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- Inspector of Nuisances [multiple departments]
- Overseer [City Surveyor's Department]
- Special Duty [Inspector of Nuisances]
- Report of Finance Committee - Salaries and duties of officers and servants, 1 June 1857
- Memorandum: Richard Seymour, Inspector of Nuisances - House to house inspections and cleanliness
- Report of Finance Committee - Salaries of officers for 1877
- Report of Finance Committee - Salaries of officers for 1878
- Memorandum: Thomas Sapsford, City Building Surveyor - Report of building encroaching on street
- Report of the Mayor, John Hardie, on temporary promotions in the City Treasurer's Department
- Memorandum - Complaints about Zoological Garden at Moore Park, 1893
- Finance Committee Report - Re adoption of Report of Committee of Inquiry (re fraud)
Seymour, Richard (Senior)
Unique IDPE-000734SurnameSeymourGiven namesRichard (Senior)Biographical abstractDates of employment: 1854-1898Biographical noteBiographical details:
Employed by the City for 44 years.
Richard Seymour (Senior) born c1830 in Devonshire; arrived in Australia with 11th Regiment c1845.
Newspaper articles on Mayor’s proposed retrenchment of Seymour and Council’s debate May 1896:
[ref: Evening News 8 May 1896 p5]; [ref: The Daily Telegraph 8 May 1896 p4 & p5]; [ref: Daily Telegraph 11 May 1896 p2]; [ref: SMH 11 May 1896 p7]; [ref: Evening News 14 May 1896 p4 & p5]; [ref: SMH 15 May1896 p3 and p4]; [ref: The Australian Star 15 May 1896 p3]; [ref: Daily Telegraph 16 May 1896 p3]
NSW BDMs Registry: Death of wife 951/1879 SEYMOUR ALICE [parents] WILLIAM & MARGARET registered at SYDNEY
Death 165/1898: SEYMOUR, RICHARD; [parents] WILLIAM & UNKNOWN; registered at SYDNEY
Marriages: 107/1852 V1852107 38C SEYMOUR RICHARD & HOPLEY ALICE at Church of England, Gosford
Death and Funeral Notices: [ref: The Sydney Morning Herald 31 January 1898 p1 & p8]; [ref: The Sydney Morning Herald 2 February 1898 p8];
Obituaries and Funeral Reports: [ref: Evening News 31 January 1898 p4]; [ref: The Daily Telegraph 1 February 1898 p5]; [ref: The Daily Telegraph 2 February 1898 p5]
Photographs and Drawings of Seymour: [ref: The Daily Telegraph 2 February 1898 p5]
[ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/373]; [ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/433]; [ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/455]; [ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/506]
Details from contemporary sources:
1854 Appointed Overseer Street Cleansing - 24 February - testimonials give highly satisfactory character [ref: 26/10/184]
1857 Description of duties -12-0 week - Finance Committee recommendations 1 June 1857 - Overseer, Cleansing Streets [ref: 22/1/09]
1861 Request from Volunteer Rifles for Seymour, trombone player, to join the band to play before the Governor at Windsor - October - leave granted [ref: 26/52/944]
1862 Finance Committee recommends appointment as Inspector of Nuisances (on death of Charles Drake) and amalgamation of that office with his previous office (Overseer Street Cleansing) - salary £25 pa - letter of application - April [ref: 22/5/15/251]
1864 Suggests barring butchers' shops York Street Markets at night to prevent illegal slaughter of calves and lambs - difficulties in prosecution - June [ref: 26/68/601]
1864 Report on best means of cleansing the city - to be adopted - September [ref: 26/69/815]
1865 Report on overflow and filth at the night soil pit at Randwick Road and dead horses in the water reserve - July [ref: 23/16/100]
1865 requests increase - Table showing notices, summons, fines, costs, sale of street sweepings for 1862-1865 - December [ref: 26/76/1067]
1866 Report on poor quality of fish being sold - recommends establishment of a Fish Markets- April [ref: 26/78/246]
1867 Report on nuisances which Council has no powers to control - list including melting fat, removal of butcher shop waste, animals kept for slaughter, cows kept for milk - October [ref: 26/87/1263]
1868 Report to Mayor on inspection of the Rocks district with the City Health Office - lack of kerbing and guttering, lack of conveniences etc - September [ref: 26/92/887]
1869 Proposed changes to rubbish collection - use of carts under control of Seymour rather than City Improvement Carts - making collection times later (7 am -1pm) - West Sydney Mondays and Thursdays, East Sydney Tuesdays and Fridays - approved May [ref: 26/97/564]
