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Report on their proceedings and the General State of the Water Works, 1844-1849
Unique IDA-00434603SeriesCommittee Reports (Various committees), 1842-1899DateBetween 1st January 1844 and 17th December 1849Date qualifierexactFormatVolume - Leather BoundDescriptionReport of the Water Committee on their proceedings and the General State of the Water Works from 16 November 1848 to 29 October 1849. Report subjects: Water Mains, Locks, Plugs and their location; Fountains; Fire Engine House; Lachlan Swamp and Tunnel; Ways and Means; Return of Houses supplied with water; Return of numbers of rooms charged at certain rates; Letter of City Surveyor, Francis Clarke, re alleviating water scarcity in south of Sydney. Appended: List of new lines of mains laid with locations and materials used; details of Cast Iron Mains proposed to be laid; map of the Water Mains in the City of Sydney by City Surveyor, 27 October 1849; List of premises inspected in 1849 with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered), date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. List of premises inspected with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered), date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. Names of inspectors: Doling and Wells . Names and street for register numbers 1-95 for year 1844: Charles Hensley, York St; J. C. Lyall, Fort St; C. Kemp, Brownrigg, Fort St; J. Rae, Emanuel, Elizabeth St; R. A. Hunt, Phillip St; A. Toogood, Roche, King St; H. O'Rbien, Daniel, Fort & Cumberland Sts; R. M. Robey, George St; Ann Morris, 4 houses, Fort St; John Sterling, George St; John Hordern, George St; Thomas Trood, King St; Alexander Douglas, George St; William Minithorpe, George St; George Wilkie, George St; Edward Rogers, Elizabeth St; John Fletcher, George St; William Walker, George St; William Adnum, George St; H. Bell, Macquarie St; James hume, Elizabeth ST; William Edney, Eldridge, York St; Thomas Cadell, S. D. Gordon, Bridge St; Thomas Petty, Williams, Church Hill; James Entwisle, York St; James Cunnningham, Martin, King St; Rd Roberts, Elizabeth St; H. Fisher, William Toogood, King & George St; A. Hordern, King St; Lewis Leon, Chapman, George St; J. R. Holden, Eldridge, York St; Jacob Inder, H. Tebbutt, York St; F. Clarke, Dalgarno, Kent St; M. Brown, Evers, King St; Rob Lowe, Macquarie St; B. Hirst, McPhail, York St; John Bibb, Macquarie St; W. Scott, Fort St; C. M. Penny, George St; Charles Scott, Illidge, Baptist Chapel; Adam Wilson, Macquarie St; Rt Campbell, Bligh St; G.D. Webb, Korff; V. Solomon, Clarence St; J. Levery, George St; P. Levey, George St; E. Campbell & Co, George St; J. C. Grylls, Mrs Allen, Fort St; R. Peek, T. Taylor, George St; C. Gaze, Hancock; George St; Samuel Lyons, George St; F. W. Adam, Macquarie St; Mary Hill, Park St; Mary Randall, Macquarie St; David Hill, Park & Pitt St; W. H. Aldis, George St; J. G. Raphael, Isaacs, George St; John Kettle, Moore, George St; H. Hollinshed, Kent St; John Keane, Richd Cleary, King St; C. Falconer, George St; C. Bath, Kelsey, George St; Sarah Barnes, Bath, George St; H. Elwin, Charlotte Place; Colonial Treasury, Charlotte Place; Jane Binnie, George St; A. M. Dyer, Macquarie St; Jane Binnie, George St; George Clark, Prescott, George St; R. Webb, Mark Dixon, York St; J. McHenry, Coombes, Fort St; C. J. Bullivant, Cureton, Cumberland St; J. K. Cleeve, Charlotte Place; A. Hordern, George St; Leslie Duguid, Knox, George St. List of premises inspected with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered), date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. Names of inspectors: Doling and Wells . Names and street for register numbers 96-161 for year 1845: F. Gaunson, George St; E. McDonald, Cumberland St; Israel Myers, George St; T. Ryder, Place, Fort St; R. Barry, Cumberland St; T. Hyndes, Fort St; W. Sharp, Hunter St; John