Unique IDPE-004625SurnameAustinGiven namesJohnBiographical abstractDates of employment: 1884-1888Biographical noteDetails from contemporary sources:
1884 Complaint of insulting behaviour but no action taken, November [ref: 26/200/2005]
1885 Request increase - January [ref: 26/202/061]
1885 8/- per day - List of Officers & Servants - position, salary, duties - ordered by Council 9 September 1885 [ref: 30/001/094]
1886 Query not paid for Easter - April-May - to be paid [ref: 26/212/0997]
1888 Mayor's report on retrenchments and salary reductions made in January - £2/14/- per week - discharged [ref: 21/17/6 [731]]GenderMaleSource system IDTPER-000152