The Glebe Society Incorporated Management Committee and Sub Committees.
Unique IDAG-0252DescriptionAn interim management Committee was set up at the inaugural meeting of the Glebe Society.
By 1971 the composition of the Management Committee had become the President, Senior and Junior Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members. The Immediate Past President and convenors of the sub-committees were ex-officio members of the Management Committee. In 1978 an amendment of the Constitution provided for one member of the Committee to represent New Members - that is those who had joined the Society in the last year.
The Rules of The Glebe Society Inc. applied from 26 June 1990 when the Committee consisted of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members one of whom was designated New Members' Representative. The subcommittees were Bicentennial Park, Planning, Blackwattle Bay Park, Harold Park, Jubilee Park, Wentworth Park, Traffic , Light Rail, Kingsford Smith Airport and Glebe, and Environment.
The Committee was responsible for the governance of the Society. The Management Committee met approximately monthly except in January. The regular meetings received correspondence and made directions for answering letters and other actions, members were usually furnished a list of incoming and outgoing correspondence since the previous meeting, they heard financial reports, received reports from Convenors of the subcommittees and other relevant reports on activities, authorised policies, determined which social, fundraising, and other activates would be held and delegated members to organise them, and made arrangements for Annual and Special General Meetings.
* The President occupied the Chair at the meetings of the Management Committee and was the 'public face' of the Society who spoke on its behalf unless an other member was authorised to speak on a particular issue. The President attended many local meetings of behalf of the Society and between meetings of the Management Committee , dealt with relevant issues as they arose and worked with the various convenors in relation to issues in their portfolios.
* The Secretary was responsible for receiving correspondence and answering correspondents as directed by the Management Committee, preparing meeting agendas in conjunction with the President and taking Minutes at the Management Committee meetings. On some occasions the roles of taking minutes at the meetings was separated from the correspondence and support roles of the Secretary.
* The Treasurer received and banked membership fees and income from various activities, dealt with the Society's Bankers, reported on the financial position to the Management Committee and prepared the annual accounts for the auditors.
* The Planning Committee was an original Sub Committee of the Society. The Convenor was familiar with local, regional and State planning documentation and where possible contributed to the process of developing these in addition to being watchful of applications for development and placing objections where these were outside the rules.
* The History Committee was an original Sub Committee of the Society and participated in projects that made know the history of Glebe, prepared articles for publication in The Glebe Society Bulletin and elsewhere, participated in walks around Glebe.
* The Social Committee was an original Sub Committee of the Society and arranged many activities for members and potential members of the Society.
* The Parks and Gardens Sub Committee was established by 1972. The Committee worked for increased open space in Glebe and improving the facilities available. From 1987 some of the larger parks were represented by special Sub Committees viz Bicentennial Park in 1984, Blackwattle Bay Park, (1987) Jubilee Park (1987) , Harold Park (1987) in and Wentworth Park (1987). Bicentennial, Blackwattle and Jubilee Parks were amalgamated into the Bays and Foreshores Sub Committee in March 1992. Members participated in an adopt-a-park program commencing in 2004 in which maintenance, equipment and use of some of the smaller parks in Glebe were observed. These parks included Foley Park, Paddy Gray Reserve, Kirsova Park and
*The Environment Sub-Committee was established by 1974 and was responsible for cleanliness in Glebe (including recycling, and discouraging graffiti) reducing visual and noise pollution, encouraging the return of native flora and fauna to Glebe, and improving water quality.
* The Transport Sub Committee was established in 1984 and while its purpose was the impact of transport in Glebe – road transport, parking , and public transport of sundry kinds it also commented on wider plans for transport.
* The Light Rail Sub-Committee was established in 1988 although the Society had been an advocate of the return of Light Rail almost from its beginnings – as an alternative to road transport – and had produced publications on the subject since 1972. It saw the return of Light Rail from Central Station to Wentworth Park in 1997 and continued to work for further extension east and west. The Sub Committee merged into the Transport and Traffic Sub Committee in 2000.
* The Kingsford Smith Airport (KSA) and Glebe (later Aircraft and Glebe ) Sub Committee was established in 1989 primarily to lobby against the opening of the third runway and possible flight paths over Glebe. It developed to work towards an alternate airport in western Sydney, to oppose expansion of KSA and the growth of helicopter flights. The committee prepared many submissions and worked with many other interest groups in this field. It ceased in 1997.
* The Diggers Memorial Sub Committee was formed in 1991 to raise funds for and work with consultants toward the restoration of the memorial. The Committee ceased in 1997.
* The Children and Glebe Sub-Committee was established in 1993 to work for the development of childcare and playground facilities. The Committee ceased in 1997.
* The Conserving Glebe Heritage Project Team was established in 1999 becoming a sub-committee in 2002 focused on identifying places of heritage value and defended the Glebe Conservation Area. A major achievement was ‘Glebe’s Treasures’ first published in 2003.
*The Blue Wrens Sub Committee was established in 2006 following identification of a corridor for Superb Fairy-wrens. Bul buls, willy wagtails, silver eyes and other small birds in St James Ave and adjoining St John’s Reserve. The Sub Committee Participates in surveys and planting to encourage bird populations.
CreationThe Glebe Society Constitution, 1969 - 1990
The Glebe Society Inc. Constitution, 1990 -
By 1971 the composition of the Management Committee had become the President, Senior and Junior Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members. The Immediate Past President and convenors of the sub-committees were ex-officio members of the Management Committee. In 1978 an amendment of the Constitution provided for one member of the Committee to represent New Members - that is those who had joined the Society in the last year.
