Unique IDAY-0123DescriptionThis activity covers the control (including the destruction) of dogs and other animals in the city. It includes management of the driving of herds and flocks of livestock such as pigs and cattle in the streets in the early 1900s because of resulting traffic obstructions. See also ACT 2, Regulation of produce, fish and livestock markets.
On 20 March 1900 the Minutes of the Works Committee recorded that "the Inspector of Nuisances be instructed to make inspection, report and take such action as is necessary in the interest of public health, to prevent the yarding of fowls, ducks, etc within the City, upon lands of insufficient area." (CRS 12/1)
On 7 April 1902 the Health Committee discussed that "Corporation employees be instructed to destroy worthless dogs found roaming through the streets". The Minutes of this Committee from 10 September 1902 also recorded discussion of the establishment of a Dog's Home (CRS 13/1). The Animal Protection Society of NSW eventually erected this Dog's Home in Moore Park in 1908. CreationSubject to research