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- CSA042715
- Bathurst Street Ba...
- State Premier. [Fo...
- Health Committee. ...
- Health Committee. ...
- C. Brainwood. [Com...
- Health Board. [All...
- Health Board. [Com...
- Edward Leggett. [F...
- Gibson Battle & Co...
- Town Clerk. [Railw...
- Wunderlich Ceiling...
- Thomas Robinson & ...
- Mrs. T. Elliot. [F...
- David Jones Limite...
- Lipton Limited. [F...
- Railway Department...
- L. E. Keane. For i...
- Cleansing Departme...
- N. Donnellan. [Dra...
- Intelligence Depar...
- John Fahey. [Compl...
- Grimley Limited. [...
- Bellambie Coal Co....
- City Surveyor. [Fo...
- W. Uppington. [Siz...
- Comptroller of Sto...
- Sydney Skating Rin...
- R Duffy - Town Cle...
- Websdale Shoosmith...
- The Miller Coy - T...
- Searl & Sons - Tow...
- Indent Agency Co -...
- ME Winstanley - To...
- Wilkinson & Oslide...
- Clarke & Cole - To...
- Clark & Crocker - ...
- R Hornsby & Sons -...
- Walder S - Town Cl...
- Comptroller of Ass...
- City Surveyor - To...
- Mrs L Wood - Town ...
- Deputy Town Clerk ...
- Comptroller of Ass...
- City Building Surv...
- N Abrahams - Town ...
- Marcel Seely - Tow...
- SJ Kirby - Town Cl...
- Alcock & Coy - Tow...
- MacPherson W [Prop...
- P&C Hoskins Ltd - ...
- City Building Surv...
- Fraser, Uther & Co...
- Comptroller of Ass...
- City Treasurer - T...
- William Martin - T...
- Comptroller of Ass...
- N Livingstone [bui...
- City Surveyor - To...
- Stacy FW - Town Cl...
- S McNamara - Town ...
- Town Clerk. [Healt...
- Railway Dept - Tow...
- Coombes WC - Town ...
- Stradus FW - Town ...
- Williams P - Town ...
- Lanes of insuffici...
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Health Board. [Complaint of nuisance from defective WC near 499 Bourke Street, Sydney]
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Health Board. [Complaint of nuisance from defective WC near 499 Bourke Street, Sydney] (30/01/1908 - 08/02/1908), [A-00215528]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 12 Mar 2025,