[...]loyment. The biggest single urban problem in the Region is the great and increasing concentration of employment in the metropolitan city centre. Sydney shares this problem with many other great cities. A basic principle of the Outline Plan is to encourage the development of a limit[...] |
![]() | Chapter 5 The Population Basis of the Plan The plan for the future development of the Sydney Region begins with people; their activities and needs fo[...]acilities of all kinds; their needs for movement. Sydney has reached an advanced stage of technological de[...]public and private development. The basis of the plan must necessarily be the best possible estimate of[...]tion assumption in Chapter 2, it is expected that Sydney's pop- ulation will grow from the present level o[...]will need to be acc- ommodated either within the Region or partly outside it in other areas of the State.[...]uccess. A Strategy for Population Distribution Sydney has gained population from the country areas over[...]t of population from the rest of the State to the Sydney Region over the past twelve years has been of the[...] |
![]() | [...]ivert population and secondary industry away from Sydney. Movement to Urban Centres Outside the Region The concept of decentralisationlas long been buil[...]fference to the strong drift of population to the Sydney Region, which has gained about half a million people (ne[...]isfactory distribution of activities with- in the Region and by insufficient public investment in services[...]where. However, physical planning studies for the Sydney area itself now indicate that there is not indefi[...]he question of diverting urban growth outside the Sydney Region is determined, and its practicability thor- oughl[...]integral part of the population strategy for the Sydney Region should be the adoption of a provisional ain to steer 500,000 of Sydney's projected growth to new centres in other areas of the State, outside the Sydney Region. This might be partly to appropriate areas immediately outside the Sydney Region as defined, for example, to the northern parts of Wollongong, and partly to areas well away from the Region. This is an ambitious aim. It will require[...] |
![]() | [...]ical and economic relat- ionship between Sydney and Newcastle. Sydney will need to expand its existing airport to[...]occupied for air defence, and Wyong. The Outline Plan includes a provisional proposal for a ma[...]. Improved, rapid communications between Sydney and Newcastle will be necessary. These d[...]than that of the immediate hinterland of Sydney. Further detailed feasibility studies about the a[...]about the urban pattern can be delineated in the Outline Plan. These two major proposals, the one for movement to urban centres outside the Sydney Region, and the other for dev- elopment in the Gosford-W[...]erland. Extension of the Existing Urban Area of Sydney Following the physical surveys which have been un[...]4, it is proposed that the existing urban area of Sydney be extended and redeveloped to accommodate an ult[...]s 11-18 in this Rort and shown graphically on the Outline Plan maps. Chapter 11, in particular, discusses the po[...]ion cap- acity of the existing main urban area of Sydney. Existing Main Urban Area of Sydney It is envisaged that when this area is ful[...] |
![]() | [...]he principle of development is put forward in the Outline Plan to accommodate a poptilation expansion of approxi[...]substantial urban development are included in the Outline Plan. The area has special scenic value in parts and t[...]o beaches, the Hawkesbury Estuary, Pittwater, and region- al open spaces. If fully developed it could acco[...]ment in various sectors which are included in the Outline Plan,some allowance is made for minor extension[...] |
![]() | [...]500,000 TOTAL EXPANSION IN SYDNEY REGION 2,320,000 Urban Centres Outside Sydney Region 500,000 TOTAL[...]oposals for this expansion are made in the Outline Plan at this stage. A decision will be made[...] |
![]() | [...]expansion proposed to be accomniodated within the Sydney Region on the basis of local government areas.[...] |
![]() | [...]er Population Growth in the Immediate Environs of Sydney When the Outline Plan is compared with the map which shows the general limiting factors to urban expansion in the Sydney Region, there remain only four possibilities for further substantial population settlement in the Region,* given that the South Creek area must be reserve[...]upon conventional existing housing densities for Sydney, with only a small proportion. of home units. If[...]. There is insufficient justification to base the plan on this possibility, although general encourageme[...]r remote from the main streams of activity in the Region, and it would require major public works to make[...]ls for its development are put forward. * The Region as at present defined does not include the[...] |