1872 Report on unhygienic mode of transporting meat and filthy conditions at abattoirs - February [ref: 26/114/200]
1872 Annual Return to November 1872 - house rubbish, street sweepings, dead animals, notices, summons etc [ref: 26/118/1025]
1873 Report on old drain from Gloucester St to the old Tank Stream in Pitt St - schools and houses connected to it - filthy - serving more as a ventilation shaft for noxious vapours - September [ref: 26/123/820]
1874 Report on disposal of night soil - August [ref: 23/29/281]
1874 Annual Report on House to House Inspections carried out by Seymour, Watkins and Robertson - 8,000 houses - great improvement in water closets etc [ref: 26/130/814]
1876 In response to the Colonial Secretary, Seymour explains measures taken in compliance with Nuisances Prevention Act 1875 - actions on disposal of night soil by carts and punts to sea and on regulation of cess pits - May [ref: 26/138/260]
1876 Colonial Secretary requests that Seymour inform the Inspector General of Police of the location of houses described by him in the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into the state of common lodging houses in which he had observed outrageous ill-usage of women and young girls - August [ref: 26/140/486]
1877 £425 pa - Salaries of Officers 1877 - increase recommended [ref: 22/17/413]
1878 £475 pa - Salaries of Officers: 1878; [ref: 22/17/711]
1879 Reporting on depletion of numbers and decrease in size of fish and prawns at the Eastern Markets and recommending a law limiting mesh size of nets etc - send on to Colonial Secretary = May [ref: 26/157/542]
1880 Report by Sapsford, Dansey and Seymour on various buildings in Pitt St near Goulburn St visited and found to be unhealthy and dangerous under City of Sydney Improvement Act 1879 sec 3 - August [ref: 26/168/1445]
1881 Comprehensive report on the sanitary condition of the Randwick Asylum for destitute children [ref: 26/173/236]
1881 Reporting on excessive traffic in George Street and other main streets causing blockages and accidents - suggesting regulations to restrict usage - April [ref: 26/175/709]
1881 Authorised by Fisheries Commission to enforce offenses and prosecute under Fisheries Act - June [ref: 26/176/1155]
1881 Need to make arrangements for the disposal of blood and offal from butchers granted slaughtering licences - November [ref: 26/180/2088]
1881 Request for leave from 27 December 1881 to 7 January 1882 - if granted will be able to inspect and report on sanitary arrangements in Melbourne [ref: 26/181/2271]
1882 In accord with instruction from Board of Health, instructions issued not to allow fossicking in rubbish heaps or rag-picking in order to stop spread of small pox - February [ref: 26/182/140]
1883 Street watering and disinfecting and house to house inspection re measles in Barkers Lane and Steam Mill Street - July [ref: 26/192/1166]
1884 £600 pa - Mayor's Report: Salary Schedule 1884 [ref: 21/16/123 [891]]
1884 Inspection of General Post Office - stinking water in gully shafts, filthy closets and urinals - January [ref: 26/195/036]
1884 Equipment and repairs needed at the Fish Markets - February [ref: 26/195/203]
1884 Mode of cleansing wood paving - February [ref: 26/196/383]
1884 Recommendation of site south of Botany Bay for noxious trades - description - appended tables of Weekly product of noxious trades (eg wool, tallow, candles, leather) in Sydney and suburbs and Quantities of noxious trade refuse removed - to be forwarded to Secretary of Noxious Trades Commission - May [ref: 26/197/0880]
1884 Board of Health Notification re smallpox case at Hotel - Seymour report on disinfection, removal of refuse and killed animals, erection of quarantine barriers - November [ref: 26/200/2058]
1884 Annual Report (loads of street sweepings, notices and prosecutions, Fish Markets, revenue); report on small pox outbreak and actions taken; Removal of household waste and wet weather problems; Removal of mud from streets being alleviated by more wood blocking - December [ref: 26/201/2216]
1885 Successful prosecution for failing to keep a chimney swept (caused a fire) - September [ref: 26/206/1396]
1885 Urgent need for disposal site for nightsoil now that it is no longer taken to sea - Council empties 400 dry earth closets - October [ref: 26/207/1639]
1887 135 diseased dogs killed by staff between 2 February and 16 February [ref: 26/218/396]
