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- CSA010095
- 49 York Street. ...
- Vere Matthews Rest...
- Lots 11/12, 3rd Su...
- Enquiry re whereab...
- Parking. Suggeste...
- Flat 2 "Glenrose" ...
- Mr. E. May - Clerk...
- Pyrmont Bridge and...
- Swimming Carnival ...
- 182 Harris St. Wil...
- 343/345 Sussex Str...
- 167 Crown St. F.T...
- 435 Riley St. Est...
- 2 Rowe Street. E...
- 111/187 Jones Stre...
- Long Service Leave...
- 28 Francis St. Ra...
- 2 Clapton Place. R...
- Lot 9, Martin Plac...
- Town Hall. Organ ...
- Land, Ross St., Sa...
- CE's Dept. Purch...
- Breach of Motor Tr...
- Wattle St. frontin...
- Library. Subscrip...
- Sir John Young Cre...
- Oxford St., betwee...
- Denison St., west ...
- Australia Street i...
- Rainfall Intensity...
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Enquiry re whereabouts of John Meyer. [Immigrant from Germany]
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Enquiry re whereabouts of John Meyer. [Immigrant from Germany] (04/12/1946 - 14/08/1947), [A-00109745]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 19 Dec 2024,