Unique IDFN-0015Description**This function applies to all Councils***
For Councils other than Sydney City Council, absorbed by the City by 1949, see function FUN 29 for details.
Construction and maintenance of sewers and drains.The terms 'sewerage' and 'drainage' were often used interchangeably during the C19.
Construction and maintenance of a water supply storage and reticulation system.
This function is related to CF 03 Garbage and refuse cleansing, as the extension of a sewerage system gradually replaced the cesspits and the need to remove nightsoil and keep them cleansed. Extension of the sewers and of the water supply also had significant public health implications, so that this function is also tied to CF 12 Public health.
Shirley Fitzgerald: Sydney 1842-1992 (Sydney, Hale & Iremonger, 1992) chapter 2 pp70-81.CreationSydney Corporation Act 1842: ss82, 86 (sewers), 87-88 (waterworks).
Council was authorised to make and maintain sewers and a water supply for the city.
For municipalities other than the City of Sydney (to 1949): Municipalities Act 1858 s73 (responsibility for securing of water supply and sewerage). See function CF 29.AbolitionMetropolitan Water and Sewerage Act 1888.
Removed this function from the Council and established a new special purpose authority (the Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board) to exercise it.
Start date1st November 1842End date1st January 1888
Source system ID15
Water supply, sewerage and drainage [FN-0015]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 16 Feb 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62740