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template is Document
File - Complaint of dead rats Liverpool Street Sydney, 1900
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Letter - John Rae, requesting information on the cost of cutting down Forbes and Liverpool Streets Darlinghurst, 1863-1864
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Letter - Dr Brady, complaining about the cruelty to animals caused by the slippery road in Liverpool Street Sydney, 1897
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Letter - Complaint about footpath, 271 Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1894
template is Document
Letter - Complaint about unbearable smell from butcher's yard, Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1892
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Letter - Complaint about poor drainage at 348 Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1891
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Letter - Complaint about filthy lane behind 391 and 393 Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1889
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Letter - Complaint about intolerable stench from sewer, Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1887
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Letter - C Mauret, complaining about the heavy blasting in Liverpool Street Street, 1887
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Letter - Edward Sheppard requests extension of high pressure water main to service hotel, Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1886
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Memorandum - City Engineer reports butchers' offal is being dumped in sewers at Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1881
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Letter - Damage to property in Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, 1869
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Letter - Samuel Lane of Liverpool Street and Darlinghurst Road, requesting sewerage drain be altered, 1865
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Petition - Occupants of premises in Liverpool Street between Palmer and Crown Street Darlinghurst, poor state of the streets, 1954-1855
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Letter - Complaint regarding the dangerous state of Liverpool Street between Crown Street and Palmer Street Darlinghurst, 1854
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Letter - Plan for erection of three houses, Liverpool Street east, 1854
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Auction Notice - Crown Lands Liverpool and Bourke Streets Darlinghurst, 1915
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Report on water pipes in Liverpool Street for Southern and Western districts, 1847
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File - Complaint regarding activities of drunks and prostitutes in Goulburn Street, Liverpool Street Sydney, 1905
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File - PJ McMahon, requesting leave of absence by attendant at Liverpool Street underground convenience, 1905
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File - erection of poles in Liverpool Street in connection with conversion of trams to electric traction, 1901
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File - Works Committee to report regarding re-arranging lamps, Liverpool Street and Forbes Streets Darlinghurst, 1901
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File - Request to preserve milestone at corner of Liverpool Street and George Street Sydney, 1903