Unique IDAY-0125DescriptionThe Public Health Act 1896 (Part III) intrioduced a requirement for medical practitioners to notify cases of infectious diseases to the municipality in which the infected person resided. The local government was required to keep a register of these notifications in a form prescribed.CreationPublic Health Act 1896, Part IIIAbolitionThe requirement for local governments to keep receive and register notifications appears to have ceased during 1976. Further researcjh required.
Start date1st January 1896Start date qualifiercircaEnd date31st December 1976End date qualifierbyRelationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Public health FN-0012 (1/1/1896 to 31/12/1976)
RELATED TO: Public health FN-0012 (1/1/1896 to 31/12/1976)