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Jonathan Jones : untitled (transcriptions of country)
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Chau Chak Wing Museum: the University of Sydney
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Drawing in the land, rock art in the Upper Nepean, Sydney Basin, New South Wales
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The beauty of distance: songs of survival in a precarious age/ editor David Elliott
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Biennale of Sydney 2004: on reason and emotion/ curated by Isabel Carlos
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Ships and the sea: the art and life of Oswald Brett/ Oswald Brett
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The legacies of Bernard Smith: essays on Australian art, history and cultural politics
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SafARI 2014/ curated by Christiane Keys-Statham & Liz Nowell; contributors: Lisa Corsi, Julian Day
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Three views on the 1976 Biennale: recent international forms in art/ [by] Tom McCullough, Daniel T
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Thancoupie the potter - Jennifer Isaacs
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In our own image: the story of Australian art 1788-1989/ Donald Williams
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Coping with copyright: a guide to using pictorial and written material in Australian libraries and
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Combined Art Societies of Sydney present The art of Sydney: catalogue
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Young city young lives: the National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery collection 3 May - 23 June 1996/ [Ex
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Biennale of Sydney 2000: 12th Biennale of Sydney 26 May-30 July 2000/ [editor: Ewen McDonald]
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Sydney: metropolis, suburb, harbour/ Peter Emmett
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2002 Biennale of Sydney: (the world may be) fantastic/ Ewen McDonald (ed.); Richard Crayson, cura
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Let's face it: the history of the Archibald Prize/ Peter Ross
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Barani Barrabugu yesterday tomorrow: Sydney's Aboriginal journey - City of Sydney
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Site - publication concept, coordination and commissioning editor Ewen McDonald
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Sydney moderns: art for a new world/ edited by Deborah Edwards and Denise Mimmocchi; foreword by
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Australia beautiful: Sydney number: The Home Easter pictorial/ [photographs by H. Cazneaux and ot
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Biennale of Sydney 2002: exhibition report
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Aboriginal carvings of Port Jackson and Broken Bay - measured and described by WD Campbell
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