![]() | [...]on capacity would be about 250,000. Thisgeneral outline of further possibilities over and above the proposals of the Outline Plan shows that it would be very difficult to find spa[...]ving environment for the people. Thus the need to plan for substantial urban growth outside the County o[...]pparent that a viable population strategy for the Sydney Region calls for two forms of development programme to o[...]ion in and adjoining the main urban area of Sydney itself, in accordance with the proposals for the various sectors as shown in the Outline Plan. Urban expansion in new or existing centres[...]es is a relatively short period in which to plan and organise the deve- lopment of new towns[...]the century which will be satis- factory both for Sydney and for the State as a whole. |
![]() | [...]ments. The most important assumption on which the Outline Plan is based is that appropriate action will be taken to ensure these objectives. The Outline Plan itself is concerned with the development of the p[...]e biggest single planning problem in metropolitan Sydney in this age of the motor vehicle. 1. General The earlier publication "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan'; in Chapter 3, outlines the growth, character and problems of Sydney's economy. That chapter should be read in conjunction with this Report. Economic Diversity Sydney's eonomy is broadly based, and as Australia's pre[...]portunities. Insofar as the future development of Sydney can be guided so as to draw it into closer relati[...]rse economy, and a wide range of port facilities, Sydney-Newcastle-Wollongong will possess greater strengt[...]e reasons that one of the basic objectives of the Outline Plan is to bring about this closer relationship[...] |
![]() | Total Employment A population of 5½ million in the Sydney Region, with 44.5% in the workforce, will mean a workfor[...]Employment Composition For the purposes of the Outline Plan there are four basic categories of employment rel[...]ng, etc.), only a few thousands of workers in the Region, 1%,are so employed, and they are not significant for the distribution of population in the Regional Plan. Manufacturing Industry As in all large cities[...]ulation lived in the Inner Suburbs but 61% of the Region's employment was located there; 21% of the Region's employment was concentrated in the metro[...] |
![]() | General Principles for Future Employment Distribution The Outline Plan has regard to two main considerations, namely: -[...]ther than as dormitory suburbs. The Port Sydney's foundation has been its port, which, in turn, l[...]acturing industry and of metro- politan services. Sydney's future prospects of remaining Australia's first[...]opment Industrial zones in the main urban area of Sydney are ex- pected to remain and to consolidate. It is important to Sydney's future prosperity that sufficient new industria[...]nd sewerage. If this is not effectively achieved, Sydney could well lose its place as Australia's premier[...]reas has not been easy. Much of the topography of Sydney's immediate hinterland is not readily suited to i[...]n general however, it has been found possible, in plan- ning the new urban sectors or cities, to plan for indu- strial areas in each sector which, when[...]in the areas already zoned for industry. Thus the Outline Plan proposals res- ult in as close a relationship bet[...]ries needing to be very close to port facilities. Sydney's 29 |
![]() | [...]es adjacent to the port facilities. The Out- line Plan envisages industrial development of this kind, bo[...]ble for such industries, if they are important to Sydney's in- dustrial growth generally. In the meantime,[...]of settling one million people further away from Sydney, in the Gosford-Wyong area or outside .the Syd- ney Region, will be dependent on adequate arrangements to en[...]etropolitan City Centre It is appropriate for the Outline Plan to indicate the roie of the metropolitan c[...] |
![]() | [...]obably more economically, in other centres in the Region. This matter is discussed later in this chapter.[...]on will expand. The Institute of Tech- nology and Sydney Technical College on Broadway, together with the nearby Sydney University, when fully expanded as intended, will[...]the general development of the metropolis, and to Sydney's status as a world city, that it possess a livel[...]r with the great asset of the Harbour, create for Sydney an outstanding visual character. This can only be[...]re. Employment The Central Business District of Sydney had an employment level of about 230,000 i[...] |
![]() | [...]e has been dem- olished. If the population of the Sydney Region doubles over the next thirty years, if the Centra[...]street system has changed little in the course of Sydney's history. The intensity of development an[...] |
