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- CSA120085
- Deane & Deane, sol...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- Crown Solicitor as...
- Norddeutscher Lloy...
- E J Walker complai...
- City Surveyor dism...
- Lord Mayoral minut...
- City Health Office...
- City Building Surv...
- Alderman E Milner ...
- S J Pollitzer, Hyd...
- William Sommer, Ge...
- Order for preparat...
- F D Helies request...
- City Treasurer sug...
- City Electrical En...
- Comptroller of Ass...
- Harry Rickards, Ti...
- City Surveyor subm...
- Balmain Municipal ...
- R P Blundell reque...
- Alderman J G Griff...
- Edmund H. Shepherd...
- Federal Electrical...
- Alderman E Lindsay...
- Messrs Mark Mitche...
- Union Steam Sthip ...
- Harringtons Limite...
- R Abbott advises o...
- City Treasurer req...
- City Surveyor repo...
- Alderman Harris dr...
- Deputy Town Clerk ...
- City Surveyor reco...
- City Surveyor repo...
- Spain Cosh & Minne...
- R B Orchard, Jewel...
- L. Leplastrier, pu...
- Messrs John Shaw a...
- Salvation Army req...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- Messrs Holdsworth ...
- Messrs Chapman & C...
- Alderman R D Meagh...
- Hardy Bros, Goldsm...
- Pierce and Co. - T...
- Chief Inspector of...
- Dept of Attorney G...
- Dr William G. McCl...
- Henry W. Peabody, ...
- J. Lennox - Town C...
- Ethel Hall - Town ...
- Sparkesbery - Town...
- City Building Surv...
- City Surveyor - To...
- City Surveyor - To...
- Angus Cameron - To...
- Chief Inspector of...
- City Building Surv...
- Chief Inspector of...
- E.B. Taylor - Town...
- Mary Plate - Town ...
- Lake Macquarie Shi...
- Tedbar Barden, Man...
- Collins and Mulhol...
- Dept of Public Hea...
- Dept of Public Hea...
- Alderman Lindsay T...
- Deputy Post Master...
- Pastoral Finance A...
- R.J. Mulholland, A...
- NSW Masonic Club -...
- Chief Inspector of...
- J.J. Bromwich, Iro...
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CSA120085 (01/01/1900 - 01/01/1913), [CSA120085]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 12 Feb 2025,