1887 Report on need for refrigerator at Fish Markets and inadequacy of present equipment - May [ref: 26/220/1078]
1887 Complains of Tramway Department employees filling gully shafts with mud and sweepings - December [ref: 26/225/2645]
1888 Requests police attendance at Fish Markets for duration of the Auction Sales be requested to prevent violence as has occurred - March [ref: 26/228/636]
1888 Opposed to proposed By Law of Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board banning use of fresh water for street watering - City Health has improved with the use of fresh water rather than the polluted salt water pumped from Darling Harbour - June [ref: 26/229/1135]
1889 Response to query - street manure is sold at 3/- per ton at Wattle St Depot, cartage therefrom is buyer's responsibility - February [ref: 26/232/194]
1890 Notifying Mayor Burdekin that the boys employed on cleansing wood block paved streets have gone on strike - Mayor's instructions to discharge and engage 'well conducted boys' - January [ref: 26/239/150]
1890 Warning of obnoxious stench and possible explosion of gas manufactured by Railway Department escaping into gully shafts of surrounding streets - March [ref: 26/241/668]
1891 Council Meeting 12 December 1890 - salary increased from £600 to £650 pa [ref: Evening News 12 December 90]
1891 Report on trip to Parramatta with George Baker to seek reasons for pollution, loss of fish and discolouration of waters in the Harbour - noting sewerage discharge at Parramatta, discolouration of waters from a bay near Putney to Darling Harbour - April [ref: 26/249/661]
1891 Inspected and served notice re flow of liquid manure onto street from Schroder Mandelson & Co's livery stables - July [ref: 26/251/1317]
1891 Caused 105 diseased dogs to be removed and destroyed - week ending 23 November [ref: Evening News 26 November 1891]
1892 Report on inspection with George Baker of dairies and milk depots - see also Baker's report - April [ref: 26/258/909]
1892 Reports on usual procedures for inspecting factories - September [ref: 26/260/1792]
1892 CSR Co disputes excessive smoke from Pyrmont refinery and believes no apparatus to reduce smoke - Seymour has observed heavy smoke and knows of apparatus used in other factories - November/December [ref: 26/262/2252]
1893 Seymour and Baker investigated pollution of Domain Baths and found that sheds of rowing clubs had closets emptying into the harbour - issued notices to abate the nuisance and install pan closets - September [ref: 26/268/1605]
1893 Visit of Seymour, Costello and Collier in response to complaints of stench emanating from south east portion of the Zoological Gardens at Moore Park abutting Cleveland Street and Randwick Road - Most unsanitary condition of slaughter yard, rubbish heaps, butcher's rooms relating to meat for lions etc - Grizzly Bears Pit filled with old excrement - issued summonses to Secretary and Manager - September [ref: 26/268/1756]
1894 Complaint of goat nuisance in Gloucester, Cambridge and Harrington Streets - Seymour can only issue summonses to owners if identified - only police have power to kill or impound - June [ref: 26/274/0994]
1894 Seymour and Baker inspected the premises of City Galvanizing Works, 12 Little George Street while in operation - most offensive smell produced affecting whole neighbourhood - October [ref: 26/276/1630]
1894 Report for Mayor on procedures used for the inspection of WCs in private premises - October [ref: 26/276/1730]
1895 Inspected premises of SS Vale, Assayer and Analytical Chemist after complaints of obnoxious odours - issued notice to abate - recommended flues be installed to above height of adjoining buildings but believed such business should not be permitted in the City - May [ref: 26/279/567]
1895 143 baskets of fish condemned at Fish Markets - July [ref: 26/280/888]
1895 Report on Chinese premises in Robertson Lane - August [ref: 26/281/0949]
1896 Seymour and the City Surveyor to consult with the Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage on the use of water for street cleansing in this time of abnormal drought and high temperatures - January [ref: 26/283/076]
1896 Mayor's report - retrenchment 30 June - services to be dispensed with - 6 months’ salary in compensation [ref: 22/50/20]
1898 Special duty, street cleansing - 8/- per day - Return of Officers and Servants, January 1898, by the Town Clerk [ref: 22/55/1]GenderMaleSource system IDTPER-004047
Employed by the City for 44 years.
