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- CSA000689
- 81 Broadway. Sydne...
- MLC Centre 19-29 M...
- Edinburgh Castle H...
- 137-139 Clarence S...
- CBA Centre, 265-27...
- 400-412 Elizabeth ...
- Kindersley House 2...
- Exchange Centre 78...
- 22 Levey St. Erect...
- Victoria Garage. 2...
- Glendon Court. 196...
- "Earl's" Earl St. ...
- Sydney Morning Her...
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- 4 Windeyer St. Wat...
- Harold's. 478-480,...
- Bank of N.S.W. 367...
- Bank of N.S.W. 367...
- Royal Exchange Bui...
- 11-19 Jamieson St....
- 92-102 Cleveland S...
- 41 Corben St Surry...
- 70-72 Druitt St. S...
- 146-150 Victoria S...
- 455 Harris St. Ult...
- Bendalong House, 5...
- Sydney City Missio...
- AMP Centre, 7-23 P...
- 1-41 Lackey Street...
- Metropolitan Freeh...
- Bank of N.S.W., 58...
- Bennelong House, 5...
- 83-87 York Street,...
- 50 Ridge Street, S...
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41 Corben St Surry Hills. - Erect canvas type awning. - Colourful Canvas Co. P/L.
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41 Corben St Surry Hills. - Erect canvas type awning. - Colourful Canvas Co. P/L. (26/08/1981 - 14/01/1982), [A-00200844]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 11 Mar 2025,