![]() | [...]he centre due to the additional business actiit. Outline Plan Approach to City Centre Employment Levels—Offic[...]be done without prejudicing the essential role of Sydney as the main commercial centre in Australia and as[...]de range of employment, in the outer parts of the Region - at Tarramatta, Campbelltown, and in certain of[...]es The principal existing shopping centres in the Region will be encouraged to broaden their range[...] |
![]() | [...]be near the geographical centre of the en- larged Sydney urban area, and at a focal point on the com- muni[...]n some of the exis- ting south-western suburbs of Sydney. West Sector Three substantial commercia[...] |
![]() | [...]th Shore One of the biggest movement problems in Sydney is that of journey-to-work movements acros[...] |
![]() | [...]sport Planning for Transport and Land Use The Outline Plan is based to a significant degree upon the concept of a major north-south communications corridor linking Sydney with the two other major coastal cities, Newcastle and Wollongong. Within the Sydney Region, the future urban land use pattern conforms close[...]es. An important transport- ation objective is to plan the future distribution of population and employm[...]ut will form part of the succeeding stages of the Outline Plan. The initial proposals are limited to a broad str[...]ation areas. The Port The future economy of the Region and the State depends directly on the continued e[...]ntegrated approach to land use and transportation plan- ning. Port activities and ancillary comme[...] |
![]() | [...]thods. Rail links to the rest of the metropolitan Region must continue to be improved, so that mode[...] |
![]() | [...]l decision by the State Government is awaited. If Sydney is to remain a world port its facilities will hav[...]to further port uses remains in Port Jackson. The Outline Plan has accepted as essential planning objectives the[...]full potential of Botany Bay for port purposes. A region- al network of railways and roads is proposed, ca[...]uthern shores of Botany Bay from all parts of the Region and its immediate hinter- land. In the formulation of the Outline Plan the port has been regarded as a key element in th[...]ckson and Botany Bay on the one hand and the Sydney Region and the rest of the State on the other. Airport[...]airport and secondary airfield facilities in the Sydney Region over the next two or three decades. After dis- cu[...]d to be reserved for another major airport in the Sydney Region for use towards the end of the century; th[...] |
![]() | [...]00 A.D. the total passenger traffic in and out of Sydney airports could be as high as 20 million persons p[...]n of that airport onto the Kurnell Peninsula. The Outline Plan therefore accepts that the present airport facili[...]of difficulties yet to be resolved, the Out- line Plan envisages that a site for a major airport must be[...]ion. Pending a final determination, the Out- line Plan aims to reserve certain non-urban lands in the Lo[...]eded for airport purposes. For the time being the Outline Plan accepts the continued use of Richmond aero[...] |
![]() | [...]area of future urban development. The Outline Plan proposals for urban development west of Fairfield[...]d. Road and Rail Transport The earlier report, "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan", in dealing with the question of trans- port, te[...]the Port and to bulk rail and road terminals. Sydney's existing transport system is primarily a[...] |
![]() | roads and traffic control systems in the Sydney Region have greatly increased in the last 20 year[...] |
![]() | [...]sals to extend the railway system in the Syd- ney Region involve the extension of the East Hills line to l[...]ulated inner suburbs. The Government bus fleet in Sydney totals approximately 1,580 vehicles, 'including 7[...]he first of the new vessels, a 510 seat ferry for Sydney Harbour Fer- ries Pty. Ltd., is expected to be la[...]bly the most attractive public transport units in Sydney are the hydrofoils now in service on the C[...] |
![]() | [...]is. Much remains to be done in this regard before Sydney can experience the benefits of a public transport[...]into the Toronto city centre from the suburbs. In Sydney's inner suburbs, within a radius of about 5 miles[...]ghways Many of the existing major streets in the Sydney Region are carrying traffic volumes considered to be bey[...]ary costs in the movement of goods throughout the Region, no information has as yet been obtained on the n[...]6 Census. The Department of Main Roads has a road plan for the Syd- ney Region which designates the routes to be construc[...] |
