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- CSA120135
- J. H. Exton. [Maki...
- Comptroller of Ass...
- City Electrical En...
- Alderman A. McElho...
- Evans Sons, Lesche...
- J. Ptolemy of the ...
- Hugh McDonald comp...
- Railway Department...
- Port Adelaide MC a...
- G. & C. Hoskins co...
- John Corliss reque...
- City Building Surv...
- C.E. Blackman comp...
- Town Clerk offers ...
- Premier on the pro...
- Town Clerk asks th...
- Wattle Day League ...
- City Surveyor repo...
- Mrs. E. Johnson re...
- Joseland & Vernon,...
- W. T. Grigor, phar...
- Sydney Harbour Tru...
- Sanders & Co. [Ret...
- H. J. Solomon. [Fo...
- W. Hart [For infor...
- G. L Grant. [For p...
- Sydney Professiona...
- Spencer Simpson & ...
- Waterloo Municipal...
- City Health Office...
- W. A. Urie Esq. [H...
- City Electrical En...
- Lands Department. ...
- Postal Department....
- Standard Waygood L...
- E. H. C. Bristowe....
- Charles Hee - seek...
- Dibbs Parker & Par...
- EG McDermott infor...
- City Building Surv...
- Police Dept re adv...
- M Wilson for exten...
- City Surveyor - te...
- Town Yards re brea...
- Sargood Bros repor...
- Sly & Russell, Sol...
- Public Health Depa...
- St Peters Municipa...
- St Peters Municipa...
- Mrs AJ White regar...
- James Vickery requ...
- Samuel Asher, Elec...
- S&B Motor Coy givi...
- Postal Dept regard...
- City Electrical En...
- City Building Surv...
- City Assessor subm...
- City Electrical En...
- City Electrical En...
- File - Purchase of...
- City Surveyor advi...
- Lands Dept. Forwar...
- J Frank White, Arc...
- City Health Office...
- Chamber of Commerc...
- Shopkeepers Defenc...
- W Faulder advises ...
- Slade & Brown requ...
- JP Talty - Saddle ...
- Tramway Dept reque...
- HE Russell & Son c...
- General Auditor - ...
- RJ Mangan - offer ...
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City Electrical Engineer. [Plans and notices under the Electric Light Act in connection with
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City Electrical Engineer. [Plans and notices under the Electric Light Act in connection with (24/07/1911 - 15/09/1911), [A-00242773]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 23 Dec 2024,