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- CSA010698
- 42/60 Alice St., N...
- 18 Lang Rd. [Cente...
- Premises - Crescen...
- Lot 7, 1st Subdiv...
- 28 Birmingham St. ...
- 23 Hughes St. Jako...
- 9 Wylde St. C. Ham...
- 275c Pitt St. Ranc...
- 529/531 Kent St. S...
- 69/71 Edward St. &...
- 609/615 Harris St....
- 286 Victoria St [K...
- File - Partial dem...
- 9/11 Poate Rd [Cen...
- Rooms 6 & 7, 80 Hu...
- No. 6 (Producers )...
- Town Hall Paddingt...
- Portion of propert...
- Property, Neild Av...
- Balfour Hotel, Kin...
- 859/861 Bourke St ...
- 20 Darlinghurst Rd...
- 265 George St. Sa...
- 296 George Street....
- Victoria Park Swim...
- 1) Café No. 1, No ...
- Elizabethan Inn 41...
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Rooms 6 & 7, 80 Hunter St. Bankruptcy of tenant - A. Panagakis
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Rooms 6 & 7, 80 Hunter St. Bankruptcy of tenant - A. Panagakis (17/02/1956 - 22/11/1960), [A-00125923]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 11 Mar 2025,