Planning Street Cards provide information about Building Application (BA) and Development Application (DA) proposals submitted for properties within the present day City of Sydney local government area between 1907 and 1999.
Development applications were not required by law until 1945. As a result, only building applications appear on the cards prior to this date. Not all the applications were approved by Council and not all buildings were subsequently constructed.
The cards are arranged alphabetically according to street or roadway, with the exception of a small number of cards relating to non-street features, including zoos, wharves, universities, suburbs, squares, showgrounds, colleges and arcades.
The cards were divided between different councils as municipal boundaries changed. Maps in the Historical Atlas of Sydney show the relevant boundary changes.
Related records
The cards sometimes contain references to related file numbers in other series including:
Town Clerk's Correspondence Files, 1914-1978 (AS-0034)