Richard Seymour (Senior) born c1830 in Devonshire; arrived in Australia with 11th Regiment c1845.
Newspaper articles on Mayor’s proposed retrenchment of Seymour and Council’s debate May 1896:
[ref: Evening News 8 May 1896 p5]; [ref: The Daily Telegraph 8 May 1896 p4 & p5]; [ref: Daily Telegraph 11 May 1896 p2]; [ref: SMH 11 May 1896 p7]; [ref: Evening News 14 May 1896 p4 & p5]; [ref: SMH 15 May1896 p3 and p4]; [ref: The Australian Star 15 May 1896 p3]; [ref: Daily Telegraph 16 May 1896 p3]
NSW BDMs Registry: Death of wife 951/1879 SEYMOUR ALICE [parents] WILLIAM & MARGARET registered at SYDNEY
Death 165/1898: SEYMOUR, RICHARD; [parents] WILLIAM & UNKNOWN; registered at SYDNEY
Marriages: 107/1852 V1852107 38C SEYMOUR RICHARD & HOPLEY ALICE at Church of England, Gosford
Death and Funeral Notices: [ref: The Sydney Morning Herald 31 January 1898 p1 & p8]; [ref: The Sydney Morning Herald 2 February 1898 p8];
Obituaries and Funeral Reports: [ref: Evening News 31 January 1898 p4]; [ref: The Daily Telegraph 1 February 1898 p5]; [ref: The Daily Telegraph 2 February 1898 p5]
Photographs and Drawings of Seymour: [ref: The Daily Telegraph 2 February 1898 p5]
[ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/373]; [ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/433]; [ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/455]; [ref: CRS NSCA CRS 54/506]
Details from contemporary sources:
1854 Appointed Overseer Street Cleansing - 24 February - testimonials give highly satisfactory character [ref: 26/10/184]
1857 Description of duties -12-0 week - Finance Committee recommendations 1 June 1857 - Overseer, Cleansing Streets [ref: 22/1/09]
1861 Request from Volunteer Rifles for Seymour, trombone player, to join the band to play before the Governor at Windsor - October - leave granted [ref: 26/52/944]
1862 Finance Committee recommends appointment as Inspector of Nuisances (on death of Charles Drake) and amalgamation of that office with his previous office (Overseer Street Cleansing) - salary £25 pa - letter of application - April [ref: 22/5/15/251]
1864 Suggests barring butchers' shops York Street Markets at night to prevent illegal slaughter of calves and lambs - difficulties in prosecution - June [ref: 26/68/601]
1864 Report on best means of cleansing the city - to be adopted - September [ref: 26/69/815]
1865 Report on overflow and filth at the night soil pit at Randwick Road and dead horses in the water reserve - July [ref: 23/16/100]
1865 requests increase - Table showing notices, summons, fines, costs, sale of street sweepings for 1862-1865 - December [ref: 26/76/1067]
1866 Report on poor quality of fish being sold - recommends establishment of a Fish Markets- April [ref: 26/78/246]
1867 Report on nuisances which Council has no powers to control - list including melting fat, removal of butcher shop waste, animals kept for slaughter, cows kept for milk - October [ref: 26/87/1263]
1868 Report to Mayor on inspection of the Rocks district with the City Health Office - lack of kerbing and guttering, lack of conveniences etc - September [ref: 26/92/887]
1869 Proposed changes to rubbish collection - use of carts under control of Seymour rather than City Improvement Carts - making collection times later (7 am -1pm) - West Sydney Mondays and Thursdays, East Sydney Tuesdays and Fridays - approved May [ref: 26/97/564]
1872 Report on unhygienic mode of transporting meat and filthy conditions at abattoirs - February [ref: 26/114/200]
1872 Annual Return to November 1872 - house rubbish, street sweepings, dead animals, notices, summons etc [ref: 26/118/1025]
1873 Report on old drain from Gloucester St to the old Tank Stream in Pitt St - schools and houses connected to it - filthy - serving more as a ventilation shaft for noxious vapours - September [ref: 26/123/820]
1874 Report on disposal of night soil - August [ref: 23/29/281]
1874 Annual Report on House to House Inspections carried out by Seymour, Watkins and Robertson - 8,000 houses - great improvement in water closets etc [ref: 26/130/814]
1876 In response to the Colonial Secretary, Seymour explains measures taken in compliance with Nuisances Prevention Act 1875 - actions on disposal of night soil by carts and punts to sea and on regulation of cess pits - May [ref: 26/138/260]
