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Sesquicentenary Committee
Unique IDAG-0160DescriptionIn 1989, Lord Mayor Jeremy Bingham recommended the creation of a committee that will "investigate all aspects of the celebration" for the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the incorporation of the City of Sydney.
The committee comprised: Lord Mayor Jeremy Bingham, Town Clerk Leon Carter, the General Manager, Corporate Services, the Director of Properties and Director of Civic Affairs John Randall.
The committee was initially known as the Sesquicentenary Sub-Committee with the Civic Affairs Department providing the Sesquicentenary Unit that coordinated all submissions and proposals for the celebration. The first meeting of the Sesquicentenary Sub-Committee was held on 14 May 1990. The meeting was attended by Lord Mayor Jeremy Bingham, Aldermen Randolph Griffiths and Helen Robbie, Town Clerk Leon Carter and the Directors of the Properties and Director of Civic Affairs John Randall. The Entertainment Officer of the Civic Affairs Department also attended.
On 11 February 1991, upon the recommendation of the Director of Civic Affairs dated 30 January 1991, the status of the Sesquicentenary Sub-Committee was elevated to the level of a standing committee and it became known as the Sesquicentenary Committee. As a standing committee, the body could report directly to Council. Also approved was the delegation of authority to the Lord Mayor and the Town Clerk to deal with operational and urgent matters associated with the sesquicentenary celebration programme, subject to the submission of appropriate reports to the meeting of the Sesquicentenary Committee.
The first meeting of the Sesquicentenary Committee was held on 4 March 1991. The schedule of the meeting of the Committee followed the official meeting schedule for all standing committees. The last meeting of the Committee took place on 15 June 1992 and its last report was taken up in Council meeting on 22 June 1992 where the final Sesquicentenary Celebration programme was discussed and approved.
The whole celebration ended with the Sydney Day ceremonies held on 9 November 1992, the 150th anniversary of the first meeting of the Sydney City Council. The event was marked by a Special Meeting of Council on that day.
As part of the preparations for the celebration, two further committees, namely: the Sesquicentenary Services Committee and the Sesquicentenary Citizens Committee were created. The Sesqui Services Committee was assigned to oversee the events associated with the Sequicentenary celebration. A major responsibility of the Services Committee was the close coordination with government departments, agencies and interested parties relative to the scheduled commemorative activities. The first meeting of the Services Committee was held on 20 March 1991.
The Sesquicentenary Citizens Committee was created on 22 April 1991, primarily to maximise the participation of the public in the celebration. The Sesqui Citizens Committee had the NSW Premier as Patron and Lord Mayor Bingham as chairman. The members were from various sectors of the community and institutions that would provide support to sesquicentenary celebration. The first meeting of the Committee took place on 18 June 1991, when distinguished Sydney personalities were appointed as spokespeople to publicise the centenary celebration.CreationResolution of Council 11 February 1991AbolitionNo formal abolition
The committee comprised: Lord Mayor Jeremy Bingham, Town Clerk Leon Carter, the General Manager, Corporate Services, the Director of Properties and Director of Civic Affairs John Randall.
The committee was initially known as the Sesquicentenary Sub-Committee with the Civic Affairs Department providing the Sesquicentenary Unit that coordinated all submissions and proposals for the celebration. The first meeting of the Sesquicentenary Sub-Committee was held on 14 May 1990. The meeting was attended by Lord Mayor Jeremy Bingham, Aldermen Randolph Griffiths and Helen Robbie, Town Clerk Leon Carter and the Directors of the Properties and Director of Civic Affairs John Randall. The Entertainment Officer of the Civic Affairs Department also attended.
On 11 February 1991, upon the recommendation of the Director of Civic Affairs dated 30 January 1991, the status of the Sesquicentenary Sub-Committee was elevated to the level of a standing committee and it became known as the Sesquicentenary Committee. As a standing committee, the body could report directly to Council. Also approved was the delegation of authority to the Lord Mayor and the Town Clerk to deal with operational and urgent matters associated with the sesquicentenary celebration programme, subject to the submission of appropriate reports to the meeting of the Sesquicentenary Committee.
The first meeting of the Sesquicentenary Committee was held on 4 March 1991. The schedule of the meeting of the Committee followed the official meeting schedule for all standing committees. The last meeting of the Committee took place on 15 June 1992 and its last report was taken up in Council meeting on 22 June 1992 where the final Sesquicentenary Celebration programme was discussed and approved.
The whole celebration ended with the Sydney Day ceremonies held on 9 November 1992, the 150th anniversary of the first meeting of the Sydney City Council. The event was marked by a Special Meeting of Council on that day.
As part of the preparations for the celebration, two further committees, namely: the Sesquicentenary Services Committee and the Sesquicentenary Citizens Committee were created. The Sesqui Services Committee was assigned to oversee the events associated with the Sequicentenary celebration. A major responsibility of the Services Committee was the close coordination with government departments, agencies and interested parties relative to the scheduled commemorative activities. The first meeting of the Services Committee was held on 20 March 1991.
The Sesquicentenary Citizens Committee was created on 22 April 1991, primarily to maximise the participation of the public in the celebration. The Sesqui Citizens Committee had the NSW Premier as Patron and Lord Mayor Bingham as chairman. The members were from various sectors of the community and institutions that would provide support to sesquicentenary celebration. The first meeting of the Committee took place on 18 June 1991, when distinguished Sydney personalities were appointed as spokespeople to publicise the centenary celebration.CreationResolution of Council 11 February 1991AbolitionNo formal abolition
Start date11th February 1991End date31st December 1992Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Sydney City Council OR-0001 (11/02/1991 to 31/12/1992)
RELATED TO: Governance of the Council FN-0021 (11/02/1991 to 31/12/1992)
RELATED TO: Ceremonial events and civic occasions FN-0020 (11/02/1991 to 31/12/1992)
SUBORDINATE AGENCY: Civic Affairs AG-0030 (11/02/1991 to 31/12/1992)
Source System ID160
RELATED TO: Governance of the Council FN-0021 (11/02/1991 to 31/12/1992)
RELATED TO: Ceremonial events and civic occasions FN-0020 (11/02/1991 to 31/12/1992)
SUBORDINATE AGENCY: Civic Affairs AG-0030 (11/02/1991 to 31/12/1992)
Source System ID160
Subordinate agenciesCivic AffairsOrganisationSydney City CouncilRelated functionsCeremonial events and civic occasionsGovernance of the Council
Sesquicentenary Committee [AG-0160]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 19 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62614