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- CSA007626
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- Cataloguing of Pla...
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- Enquiry by Ald. J....
- 94 Oxford St - Roo...
- 1) Complaint re no...
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- Engineers. Electri...
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- Caretaker Ladies' ...
- Flat 183. Pyrmont...
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- Enquiry by Mrs A.N...
- Living wage enquir...
- Nichols Street. Ra...
- Deputation on Depu...
- 130/132 Oxford St....
- File - Request to ...
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- Vacant land at rea...
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Cataloguing of Plans. C.E. & B.S. Dept. 1) L. Waters, Heliographer to assist. Plans Custodian (3
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Cataloguing of Plans. C.E. & B.S. Dept. 1) L. Waters, Heliographer to assist. Plans Custodian (3 (02/09/1935 - 12/02/1936), [A-00122091]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 11 Mar 2025,