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template is Document
An introduction to authority control for archivists/ by Louise Gagnon-Arguin
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The archival fonds: from theory to practice/ edited by Terry Eastwood = Le Fonds d'archives: de l
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Archival citations: suggestions for the citation of documents at the Public Archives of Canada/ ed
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Describing archival materials: the use of the MARC AMC format/ Richard P. Smiraglia, editor
template is Document
Describing archives in context: a guide to Australasian practice/ by the Australian Society of Arc
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Arranging and describing archives and manuscripts/ Fredric M. Miller
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Archives, personal papers and manuscripts: a cataloguing manual for archival repositories, historic
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Archives & manuscripts: arrangement & description/ David B. Gracy II
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A MAD user guide: how to set about listing archives: a short explanatory guide to the rules and re
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The management of information from archives/ Michael Cook
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A manual of archival description/ Michael Cook and Margaret Procter
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Archival moving image materials: a cataloging manual/ compiled by Wendy White-Hensen
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Developing descriptive standards: a call to action/ prepared for the Planning Committee on Descrip
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Authority control: a manual for archivists/ by Elizabeth Black
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Subject indexing for archives: the report of the Subject Indexing Working Group