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template is Image
Site Fence Image - Liverpool Street near Harbour Street Sydney, circa 1915
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Site Fence Image - Darling Harbour wharves, eastern side, 1970
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Site Fence Image - Jones Bay Road Pyrmont near Darling Harbour, 1970
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Site Fence Image - Darling Harbour, view north-east from Pyrmont, 1954
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Site Fence Image - Darling Harbour, view west towards Pyrmont, 1940s
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Site Fence Image - Pyrmont Bridge near Sussex Street Sydney, 1970
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Site Fence Image - At the corner of Sussex and Market Streets Sydney, 1969
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Site Fence Image - Pyrmont Bridge, view east, 1970
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Site Fence Image - Pier Street Haymarket, view west to Ultimo Power Station, 1937
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Site Fence Image - Goulburn Street, view west near Dixon Street Haymarket, 1937
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Site Fence Image - Darling Harbour, viewed east from Pyrmont, circa 1900
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Site Fence Image - Pier Street, view west from Harbour Street Haymarket, 1932
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Site Fence Image - Wharves of Darling Harbour and Pyrmont, circa 1957