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- CSA042548
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- Crick and Carroll,...
- Union Bank of Aust...
- Department of Publ...
- Postal and Electri...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- Northern Suburban ...
- Cecil J. W. Green,...
- Peter Dignand - To...
- City Building Surv...
- Mrs E. H. Browne -...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- H.R. Davies - Town...
- Police Dept. - Tow...
- Public Works Dept....
- Dept. of Navigatio...
- Dept. of Public In...
- Department of Publ...
- Sydney Morning Her...
- Department of Publ...
- Henry E. Vaughn an...
- D. Gordon - City S...
- W.J.Trickett - Tow...
- James G. Marks - T...
- J.W.Mates - Town C...
- Dept. of Public He...
- Dept. of Public He...
- J. Nathaniel Walsh...
- Pitt, Son and Badg...
- Royal Consulate of...
- John Whitford - To...
- City Surveyor - To...
- Mrs E. Gunner - To...
- Redfern Municipal ...
- City Surveyor - To...
- Alderman Lindsay T...
- Government Statist...
- State Treasury. Le...
- C N Coombe. Letter...
- A J Dolsen. Tender...
- Sing Lee. Request ...
- Cabmen's Union. Le...
- Railway Dept. Lett...
- G W Nicoll. Letter...
- Railway Dept. Corr...
- City Building Surv...
- City Building Surv...
- City Building Surv...
- City Building Surv...
- City Building Surv...
- City Health Office...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- Fire Brigade Board...
- City Health Depart...
- Water & Sewerage B...
- F Meacle. Work to ...
- Mrs Matilda Tyler....
- Alfred Rofe & Sons...
- R G Breillat. Lett...
- Goddard. Massey & ...
- Health Board. Plag...
- S Shaw. Letter req...
- Scott Henderson & ...
- Norman Shelley. Le...
- Federal Val-de-tra...
- D Gordon, City Sur...
- D Gordon, City Sur...
- D Gordon, City Sur...
- Acting CPS & Chamb...
- Alderman James Bee...
- A E Littlejohn (Se...
- Aust. Investment C...
- Goddard, Massey & ...
- McIntosh & Todhunt...
- A.S. Fleay - Town ...
- John Bridge & Co. ...
- Batt, Rodd & Purve...
- City Surveyor - To...
- City Surveyor - To...
- Labour & Industry ...
- Geo. A. Field - To...
- Lunacy Department ...
- Council - Town Cle...
- Council - Town Cle...
- Council - Town Cle...
- Miss H. Stuart - T...
- John Bruce - Town ...
- A. Shortland - Tow...
- Lever Bros. - Town...
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CSA042548 (01/01/1900 - 01/01/1913), [CSA042548]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 07 Feb 2025,