![]() | [...]ng the principles upon which a regional transport plan should be based, due regard was paid to the wider ob- jectives of the Outline Plan. The key issue here is that of accessibility. The[...]spaces should be accessible from all parts of the Region. Improved acc- essibility is needed to the metrop[...]adequately service the future distribution of the Region's population, the following transport planning ob[...]er chapters, have been adopted as a basis for the Outline Plan:- The future transport system should provide[...]expanded to service the urban growth in the Region. Public investment on transport facil[...] |
![]() | [...]e parts of the road and rail network shown in the Outline Plan at this stage, can illustrate only the generalise[...]the Principles Diagram to demonstrate the adopted plan- fling principles rather than to give details of[...]k- ing the three major coastal cities, Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong. Within the Sydney Region, the principle of a primary road grid complementi[...]ed in other parts of the metro- politan area. The Outline Plan shows the parts of the regional road net- work which are regarded as firm commitments by the plan- ning and construction authorities concerned. The[...]ing,a modified grid system of highways within the Sydney Region appears to be the pattern best suited to a[...] |
![]() | [...]mileage. However, there will be many parts of the Sydney Region where there will be no opportunity for choice, an[...]sals put forward tentatively at this stage in the Outline Plan, a number of transport planning studies are curre[...]he problems of integrating land use and transport plan- ning in potential urbaneas, such as Rouse[...] |
![]() | [...]neral One of the basic objectives adopted for the Outline Plan is that full regard should be given, in designing[...]rvice than many other areas. It is the aim of the Outline Plan to minimise these diseconomies as far as possible[...]ublic utility services is outlined in the Report "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan". The Outline Plan now put forward has regard to three main problems[...]y network extends over a much wider area than the Sydney Region with the new generating sources being well away from Sydney itself. Supplies generally are expected to be inc[...]ly problems which have emerged in relation to the Outline Plan are those of locating the transmission lin[...] |
![]() | [...]on. It is likely that the main entry point to the Region will be in the vicinity of Appin, where it will b[...]rly small breakdown sta- tion before entering the Sydney system. The way in which supplies will be further[...]ch drains into the ocean outfall sewerage system. Sydney already has a major problem of financing works to[...]there is a shortage of indus- trial sites in the Region with available water and sewer- age facilities, and unless this is rectified Sydney's in- dustrial expansion will be prejudiced. The[...]for the population increase of 2 million in the Sydney area (excluding the Blue Mountains and Gos[...] |
![]() | [...]e population expansion of 50,000 envisaged in the Outline Plan. The Gosford-Wyong area is outside the area for w[...]o half a million, provisionally pro- posed in the Outline Plan, will be necessary before final conclusions can b[...]relation to the order of urban development in the Outline Plan. Water and Sewerage Of the total investment of[...]- ed on water supplies in the Board's area of the Region, the probable distribution of the investment betw[...]ore other areas. This is reflected in the Phasing Plan and discussed in more detail in Chapter 19[...] |
![]() | [...]substantial parts of the immediate hinterland of Sydney will, because of increased run-off of stor[...] |
![]() | [...]be necessary as a consequence of the expansion of Sydney. The Reservation of "Special Use Corridors" to[...]be taken into account in the planning of an urban region such as that of Sydney. The overhead electricity transmission networks a[...]n- tial to the efficient growth and prosperity of Sydney. Thus the Outline Plan reflects the action that can be taken now to safe[...]n sectors for urbanisation shown in detail in the Outline Plan at this stage, the South-West and West Sectors. P[...]horities for the co-ordination of networks in the Region. Finally, it may not always be possible, o[...] |
![]() | [...]f planned provision of regional open space in the Sydney Region. It describes the open space proposals of the Outline Plan and identi- fies some of the main issues involved in their future plan- ning and implementation; it also proposes that a[...]shore Study, on the recreational resources of the Region. The October Report, "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Pre- lude to a Plan" commented (Chapter 8) in general on the need for recreational open space, the factors influencing the need, Sydney's potential resources, particularly water areas,[...]overall demand for recreational open space in the Region and highlighted the specific importance of beache[...]onal parks and the like. The recent report on the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Study reflects a serious attempt to assess the significance of Sydney Harbour as a major regional open space. Fo[...] |
