The Glebe Society (1969-1990) The Glebe Society Incorporated (1990 - )
Unique IDOR-0023DescriptionOn 24 April, 1969 a public meeting was held in the Glebe Town Hall to consider the establishment of `A Glebe Society' similar to the already existing groups in Paddington, Hunter's Hill and Elsewhere'. The circular advising of the meeting described the aims as ‘fostering an interest in the history of the suburb, development and preservation of the character of the area and [to] give the residents a collective voice against threats to the area’. The meeting was attended by representatives of the National Trust of Australia and the Civic Trusts council as well as those from already established residents' action groups. Dr T.K. Fowler, Mrs. B. Smith and Mr. R. Darroch were the instigators. The constitution adopted was based on that of the Balmain Association. The aims of the Society were as follows * to promote the general well-being of the citizens of the Glebe area * to preserve the natural assets of the area * to stimulate interest in the history and character of the area * to encourage town planning and good architecture; and * to protect the residents from anything detrimental to the enjoyment of their dwellings. An interim Committee was set up which included Rev William McLeod the Presbyterian clergyman as Social Convenor. In July letters were sent to many State government departments, Leichhardt Council, historical bodies and organisations perceived to have a major stake in Glebe. The first annual meeting was held on 11 September and correspondence began immediately. The initial sub-committees were the Planning and History Committees. Other long-standing Committees included Social Activities, Parks and Gardens both active by 1971, and Environment, by 1975. In 1971 the Constitution was amended to include 1. the composition of the Management Committee [The Society the President, Senior and Junior Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members. The Immediate Past President and convenors of the sub-committees were ex-officio members of the Management Committee]. 2. Categories of membership; and - 3. Restricting the period of Presidency to two consecutive terms. At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 1973 the members voted to amend the Constitution to enable the AGM to appoint an auditor, to empower the Management Committee to fill casual vacancies and to change 'Family membership to 'household membership'. These changes were affected following an Extraordinary General Meeting on 17 April 1974. At the Annual General Meeting on 13 August 1978 the Constitution was altered to add to the Management Committee a member to represent members who had joined in the last 12 months. This member became known as the New Members Representative. At the AGM on 10 August 1988 the members voted that the Society be incorporated under the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act under the name The Glebe Society Incorporated. The meeting authorised the Management Committee to take the steps required to complete incorporation using the existing Constitution as model rules. A Special General Meeting was called for 16 May 1989 to vote upon the amendments to the Constitution required for incorporation and to make several other changes to the Constitution including * voting rights of Institutional members * replacing Life Members with Honorary Life Members * re-emphasising the fact that convenors of sub-committees are responsible to the Management Committee. However, on the advice of R.E. (Ted )McKeown the Constitution was re-written following model rules The meeting in May failed to reach a quorum and was rescheduled for 26 November 1989 when the amendments were passed. Papers were deposited with the State government in February 1990 and The Glebe Society Inc., was established on 26 June 1990 At incorporation the Management Committee considered of a President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members one of whom was designated New Members' Representative. The subcommittees were Bicentennial Park, Planning, Blackwattle Bay Park, Harold Park, Jubilee Park, Wentworth Park, Light Rail, Kingsford Smith Airport and Glebe, and Environment. In addition to this there was an Editor of The Glebe Society Bulletin, and members responsible for maintaining the membership list and a Convenor of ‘Monday Group’. CreationThe Glebe Society Constitution Adopted 24 April, 1969
Start date24th April 1969End date25th June 1990Source system ID23
The Glebe Society (1969-1990) The Glebe Society Incorporated (1990 - ) [OR-0023]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 16 Feb 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62455