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File - Town Clerk - Comptroller of Assets and Stores. Conduct of business and lighting at Belmore
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File - Town Clerk - City Cleansing Branch. Destruction of waste fruit at Garbage Destructor.
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File - Dept of Fisheries - Town Clerk. Excessive charges by agents at Woolloomooloo markets.
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File - City Building Surveyor - Town Clerk. Wages of Painter Baker and other painters.
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File - City Treasurer - Town Clerk. Arrangements with Bank of NSW for £100,000 loan to Council.
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File - National Rifle Association - Town Clerk. For assistance of cash prizes at Annual Meeting and to
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File - City Surveyor - Town Clerk. Part of Barcom Ave within boundary of Paddington Council in a bad
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File - City Of Sydney Ratepayers Association - Town Clerk. Request to suspend licenses for erecting
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File - Percy C. Law - Town Clerk. Nuisance from stench of boiling pitch at Hunter St.
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File - City Health Officer - Town Clerk. Draft Bylaws and regulations for City Butcher shops.
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File - Botanic Gardens - Town Clerk. Improvements at Macquarie Place Reserve, including plan.
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File - Dept of Public Health - Town Clerk. Alleged insanitary condition of vacant land 32-33 Lang Rd
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File - Dept of Public Health - Town Clerk. Alleged insanitary condition premises at 5 Judge Place off
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File - City Treasurers' Office - Town Clerk. Application to write off bad debts.
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File - Richardson and Wrench - Town Clerk. Occupancy of resumed premises by McArthur Engineering Ltd.
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File - Shire Municipal Record - Town Clerk. For accommodation to display an exhibition of Municipal and
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File - Postmaster General's Dept - Town Clerk. Electrciity supply to be used for new telephone exchange
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File - H.A. Scott of Birchgrove House - Town Clerk. Poor condition of downpipes on southern side of
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File - Sydney City Mission - Town Clerk. To exempt Mission Hall at Meagher St from Coouncil rates.
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File - Military Forces of Commonwealth - Town Clerk. For permission for Army Medical Corps to have
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File - Walter B. Carroll - Town Clerk. To erect fountain and plant palms at Circular Quay Reserve.
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File - Australian Liberal Church - Town Clerk. To hold services in Town Hall on Sunday evenings.
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File - Margaret O'Brien - Town Clerk. For permission to sell light refreshments to people in galleries
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File - Parks Foreman - Town Clerk. To dismiss A. McLaughlin for absence without leave and drunkenness.
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