1876 Colonial Secretary requests that Seymour inform the Inspector General of Police of the location of houses described by him in the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into the state of common lodging houses in which he had observed outrageous ill-usage of women and young girls - August [ref: 26/140/486]
1877 £425 pa - Salaries of Officers 1877 - increase recommended [ref: 22/17/413]
1878 £475 pa - Salaries of Officers: 1878; [ref: 22/17/711]
1879 Reporting on depletion of numbers and decrease in size of fish and prawns at the Eastern Markets and recommending a law limiting mesh size of nets etc - send on to Colonial Secretary = May [ref: 26/157/542]
1880 Report by Sapsford, Dansey and Seymour on various buildings in Pitt St near Goulburn St visited and found to be unhealthy and dangerous under City of Sydney Improvement Act 1879 sec 3 - August [ref: 26/168/1445]
1881 Comprehensive report on the sanitary condition of the Randwick Asylum for destitute children [ref: 26/173/236]
1881 Reporting on excessive traffic in George Street and other main streets causing blockages and accidents - suggesting regulations to restrict usage - April [ref: 26/175/709]
1881 Authorised by Fisheries Commission to enforce offenses and prosecute under Fisheries Act - June [ref: 26/176/1155]
1881 Need to make arrangements for the disposal of blood and offal from butchers granted slaughtering licences - November [ref: 26/180/2088]
1881 Request for leave from 27 December 1881 to 7 January 1882 - if granted will be able to inspect and report on sanitary arrangements in Melbourne [ref: 26/181/2271]
1882 In accord with instruction from Board of Health, instructions issued not to allow fossicking in rubbish heaps or rag-picking in order to stop spread of small pox - February [ref: 26/182/140]
1883 Street watering and disinfecting and house to house inspection re measles in Barkers Lane and Steam Mill Street - July [ref: 26/192/1166]
1884 £600 pa - Mayor's Report: Salary Schedule 1884 [ref: 21/16/123 [891]]
1884 Inspection of General Post Office - stinking water in gully shafts, filthy closets and urinals - January [ref: 26/195/036]
1884 Equipment and repairs needed at the Fish Markets - February [ref: 26/195/203]
1884 Mode of cleansing wood paving - February [ref: 26/196/383]
1884 Recommendation of site south of Botany Bay for noxious trades - description - appended tables of Weekly product of noxious trades (eg wool, tallow, candles, leather) in Sydney and suburbs and Quantities of noxious trade refuse removed - to be forwarded to Secretary of Noxious Trades Commission - May [ref: 26/197/0880]
1884 Board of Health Notification re smallpox case at Hotel - Seymour report on disinfection, removal of refuse and killed animals, erection of quarantine barriers - November [ref: 26/200/2058]
1884 Annual Report (loads of street sweepings, notices and prosecutions, Fish Markets, revenue); report on small pox outbreak and actions taken; Removal of household waste and wet weather problems; Removal of mud from streets being alleviated by more wood blocking - December [ref: 26/201/2216]
1885 Successful prosecution for failing to keep a chimney swept (caused a fire) - September [ref: 26/206/1396]
1885 Urgent need for disposal site for nightsoil now that it is no longer taken to sea - Council empties 400 dry earth closets - October [ref: 26/207/1639]
1887 135 diseased dogs killed by staff between 2 February and 16 February [ref: 26/218/396]
1887 Report on need for refrigerator at Fish Markets and inadequacy of present equipment - May [ref: 26/220/1078]
1887 Complains of Tramway Department employees filling gully shafts with mud and sweepings - December [ref: 26/225/2645]
1888 Requests police attendance at Fish Markets for duration of the Auction Sales be requested to prevent violence as has occurred - March [ref: 26/228/636]
1888 Opposed to proposed By Law of Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board banning use of fresh water for street watering - City Health has improved with the use of fresh water rather than the polluted salt water pumped from Darling Harbour - June [ref: 26/229/1135]
1889 Response to query - street manure is sold at 3/- per ton at Wattle St Depot, cartage therefrom is buyer's responsibility - February [ref: 26/232/194]
1890 Notifying Mayor Burdekin that the boys employed on cleansing wood block paved streets have gone on strike - Mayor's instructions to discharge and engage 'well conducted boys' - January [ref: 26/239/150]
