Preserving the natural heritage of Glebe. [Glebe Society]
Unique IDAY-0130DescriptionThe activity commenced by 1971. It comprises many aspects including the provision and increase of open space, supporting the return of flora and fauna , improving air quality, reducing noise and visual pollution, managing waste, agitating for the decrease of traffic through Glebe by promoting public transport – particularly that with lower environmental impact , and where possible making submissions to Governments and other bodies to oppose threats to the natural environment.
A continuing effort has been to promote cleanliness in Glebe by lobbying for effective waste management services, discouraging dumping , promoting recycling , managing graffiti and participating in Clean Up Australia Day.
The activity includes the maintenance of existing major parks, pocket parks and reserves, and improving public facilities such as landscaping, lighting, provision of pedestrian and cycleways, recreational and playground equipment and taking opportunities to add to the open space available in Glebe. Major achievements have been the openings of Blackwattle Bay Park in 1983 and of Bicentennial Park commencing in 1989 and by members ‘adopting parks’ – Foley Park, Kirsova Reserve and Paddy Gray Reserve - since 2004 in which capacity they participate in the management plans.
The activity includes encouraging the use of native vegetation and has contributed to planting and landscaping projects including Orphan School Creek Gully and street tree planting in Glebe Point Road and elsewhere. The Society has also been active in encouraging the return of bird life into Glebe particularly since 2006 when a subcommittee was formed to study small bird hotspots.
Since its commencement the Society advocated alternatives to road-based transport. From 1972 the Society proposed the return of light rail to Sydney and worked with other organisations to see the first line from Central Railway to Wentworth Park in 1997 and continues to work for extensions to the network.
From 1989 until 1998 the activity included opposing the third runway at Sydney Airport, and working to minimise impacts on Glebe, including noise and air pollution from flight paths. This later increased to working towards eliminating non-essential helicopter traffic through Glebe. Noise Pollution more generally became an emphasis from 1999 when efforts were made to oppose activities that would bring excessive noise.
Related to Series 1167.CreationThe Glebe Society Constitution 1969 -
A continuing effort has been to promote cleanliness in Glebe by lobbying for effective waste management services, discouraging dumping , promoting recycling , managing graffiti and participating in Clean Up Australia Day.
The activity includes the maintenance of existing major parks, pocket parks and reserves, and improving public facilities such as landscaping, lighting, provision of pedestrian and cycleways, recreational and playground equipment and taking opportunities to add to the open space available in Glebe. Major achievements have been the openings of Blackwattle Bay Park in 1983 and of Bicentennial Park commencing in 1989 and by members ‘adopting parks’ – Foley Park, Kirsova Reserve and Paddy Gray Reserve - since 2004 in which capacity they participate in the management plans.
The activity includes encouraging the use of native vegetation and has contributed to planting and landscaping projects including Orphan School Creek Gully and street tree planting in Glebe Point Road and elsewhere. The Society has also been active in encouraging the return of bird life into Glebe particularly since 2006 when a subcommittee was formed to study small bird hotspots.
Since its commencement the Society advocated alternatives to road-based transport. From 1972 the Society proposed the return of light rail to Sydney and worked with other organisations to see the first line from Central Railway to Wentworth Park in 1997 and continues to work for extensions to the network.
From 1989 until 1998 the activity included opposing the third runway at Sydney Airport, and working to minimise impacts on Glebe, including noise and air pollution from flight paths. This later increased to working towards eliminating non-essential helicopter traffic through Glebe. Noise Pollution more generally became an emphasis from 1999 when efforts were made to oppose activities that would bring excessive noise.
Related to Series 1167.CreationThe Glebe Society Constitution 1969 -
Start date1st July 1969End date1st July 1969Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Preserving the character of Glebe. [Glebe Society] FN-0033
Source system ID130
Preserving the natural heritage of Glebe. [Glebe Society] [AY-0130]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 17 Feb 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62872