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Copyright not identified
- CSA005635
- 36 Burrows Road Al...
- Domain. Sir John Y...
- Ashmore St. at Met...
- 7/11 Jamieson Lane...
- Land South of 190 ...
- 43 Bedford St. New...
- 406/410 George St....
- 189 Botany Rd. Wat...
- 1/5 Grosvenor St. ...
- 64/68 Lawson Squar...
- 37 Bay St. cr. Gre...
- 52/112 Joynton Ave...
- 31/45 Cunningham S...
- Roslyn St. at "Cap...
- Dowling St. at Wav...
- Showground. Tempor...
- 8 b. Hughes St. "R...
- cr. Mitchell Rd. &...
- 52/112 Joynton Ave...
- 8 William St. cr. ...
- 182 Forbes St. N.E...
- 338 Riley St. cr F...
- 31/47 Rowe St. Syd...
- 40 Campbell St Syd...

The City of Sydney has not been able to determine if there are current copyright restrictions on this item. The user may need to obtain permission from third parties to reuse their material. When using or sharing this item, attribution should be given to the City of Sydney Archives.
CSA005635 [CSA005635]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 11 Mar 2025,