1890 Warning of obnoxious stench and possible explosion of gas manufactured by Railway Department escaping into gully shafts of surrounding streets - March [ref: 26/241/668]
1891 Council Meeting 12 December 1890 - salary increased from £600 to £650 pa [ref: Evening News 12 December 90]
1891 Report on trip to Parramatta with George Baker to seek reasons for pollution, loss of fish and discolouration of waters in the Harbour - noting sewerage discharge at Parramatta, discolouration of waters from a bay near Putney to Darling Harbour - April [ref: 26/249/661]
1891 Inspected and served notice re flow of liquid manure onto street from Schroder Mandelson & Co's livery stables - July [ref: 26/251/1317]
1891 Caused 105 diseased dogs to be removed and destroyed - week ending 23 November [ref: Evening News 26 November 1891]
1892 Report on inspection with George Baker of dairies and milk depots - see also Baker's report - April [ref: 26/258/909]
1892 Reports on usual procedures for inspecting factories - September [ref: 26/260/1792]
1892 CSR Co disputes excessive smoke from Pyrmont refinery and believes no apparatus to reduce smoke - Seymour has observed heavy smoke and knows of apparatus used in other factories - November/December [ref: 26/262/2252]
1893 Seymour and Baker investigated pollution of Domain Baths and found that sheds of rowing clubs had closets emptying into the harbour - issued notices to abate the nuisance and install pan closets - September [ref: 26/268/1605]
1893 Visit of Seymour, Costello and Collier in response to complaints of stench emanating from south east portion of the Zoological Gardens at Moore Park abutting Cleveland Street and Randwick Road - Most unsanitary condition of slaughter yard, rubbish heaps, butcher's rooms relating to meat for lions etc - Grizzly Bears Pit filled with old excrement - issued summonses to Secretary and Manager - September [ref: 26/268/1756]
1894 Complaint of goat nuisance in Gloucester, Cambridge and Harrington Streets - Seymour can only issue summonses to owners if identified - only police have power to kill or impound - June [ref: 26/274/0994]
1894 Seymour and Baker inspected the premises of City Galvanizing Works, 12 Little George Street while in operation - most offensive smell produced affecting whole neighbourhood - October [ref: 26/276/1630]
1894 Report for Mayor on procedures used for the inspection of WCs in private premises - October [ref: 26/276/1730]
1895 Inspected premises of SS Vale, Assayer and Analytical Chemist after complaints of obnoxious odours - issued notice to abate - recommended flues be installed to above height of adjoining buildings but believed such business should not be permitted in the City - May [ref: 26/279/567]
1895 143 baskets of fish condemned at Fish Markets - July [ref: 26/280/888]
1895 Report on Chinese premises in Robertson Lane - August [ref: 26/281/0949]
1896 Seymour and the City Surveyor to consult with the Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage on the use of water for street cleansing in this time of abnormal drought and high temperatures - January [ref: 26/283/076]
1896 Mayor's report - retrenchment 30 June - services to be dispensed with - 6 months’ salary in compensation [ref: 22/50/20]
1898 Special duty, street cleansing - 8/- per day - Return of Officers and Servants, January 1898, by the Town Clerk [ref: 22/55/1]GenderMaleSource system IDTPER-004047
CollectionPeople and PositionsOrganisationSydney City CouncilPositionInspector of Nuisances [multiple departments]Overseer [City Surveyor's Department]Special Duty [Inspector of Nuisances]Related itemsReport of Finance Committee - Salaries and duties of officers and servants, 1 June 1857Memorandum: Richard Seymour, Inspector of Nuisances - House to house inspections and cleanlinessReport of Finance Committee - Salaries of officers for 1877Report of Finance Committee - Salaries of officers for 1878Memorandum: Thomas Sapsford, City Building Surveyor - Report of building encroaching on streetReport of the Mayor, John Hardie, on temporary promotions in the City Treasurer's Department Memorandum - Complaints about Zoological Garden at Moore Park, 1893Finance Committee Report - Re adoption of Report of Committee of Inquiry (re fraud)
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Seymour, Richard (Senior) [PE-000734]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 23 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/1870104