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- CSA032668
- 1.Resignation 2. A...
- Artists' Ball - Lo...
- City Surveyors Dep...
- Charges to Consula...
- Sergeant J.A.R.G.M...
- City Railway - To ...
- Jonah Ward (decd) ...
- Construction of bu...
- Dowling St - Demol...
- Duke St - To renam...
- Manning Square Bui...
- Railway St Chatswo...
- Employment of M.J....
- Rearranging the bl...
- Payment to Lord Ma...
- Lane rear of 86/92...
- Claims for compens...
- Lease or sale of C...
- Town Hall Office a...
- Erecton of stables...
- Stores in Wattle S...
- Use of money in Lo...
- Notice re lavatory...
- Nuisances committe...
- Enquiry re charge ...
- Health and Sanitar...
- Deputation from Co...
- Deputation re 1. L...
- Sect 84 Sydney Cor...
- Lord Mayor's Order...
- Leases. Inspection...
- For light employme...
- Fruit Markets - 1....
- 48 Hour week - Tow...
- Opinion on person ...
- Blockboys - Dismis...
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Lord Mayor's Orderly Quarters - 1. To renovate rooms at quarters 2. Ventilation
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Lord Mayor's Orderly Quarters - 1. To renovate rooms at quarters 2. Ventilation (14/09/1922 - 23/11/1922), [A-00112476]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 10 Feb 2025,