Lesbian Poster - Garage Graphix
Lesbian Bellydance Group
Leopard, Lance
Lemper, Ute
Leith, Samantha
Leibovitz, Annie
Legs On The Wall (Performance Troupe)
Leggs Galore
Gigi Legenhausen donates to the Anti-Violence Project, Kinselas Hotel, Bourke Street Darlinghurst, 1995
Lance Leopard and Toni, unknown location, 1997
Lance Leopard at a turntable, Flinders Hotel, Flinders Street Darlinghurst, 1995
Family series for Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, no date
International Lesbian Day picnic, Glebe, 1996
Helen Leonard and Caralyn Bloch at the International Women's Day Rally, 1996
Drag queen and Lance Leopard at the The Drag Industry Variety Awards (DIVA), Oxford Street Darlinghurst, 1997
Samantha Leith performs at Banana Bar, Flinders Street Darlinghurst, 1996