The Rules of The Glebe Society Inc. applied from 26 June 1990 when the Committee consisted of the President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and four other members one of whom was designated New Members' Representative. The subcommittees were Bicentennial Park, Planning, Blackwattle Bay Park, Harold Park, Jubilee Park, Wentworth Park, Traffic , Light Rail, Kingsford Smith Airport and Glebe, and Environment.
The Committee was responsible for the governance of the Society. The Management Committee met approximately monthly except in January. The regular meetings received correspondence and made directions for answering letters and other actions, members were usually furnished a list of incoming and outgoing correspondence since the previous meeting, they heard financial reports, received reports from Convenors of the subcommittees and other relevant reports on activities, authorised policies, determined which social, fundraising, and other activates would be held and delegated members to organise them, and made arrangements for Annual and Special General Meetings.
* The President occupied the Chair at the meetings of the Management Committee and was the 'public face' of the Society who spoke on its behalf unless an other member was authorised to speak on a particular issue. The President attended many local meetings of behalf of the Society and between meetings of the Management Committee , dealt with relevant issues as they arose and worked with the various convenors in relation to issues in their portfolios.
* The Secretary was responsible for receiving correspondence and answering correspondents as directed by the Management Committee, preparing meeting agendas in conjunction with the President and taking Minutes at the Management Committee meetings. On some occasions the roles of taking minutes at the meetings was separated from the correspondence and support roles of the Secretary.
* The Treasurer received and banked membership fees and income from various activities, dealt with the Society's Bankers, reported on the financial position to the Management Committee and prepared the annual accounts for the auditors.
* The Planning Committee was an original Sub Committee of the Society. The Convenor was familiar with local, regional and State planning documentation and where possible contributed to the process of developing these in addition to being watchful of applications for development and placing objections where these were outside the rules.
* The History Committee was an original Sub Committee of the Society and participated in projects that made know the history of Glebe, prepared articles for publication in The Glebe Society Bulletin and elsewhere, participated in walks around Glebe.
* The Social Committee was an original Sub Committee of the Society and arranged many activities for members and potential members of the Society.
* The Parks and Gardens Sub Committee was established by 1972. The Committee worked for increased open space in Glebe and improving the facilities available. From 1987 some of the larger parks were represented by special Sub Committees viz Bicentennial Park in 1984, Blackwattle Bay Park, (1987) Jubilee Park (1987) , Harold Park (1987) in and Wentworth Park (1987). Bicentennial, Blackwattle and Jubilee Parks were amalgamated into the Bays and Foreshores Sub Committee in March 1992. Members participated in an adopt-a-park program commencing in 2004 in which maintenance, equipment and use of some of the smaller parks in Glebe were observed. These parks included Foley Park, Paddy Gray Reserve, Kirsova Park and
*The Environment Sub-Committee was established by 1974 and was responsible for cleanliness in Glebe (including recycling, and discouraging graffiti) reducing visual and noise pollution, encouraging the return of native flora and fauna to Glebe, and improving water quality.
* The Transport Sub Committee was established in 1984 and while its purpose was the impact of transport in Glebe – road transport, parking , and public transport of sundry kinds it also commented on wider plans for transport.
* The Light Rail Sub-Committee was established in 1988 although the Society had been an advocate of the return of Light Rail almost from its beginnings – as an alternative to road transport – and had produced publications on the subject since 1972. It saw the return of Light Rail from Central Station to Wentworth Park in 1997 and continued to work for further extension east and west. The Sub Committee merged into the Transport and Traffic Sub Committee in 2000.
* The Kingsford Smith Airport (KSA) and Glebe (later Aircraft and Glebe ) Sub Committee was established in 1989 primarily to lobby against the opening of the third runway and possible flight paths over Glebe. It developed to work towards an alternate airport in western Sydney, to oppose expansion of KSA and the growth of helicopter flights. The committee prepared many submissions and worked with many other interest groups in this field. It ceased in 1997.
* The Diggers Memorial Sub Committee was formed in 1991 to raise funds for and work with consultants toward the restoration of the memorial. The Committee ceased in 1997.
* The Children and Glebe Sub-Committee was established in 1993 to work for the development of childcare and playground facilities. The Committee ceased in 1997.
* The Conserving Glebe Heritage Project Team was established in 1999 becoming a sub-committee in 2002 focused on identifying places of heritage value and defended the Glebe Conservation Area. A major achievement was ‘Glebe’s Treasures’ first published in 2003.
*The Blue Wrens Sub Committee was established in 2006 following identification of a corridor for Superb Fairy-wrens. Bul buls, willy wagtails, silver eyes and other small birds in St James Ave and adjoining St John’s Reserve. The Sub Committee Participates in surveys and planting to encourage bird populations.
CreationThe Glebe Society Constitution, 1969 - 1990
The Glebe Society Inc. Constitution, 1990 -
Start date1st July 1969End date1st July 1969Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Glebe Municipal Council AG-0066
RELATED TO: The Glebe Society (1969-1990) The Glebe Society Incorporated (1990 - ) OR-0023
Source System ID252
RELATED TO: The Glebe Society (1969-1990) The Glebe Society Incorporated (1990 - ) OR-0023
Source System ID252
The Glebe Society Incorporated Management Committee and Sub Committees. [AG-0252]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 14 Mar 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62687