![]() | [...]k, Lane Cove River Park and Ku- ring-gai Chase. Outline Plan Proposals The requirement for regional open space for the Sydney Re- gion, catering to general recreation demand,[...]of regional open space in the preparation of the Outline Plan, regard has been paid to the following:- Ma[...]d active rec- reational opportunities of the Region (e.g. the Na- tional Parks and the ma[...] |
![]() | [...]menity. In the light of these considerations, the Outline Plan pro- posals so far considered by the Autho[...] |
![]() | [...]t been practicable to do more than iden- tify the Region's regional open space requirements in broad terms[...]lakes of Gosford-Wyong, where a large part of the Region's requirement for new regional open space will ne[...]planning for recreation and open space within the Region, at a later stage, be carried out on the basis of[...]which a compre- hensive assessment is made of the Region's open space re- sources and deficiencies, actual[...]ing them, and on this basis a regional recreation plan would be prepared, showing how and where the demands of the Region are to be met. This survey and plan would need to extend beyond the Region, particularly to the Illawarra District. A[...] |
![]() | [...]rities to higher stan- dards of civic design. The Outline Plan, at this stage, has been mainly concerned[...] |
![]() | [...]functional ties with the metropolis. The report "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan" identified two particular problems associated wi[...]nd Hospitals Estimates to date suggest that for a Sydney of five million people, provision will need to be[...]planning proposals have been incorporated in the Outline Plan. As a general rule universities, colleges[...] |
![]() | future urban development as shown in the Outline Plan. A site is being acquired by the Authority on beh[...]cations of good accessibility. Defence Uses The Outline Plan contains proposals for linking and exten- ding th[...]y use between urban districts. At this stage, the Outline Plan identifies the northern section of the Liverpool[...]b- stantial industrial area. In the meantime, the Outline Plan proposals reflect the present existence of the Li[...]gs and needs for the purposes of the Metropolitan Plan, but no comments have yet been recei- ved. These special uses are recognised in the Outline Plan without prejudice to future negotiation for amendment in the light of urban needs important to Sydney's growth. Major Special Uses Sectors For the Region as a whole, one of the principal concepts adopted for the accommodation of Sydney's growth, the con- centration of urban dev[...] |
![]() | [...]ke. The space needs for uses such as these in the Region are virtually impossible to predict with any accu[...]ir of large acreage land remains available in the Region for as long as possible to accommodate suc[...] |
![]() | [...]f the Area At the metropolitan or regional level, Sydney shares with other large cities in industri[...] |
![]() | [...]n obsolescence has hitherto not been serious, but Sydney is now entering an era when many parts of the inn[...]ears will see great changes in the older areas of Sydney if the problems of congestion and urban renewal a[...]to per- mit the economic growth and efficiency of Sydney to be pre- judiced through lack of determination[...]of urban reshaping and renewal which lie ahead. Outline Plan Proposals Much thought and effort has gone into c[...]rea are, as indicated in the Authorityts report, "Sydney Region, Growth and Change: Prelude to a Plan", still valid. The Outline Plan does not therefore directly contain many proposal[...]ion site is envisaged at Broadway in the heart of Sydney. Further proposals for tertiary education, and other regional special uses will be incorp- orated in the Outline Plan when consultations with the appropriate authoriti[...]the basic principles which are recommended in the Outline Plan for the new urban areas should also be applied to[...]n of the Area The surveys which have preceded the Outline Plan have not been concerned with the detail of[...] |
![]() | [...]the landscape nor in the townscape. The people of Sydney are, in general, relatively affluent. In their dw[...]ture has done a great deal for the environment of Sydney. It remains for the people and those who a[...] |
![]() | [...]hin the concept of the Central Coast linear urban region. Existing Area The present population is[...] |
![]() | [...]d pattern of land uses can be incorporated in the Outline Plan. The principle of reserving special corrid[...] |
