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- CSA005921
- 1 Alfred St, Sydne...
- 50 Pitt St, Sydney...
- 26 Hunter St, Sydn...
- 405 Sussex St, Syd...
- University of Sydn...
- 40/50 Clarence St....
- 55/67 Clarence St,...
- 561 Bourke St, Sur...
- 194/6 Elizabeth St...
- 200/2 Sussex St, S...
- 25/10 Challis Ave,...
- 393/99 Sussex St. ...
- 14 Martin Place, S...
- 25 Bligh St, Sydne...
- 55/67 Clarence St,...
- Holdsworth Ave, El...
- 44A/44B. Darlinghu...
- 275 George St, Syd...
- St. Andrews House ...
- 82 Elizabeth St, S...
- 25 Bligh St, Sydne...
- 175 Pitt St, Sydne...
- Bowman St, Pyrmont...
- 54/58 Park St, Syd...
- 10/14 Riley St, Wo...
- 41/45 Castlereagh ...
- 34/44 Market St, S...
- 101/9 York - 34/44...
- 22 Crown St, Wooll...
- Driver Avenue Moor...
- 25 Bligh St, Sydne...
- 500 George St, Syd...
- 1 Alfred St, Sydne...
- 35 Nobbs St, Surry...
- 50 Pitt St, Sydney...
- 175 Crown St, Sydn...
- 26 Hunter St, Sydn...
- 31 Goulburn St, Sy...
- 405 Sussex St, Sy...
- University of Sydn...
- 40/50 Clarence St,...
- 188/192 Sussex St,...
- 55/67 Clarence St,...
- 7 Oatley Rd, Paddi...
- 100 Mallett St, Ca...
- 194/196 Elizabeth ...
- 200/2 Sussex St, S...
- Flat 25/10c Challi...
- 393/99 Sussex St, ...
- 14 Martim Place, S...
- 25 Bligh St, Sydne...
- 55-67 Clarence St,...
- Holdsworth Ave, El...
- 44A-44B Darlinghur...
- 275 George St, Syd...
- St. Andrew's House...
- 82 Elizabeth St, S...
- 25 Bligh St, Sydne...
- 175 Pitt St, Sydne...
- Bowman St, Pyrmont...
- 54-58 Park St, Syd...
- 10-14 Riley St, Wo...
- 41-45 Castlereagh ...
- 34-44 Market St, S...
- 101-109 York - 34-...
- 22 Crown St, Wooll...
- Driver Avenue, Moo...
- 25 Bligh Street, S...
- 500 George Street,...
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1 Alfred St, Sydney Cove. Goldfields House. Partitions. 21st floor.
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1 Alfred St, Sydney Cove. Goldfields House. Partitions. 21st floor. (25/10/1977 - 27/01/1978), [A-00144268]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 14 Mar 2025,