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- CSA120086
- Town Clerk. [Alter...
- The New Sandwich B...
- Lord Mayor. [Inten...
- F. J. Salisbury. [...
- Marshall & Dempste...
- C. W. M. Chateau [...
- Alderman R. C. Hag...
- Marshall & Dempste...
- T. C. Noonan [For ...
- Sanders & Co. [For...
- City Surveyors Off...
- E. F. Hogan. [For ...
- The Roycroft Libra...
- City Electrical En...
- City Surveyor. [Re...
- City Electrical En...
- Alderman J. Lane M...
- City Electrical En...
- H. R. Cooper. [Pro...
- Villeneuve Smith &...
- C. Goodman. [Reque...
- Websdale Shoosmith...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- Alderman Cocks. [U...
- Council - Town Cle...
- Council - Town Cle...
- Council - Town Cle...
- Council - Town Cle...
- D.Nelson and Co., ...
- City Electrical En...
- City Electrical En...
- Ald. McElhone noti...
- The Oxford Street ...
- The Electrical Eng...
- A.G. Wakfer reques...
- Mrs. Manning, 134 ...
- H.H. Groth & Co., ...
- The Intercolonial ...
- George Bourne, Sol...
- E.W. Cutler, Repre...
- William Wood, Secr...
- T.J. Dickson & Dic...
- Norddeutscher Lloy...
- The Hon J.W. Trick...
- Letters discussing...
- The Lord Mayor in...
- Lord Mayoral Allaw...
- The City Solicitor...
- The Librarian of S...
- Metropolitan Board...
- Aubrey Halloran (S...
- Hardie & Gorman, P...
- Hardie & Gorman, P...
- Dr. Sinclair Gilli...
- Messrs. Mark Mitch...
- Chief Inspector of...
- City Electrical En...
- Chief Inspector of...
- The City Electrica...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- J.T. Hallam, Georg...
- The Public Works D...
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CSA120086 (01/01/1900 - 01/01/1913), [CSA120086]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 11 Feb 2025,