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- CSA005671
- Building Applicati...
- Cnr Burrows & Cana...
- 10-110 Euston Rd, ...
- 63-69 Dixon St - a...
- 338 George St, Wat...
- Cnr Morley Ave & D...
- 52 Pitt St, Redfer...
- Lot A between 5-7 ...
- 197 Castlereagh St...
- 2-16 Carillon Ave,...
- 83 Bourke Rd, Alex...
- 16a, 17, 17a & 18 ...
- 32-38 Flinders St ...
- Railway Pde, Erski...
- 43-51 Grose St, Ca...
- 258-260 Castlereag...
- 19 Eve St, Erskine...
- 262-266 Cleveland ...
- 1 George La adj 44...
- Sydney Cricket Gro...
- University of Sydn...
- Showground (off Mc...
- 44 Hugh St, Redfer...
- Euston Road Alexan...
- 87 King Street, ad...
- 723 Elizabeth Stre...
- 16 Kings Cross Roa...
- 37 Erskineville Ro...
- 11 Wilson Street N...
- 198 King Street Ne...
- 535/553 Riley Stre...
- 52/58 Reservoir St...
- 478/480 George Str...
- Pyrmont Bridge Roa...
- Lots 415/416 Mentm...
- Lot 16 Lang Road C...
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Cnr Burrows & Canal Rds, Alexandria - new building (factory) [A Abrahams & Sons]
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Cnr Burrows & Canal Rds, Alexandria - new building (factory) [A Abrahams & Sons] (01/04/1960 - 16/05/1961), [A-00135664]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 11 Mar 2025,