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template is Document
Letter - Informing Finance Committee report of City Solicitor's duties and salary was adopted, 1849
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Letter - Resolved to fix the salary of the City Solicitor at three hundred pounds per annum, 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Ryan his tender for erecting curbing in Argyle Street was accepted , 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Reilly his tender for cleansing the streets was accepted , 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Keating his tender for repairing Castlereagh Street was accepted, 1849
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Letter - Informing tenders by Messrs Lynch, Roach, Lacyte, Cavanagh and Daly were accepted 1849
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Letter - Accepted tender of clock repairs at Hay and Cattle Market, 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Bradridge his tender for alterations to Fire Engine House was accepted, 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Duigwall his tender for supply and repairing of tools was accepted, 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Sands his tender for supply of stationery 1849 was accepted, 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Alevek that his tender for Printing for the year 1849 was accepted, 1849
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Letter - Informing that Mr Austin has not been at work and has left Sydney , 1849
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Letter - Informing that Mr Austin has not been at work and has left Sydney , 1849
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Letter - Advising no salary be paid to Mr Austin Collector of Rates until further notice, 1849
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Letter - Advising Devonshire Street premises inspection for improvements and compensation, 1849
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Letter - Matter of rubbish being disposed near Government House , 1849
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Letter - Notice of tenders for stonemasons and contractors for various street works, 1849
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Letter - Mr Forrester informing state of the Hay and Cattle Market clock and action requested, 1849
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Letter - Notice of Lists of Electors in the Electoral District of Sydney, 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Griffiths that Mr Ryan was appointed Clerk of the City Markets, 1849
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Letter - Requesting Bond of Surety for performance of duties of Mr Clarke and Mr Doling, 1849
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Letter - Acceptance of Sureties for Mr Doling for duties as Superintendent of Water Works, 1849
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Letter - Informing Mr Clarke acceptance of Sureties for his duties as City Surveyor , 1849
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Letter - Informing that Patrick Maher Ryan was appointed Clerk of the Markets, 1849
of 28