Small Permits Appeals Panel
Unique IDAG-0226DescriptionThe Small Permits Appeal Panel was created by a Resolution of Council on 29 November 1999. The purpose was to provide an avenue of review for applicants dissatisfied with Council's decision on a development application determined under delegated authority.
The start date for the Panel is taken to be March 2000 when the first meeting seems to have taken place. Meetings were not serviced by the Secretariat unit of the Council until 1 November 2001.
The terms of reference assigned to the Panel in 1999 were -
(a) Pursuant to the provisions of s82(a) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, and upon a request from an applicant and on payment of a fee to Council, the Panel is to review determinations of development applications made under delegated authority. (Such reviews are not available for applications made under s96 of the Act).
(b) the panel shall consider items referred to it by the Lord Mayor, Council, or the General Manager.
(c) the Panel may determine delayed development applications.
(d) the Panel is not to deal with applications to waive statutory charges, for example applications under s61 or s94 of the EP&A Act 1979.
(e) Panel determinations must comply with Council policies.
(f) the Panel should draw to the attention of Council any policies or controls that, in its opinion, need review.
Membership of the Panel was to comprise the Chairperson of the Planning Development and Transport Committee, the Director of City Development, and a member drawn from an approved list of up to eight external persons appointed annually. The Lord Mayor and General Manager were also ex officio members and could choose to join meetings.
The initial list of external members (appointed to 28 February 2001) was: Peter Mould (Assistant Government Architect), Linda Gregoriou (FTB Group Property Development), Mike Collins (Mike Collins & Associates), Peter Phillips (Orwell & Peter Phillips Architects), John Gowing (Managing Director, Gowing Bros Ltd), Jill Yates (City of Sydney Residents Network), John Mullaly (Andersen Legal).
The terms of reference were amended by Resolution of Council on 27 August 2001, to clarify certain matters and to extend the Panel's authority to cover film permits and footway cafes, Notices to serve an Order (not affecting health or public safety), and cases of undue delay in determining applications.
The main Council file on the Panel is: CRS 950: S010284.
A Resolution Council on 12 November 2012 brought about the end of the Panel as previously known. It was decided that the Planning Department would co-ordinate the Panel meetings (prior to then the Secretariat/Corporate Services managed the meetings) and the appeals process was to be now known as 'Application for Review of Determination Section 82A & Section 96AB'. The Review Panel was to continue to exist but with different panel members. At the meeting it was resolved that:
(A) authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine applications made in accordance with section 82A and section 96(AB) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the review of determinations of development applications made under delegation by staff; and
(B) the delegated authority be exercised in conjunction with a member of an external panel of planning experts.
Records of the 'Application for Review of Determination Section 82A & Section 96AB' meetings are to be managed electronically in Council's document management system TRIM.CreationResolution of Council 29 November 1999
Abolition12 November 2012, Resolution of Council - Item 9.7 Report of the Planning and Development Committee
The start date for the Panel is taken to be March 2000 when the first meeting seems to have taken place. Meetings were not serviced by the Secretariat unit of the Council until 1 November 2001.
The terms of reference assigned to the Panel in 1999 were -
(a) Pursuant to the provisions of s82(a) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, and upon a request from an applicant and on payment of a fee to Council, the Panel is to review determinations of development applications made under delegated authority. (Such reviews are not available for applications made under s96 of the Act).
(b) the panel shall consider items referred to it by the Lord Mayor, Council, or the General Manager.
(c) the Panel may determine delayed development applications.
(d) the Panel is not to deal with applications to waive statutory charges, for example applications under s61 or s94 of the EP&A Act 1979.
(e) Panel determinations must comply with Council policies.
(f) the Panel should draw to the attention of Council any policies or controls that, in its opinion, need review.
Membership of the Panel was to comprise the Chairperson of the Planning Development and Transport Committee, the Director of City Development, and a member drawn from an approved list of up to eight external persons appointed annually. The Lord Mayor and General Manager were also ex officio members and could choose to join meetings.
The initial list of external members (appointed to 28 February 2001) was: Peter Mould (Assistant Government Architect), Linda Gregoriou (FTB Group Property Development), Mike Collins (Mike Collins & Associates), Peter Phillips (Orwell & Peter Phillips Architects), John Gowing (Managing Director, Gowing Bros Ltd), Jill Yates (City of Sydney Residents Network), John Mullaly (Andersen Legal).
The terms of reference were amended by Resolution of Council on 27 August 2001, to clarify certain matters and to extend the Panel's authority to cover film permits and footway cafes, Notices to serve an Order (not affecting health or public safety), and cases of undue delay in determining applications.
The main Council file on the Panel is: CRS 950: S010284.
A Resolution Council on 12 November 2012 brought about the end of the Panel as previously known. It was decided that the Planning Department would co-ordinate the Panel meetings (prior to then the Secretariat/Corporate Services managed the meetings) and the appeals process was to be now known as 'Application for Review of Determination Section 82A & Section 96AB'. The Review Panel was to continue to exist but with different panel members. At the meeting it was resolved that:
(A) authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to determine applications made in accordance with section 82A and section 96(AB) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the review of determinations of development applications made under delegation by staff; and
(B) the delegated authority be exercised in conjunction with a member of an external panel of planning experts.
Records of the 'Application for Review of Determination Section 82A & Section 96AB' meetings are to be managed electronically in Council's document management system TRIM.CreationResolution of Council 29 November 1999
Abolition12 November 2012, Resolution of Council - Item 9.7 Report of the Planning and Development Committee
Start date qualifierbyStart date31st March 2000End date31st December 2012Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Building and development regulation FN-0010 (31/3/2000 to 31/12/2012)
RELATED TO: Sydney City Council OR-0001 (31/3/2000 to 31/12/2012)
Source System ID226
RELATED TO: Sydney City Council OR-0001 (31/3/2000 to 31/12/2012)
Source System ID226
OrganisationSydney City CouncilRelated functionsBuilding and development regulation
Small Permits Appeals Panel [AG-0226]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 19 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62663