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- CSA007699
- Sports arena, Rile...
- Moore Park. Remova...
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- Kindergarten Facil...
- Goold St. To erect...
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- Stationery and pri...
- George St East Sid...
- Laneway off Little...
- Revenue received f...
- 1. Producers Marke...
- 1. Town Hall Main ...
- Market St from Sus...
- Diptheria Immunisa...
- Traffic Engineerin...
- Wattle St Depot. P...
- Wattle St Depot. E...
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Revenue received from Parking fees, fruit, fish and flower stands, Hawkers and Porters licenses etc
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Revenue received from Parking fees, fruit, fish and flower stands, Hawkers and Porters licenses etc (26/02/1948 - 22/03/1948), [A-00132428]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 11 Mar 2025,