![]() | can be included in the Outline Plan. However, the key elements in the transport syste[...]or have mostly been settled in principle, and the Outline Plan reflects these as follows: Railways The existi[...]way through the Campbelltown area is shown in the Outline Plan. The Government has announced the intention to co[...]hown on the base map to assist in identifying the Outline Plan proposals. The diversion of the Hume Highway from[...]Department of Main Roads. It is not shown on the Outline Plan at this stage but it will be taken into account i[...]ing studies and the preparation of a final master plan for the development of the new cities in t[...] |
![]() | [...]gically of special importance to the expansion of Sydney. Electricity and Gas No special problems have e[...]any transfer of natural gas from Victoria to the Sydney Region will enter the Region. It is envisacd that the breakdown point f[...] |
![]() | [...]tension of the existing urban area and, since the Outline Plan does not envisage the retention of the pre[...] |
![]() | [...]s are directly related to the prin- ciples of the Outline Plan which supersede the green belt concept und[...] |
![]() | [...]are necessary for the future development needs of Sydney. The Western Railway and Great Western Highway pa[...]green belt concept of the County of Cum- berland Plan. To optimise the use of public transport,[...] |
![]() | [...]eas The existing special uses are retained in the Outline Plan at this stage. However, it is hoped that some or[...]between the two Expressways, will be added to the Outline Plan as soon as they are determined. It is prop[...] |
![]() | [...]l village are not the subject of proposals in the Outline Plan at this stage, because it is considered more appr[...]ation growth envisaged for settlement outside the Region. This will be done as part of a study of the Illawarra Region. The designated area is well positioned for urbanisation. It is 15-20 miles from the Sydney City Centre, and about 10 miles from Kings[...] |
![]() | [...]in the Cumberland Plain and in close proximity to Sydney is, as indicated on the map showing factors inhib[...]developed to satisfy the urban expansion needs of Sydney. Non-conforming uses based on old patterns[...] |
![]() | [...]Basic Principles and Role of the Sector in the Outline Plan: Castle Hill The Castle Hill area, in view of its[...]ople over and above the existing zoned areas. The plan proposes a small industrial area. West Pennant[...]side for one of the finest panoramic views in the Region. At this stage, low density residential de[...] |
![]() | The Outline Plan therefore envisages residential develop- ment of[...]yet be determined, it is again quite feasible to plan a linear corridor to accomo- date 370,000[...] |
![]() | [...]its of high quality available in the whole of the Sydney Region. An airfield, for private flying exists in Duffy'[...]art of the pattern of airfield facilities for the Region. The area has many exceptional assets as a living[...]the most desirable resident- ial locations in the Sydney Region. At the same time, for many of the same reasons,[...]s the outstanding scenic and recreational area of Sydney. The Wakehurst Parkway already gives a lead in th[...]ion as to whether it is in the wider interests of Sydney to permit further urban development in Warringah[...]bout double the per capita cost in other areas of Sydney. For this reason, and because the servicing of th[...]e dependent also on major works in other areas of Sydney, the provision of public utility services[...] |
![]() | [...]the area were fully developed, could be in the region of $400 million. Much further detailed[...] |
![]() | [...]ly located on the communications corridor between Sydney and Newcastle. The area is thus in a position to[...]wo cities. This is part of the strategy to enable Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong to operate, in the long[...]rder to accommodate the continuing growth of Sydney, for there is a physical limit to urban expa[...]shed railway and expressway network between Sydney and Newcastle. The special assets pro[...]more equable than that in the hinterland of Sydney. By the end of the century, another interna[...]te will be needed to serve the Netropolitan Region. As indicated in Chapter 7, tha Wyong dist[...] |
![]() | [...]s to be a feasible location in relation to Sydney, it will also be well placed to serve the Hunter Region. The establishment of a major airport will[...]- tion settlement of half a million people in the Region, the current planning schemes will undoubtedly need to be revied. Development Proposals At this stage the Outline Plan proposes in principle to seth- tle up to h[...] |
![]() | Outline Plan proposals are subject to the necessary det[...] |
