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- CSA003509
- 90-92 Church Stree...
- 3-6 Codrington Str...
- 420-424 Crown Stre...
- 88-108 William Str...
- 86 Devonshire Stre...
- Lot 11, Cnr Miller...
- 61 Albion Street, ...
- 4-10 Martin Place,...
- 119-139 Missenden ...
- Land bounded by Py...
- 60-62 Foveaux Stre...
- 315-321 Pitt Stree...
- 184-190 Pitt Stree...
- 189-193 Kent Stree...
- 340-342 Pitt Stree...
- 9-13 Brisbane Stre...
- 2 Church Street, P...
- 46-54 York Street,...
- 2-12 Carrington St...
- Shop 6 and 7-15 Ma...
- 88-90 Foveaux Stre...
- 2/14 Farrell Avenu...
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Lot 11, Cnr Miller & Mount Streets, Pyrmont. Use premises as offices, warehouse and erect a sign.
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Lot 11, Cnr Miller & Mount Streets, Pyrmont. Use premises as offices, warehouse and erect a sign. (12/11/1971 - 25/07/1972), [A-00164933]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 14 Mar 2025,