![]() | [...]Vertical aerial photograph of Sydney Harbour. |
![]() | The Phasing of The Outline Plan ,. Existing Urban Area[...] |
![]() | Chapter 19 The Phasing of the Plan General One of the basic objectives of the Outline Plan is to en- sure that the priorities for, an[...] |
![]() | [...]t is an integral, and indeed, a vital part of the Outline Plan. Once approved by the Minister, it is most desira[...]vestment to meet development needs. The Phasing Plan The phasing plan sets out the proposed order of land develop- ment[...]ly release of new areas for development. When the Outline Plan is placed on public exhibition, the Authority pro[...]completed in that period. Therefore, the phasing plan reflects this by superimposing three periods: 1975-85, 1985-95, and beyond. For example, the phasing plan shows, for the first decade, the land which will[...]0, but will not be completed by 1980. The phasing plan at this stage, is confined to indicating the timi[...]has been a basic factor in the formulation of the Outline Plan so far. General Order of Priorities The[...] |
![]() | [...]osford-Wyong area and in growth areas outside the Region. Whether the North Warringah area develops depend[...]500,000 Beyond the Region as defined[...] |
![]() | Chapter 20 Finance General The Outline Plan provides a broad guide and framework with- in whi[...]elated to the other. A primary object- ive of the Plan is to facilitate the most economical use of resou[...]nd communications in particular. However good the Plan may be, the final test is whether it can be imp-[...]tulated, most of the development envisaged in the Outline Plan will occur in some form in any event. Good planni[...]ich have an important bearing on the financing of Sydney's urban growth, and on the successful implementation of the Outline Plan proposals. Building Costs Some elements in the Outline Plan, such as transport, public[...] |
![]() | [...]olved. Most of the development en- visaged in the Plan however, does involve buildings both for public a[...]d which absorbed most of the building work of the Region in 1964-65 was $366 million, and the rate of incr[...]investment in building work required to meet the Region's growth needs over that period will be at least[...]in the Cumberland Statistical Division was in the region of $9,000. The average price of serviced building[...]erviced block of land for housing in 1965, in the Sydney area, $5,000, was about twice as much as in count[...]y.* This rise in land prices is not exclusively a Sydney phenomenon. The Impact of Land Prices on the Capital Investment Needed for Sydney's Growth Sydney's expected population growth of about 2,750,000 w[...]ute of Real Estate Developers, reported in "The Sydney Morning Herald", 2.4.68.[...] |
![]() | [...]ly) for normal urban purposes. Of this total, the Outline Plan proposals will call for about 150,000 acres to be zoned for extensions to Sydney itself, and a further 100,000 acres in the Gosford-Wyong area or right outside the the Sydney Region. of these totals, about 30% will be needed for pu[...]0 acres may be neeáed for public purposes in the Sydney area itself, quite apart from lands for regional[...]generally for urban development as extensions to Sydney's main urban area, some are already shown as regi[...]ural qualities of environment which the people of Sydney have inherited make Sydney almost unique amongst large world cities. It woul[...]erefore, land required for public purposes in the Outline Plan is acquired after the land has been zoned and is[...]million more than its non- urban value within the Sydney area, with another $75 million outside it - a tot[...]inan- cial benefit from the zoning of land in the Outline Plan for urban purposes, totalling about $1,000 millio[...]e investment necessary for the expected growth of Sydney. 98 |
![]() | If Sydney is to be fully effective both as an economic unit[...]ent the public investment pro- grammes needed for Sydney's growth. A system of levying betterment on impr[...]er that land owners in the new areas required for Sydney's urban expan- sion could receive a financ[...] |
![]() | [...]sewerage services to match the pro- posals in the Outline Plan for the area under the jurisdic- tion of the Metr[...]level of capital expenditure attributable to the Sydney Region as such, but it appears to be of the order of $23[...]e next thirty years. If Natural Gas is brought to Sydney, the capital cost of transmission and dist[...] |
![]() | [...]pecially in city centres. These problems apply to Sydney. An effi- cient transport system is essential to[...]dy of the transport needs and pro- posals for the Sydney Region is necessary before an attempt can be made to est[...]of new freeways may need to be constructed in the Region if there is to be an efficient main roads system to match the urban proposals in the Outline Plan. At $7½ million a mile this would mean a[...] |
![]() | [...]of land will be needed for new main roads in the Region. Thus the price which has to be paid for the land[...]capital expenditure of the State Railways in the Sydney Region, but it is estimated that not more than $2 millio[...]lies. The basic structure and objectives of the Outline Plan have had special regard to the fact that the exis[...]m be eased. This is one of the reasons behind the Outline Plan proposals for new commercial and industrial centr[...]nt of the order of $135 million. Phasing of the Plan It is important that the phasing proposed for the plan be closely followed unless there are very strong[...]imp- lementation will establish confidence in the plan, and 102 |
![]() | [...]does not come into development in phase with the plan it may be necessary for the Government to take po[...]needed in the public sector to meet the needs of Sydney's growth, show clearly that amuchl7igher l[...] |
![]() | [...]eneral As indicated earlier in this report, this Outline Plan is different in its character and, to an extent,[...], a strategy for urban development, and a phasing plan for development. It attempts to co-ordinate publi[...]ment. It does not deal with local detail. It is a plan for growth and change which will, itself, need to[...]upport for action to deal with them. This initial Plan is the beginning of a plan process, and not a complete and final plan. There will be many further details and proposals[...]shown on the Principles Diagram into reality. The Plan is intended to be sufficiently clear to gi[...] |
![]() | [...]and others concerned. Public Exhibition of the Plan It is desirable that now the proposals have been[...], and to lay down guidelines for the expansion of Sydney. For this reason, the Authority would propose to place on exhibition concurrently with the Outline Plan Maps showing lands which it proposes for early re[...]t. Public Comment and Representations When the Outline Plan is placed on exhibition, it will be distributed t[...]to the general public. The main exhibition of the Outline Plan will be at the offices of the Authority at No. 302 Castle- reagh Street, Sydney. In addition, all local councils in the Sydney Region will be asked to place the relevant docu- ment on[...]sible for the preparation of the development area plan, and to ensure that it adequately reflects the intentions of the Outline Plan. 105 |
![]() | [...]necessary, and with the preparation of the Master Plan and development area plans at the appropriate tim[...]rland Shire Council is already preparing a Master Plan and development area plans for the Menai a[...] |
![]() | [...]atutory Bodies on Outstanding Matters Whilst the Outline Plan is on exhibition, negotiations with Government De[...]ters outstanding at the time of submission of the Plan. Final Approval of the Outline Plan by the State Government After the Outline Plan has been on exhibition for a suitable period, and[...]s Government policy for guiding the growth of the Sydney Region. Given this endorsement, it is also assu- med tha[...]quired to work within the broad provisions of the Plan, particularly for development control, preparatio[...]tmental deve- lopment programmes. Review of the Plan The Authority will review and amend as necessary, the Out- line Plan at least every five years, or earlier where a spe[...]inister's endorsement. Final Publication of the Plan When the Outline Plan has been finally endorsed by the Minister for Loc[...]s Generally The Authority's task in preparing the Outline Plan has been greatly helped by the many constructive[...]ed as being independent of the formulation of the Plan. In the development process the economics,[...] |
![]() | [...]successful implementation of the proposals in the Outline Plan are very great. They will tax to the utmost the t[...]lopers upon whom much of the task of bringing the Plan to successful fruition will fall.[...] |
![]() | I I I I I I SYDNEY REGION 1970 - 2000 A.D. j[...] |
![]() | [...]Of STIEV RE6ION L 2 I YDNEY REGION 1970 — 2000 A.D.[...] |
![]() | [...]irfield Go s ford Hoiroyd Hornsby Liverpool North Sydney Parramatta Pen r it h She llharbour Sydney War r in gali Windsor Wollondilly Wollongo[...] |
MD | |
Sydney region: outline plan, 1970-2000 A.D.: a strategy for developmen[...] | |
Sydney New South Wales Australia | |
[...]ion: State Planning Authority of New South Wales Sydney Region Outline Plan Collation: 111 p., [5] leaves : ill., m[...] | |
MD2 | |
THH - Sydney Reference Collection - Library Store |
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Sydney region: outline plan, 1970-2000 A.D.: a strategy for development/ a report by the State Pl (01/01/1968), [LIB-00017439]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 29 Mar 2025,