Korff, Fort St; Jos Scott, Abrahams, George St; J. Aiton, Frawley, York St; William Moffitt, Pitt St; John Jacobs, George St; R. O'Connor, Bowerman, Macquarie St; T. C. Breillat, Clarence St; John Blackman, Polack, George St; James Wood, Innes, George St; Henry Ferris, Garrick, York St; J. Montefiore, Macquarie St; Robt King, Dixon St; James Smith, Kelly, George St; Phillip Hart, George St; John Walker, Fort St; H. Connell, Bathurst St; Ed Harris, Goodwin, King & Phillip St; Samuel Folk, George St; P. A. Thompson, Stirling, Jamison Lane; N. Rundle, Keane, King St; P. Solomon, Levey, Clarence St; T. Robinson, George St; William Robinson, Owen, George St; John Dalley, A. Cohen, Castlereagh St; William Walker, Larnach, George St; A. Mitchell, King St; Ann Morris, Fort St; E. Phillips, George St; David jones, George St; H. Watt, Phillip St; J. R. Young, Charlotte Place; J. V. M. Weiss, Collins, Bathurst; Ann Newton, George St; Dan Lenehan, King St; R. Campbell, Fort St; H. J. Phelps, York St; R. A. A. Morehead, O'Connell St; Wallis, Hudson, Fort St; G. C. Turner, O'Neil, George St; William Baker, Edwards, King St; J. R. & A. F. Wilshire, George St; Thomas Holmes, George St; Solomon Lewis, John Marshfield, George St; Ellen Thompson, George St; J. S. Hanson, George St; B. Naughton, Bathurst St; Grimes, Southwood, Fort St; John McNamara, Hunter St; B. Turner, hawkins, York; George Evans, Pitt St; John Thomas, Hiney, George St; William Beaver, St James Church; Robt Porter, Peek, George St; Alexander Gray, Bathurst St. List of premises inspected with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered),date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. Names of inspectors: Doling and Wells. Names and street for register numbers 162-229 for year 1846: Stewart, George St; Thomas Murphy, Malcom, York St; J. H. Baillie, Bathurst; Bruce Cheyne, George St; R. W. Moore, George St; J. Gillespie, George St; Kemp, Priddle, King St; John Greer, Erskine St; John Moseley, Lett, George St; Noah Bushby, George St; William Long, George St; John Court, Buxton & Martin, Kent St; George Small, Davy, George St; Gabl Burnett, William Newlands, George St; Thomas Dawson, George St; James Smith, George St; Jos Edgar, R. Underwood, George St; John Isaacs, Harris, George St (pub & House); T. F. Staddon, Beatridge, George St; F. Gibson, J. F. Hilly, King St; H. Tebbutt, George St; John Sands, George St; J. S. Cohen, George St; John Dalley, Protors, Pitt St; William Turley, King St; J. O. Glanham, George St; J. B. Metcalfe, George St; Ambrose Foss, Pitt St; James Wright, Hunter, Bathurst St; E. D. Cohen, George St; Avery Benham, Fairfax, George St; William Clarke, George St; C. McDermott, Pegler, Clarence St; Thomas Perkins, George St; James McEvoy, Pitt St; Isaac Simmons, George St; Isaac Simmons, Hunter St; Alex Fotheringham, Bent St; Steele, Willmot St; Samuel Jones, Moseley, Market St; James Chambers, York St; George Paton, Kent St; James Thompson, Macquarie St; Eliz Moore, George St; Sarah Turner, Macquarie St; J. K. Salting, Macquarie St; H. McLaren, Macquarie St; Jos Le Burn, Newsome, King St; William Palmer, Kent St; Dublin, Porter, George St; Rd Edwards, Macquarie St; Thomas Martin, Samuel, King St; H. Mitchell, Kent St; Simmons, McGrath, Wilmot St; M. Clackson, Elizabeth & Park St; George Campbell, Lower George St; John Gilchrist, Lower George St; J. Carmichael, Kent St; John Thompson, George St; H. Fisher, Cumberland St; Mansfield, Kent St; J. Chapman, George St; B. Yabsley, George St; A. W. Young, Cumberland St. List of premises inspected with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered), date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. Names of inspectors: Doling and Wells. Names and street for register numbers 230-368 for year 1847: R. Mansfield Darling Ho; Perry, Davis, Kent St; S. Miles, Cumberland St; W. Bland, Pitt St; P. Plomer, Barrack & York St; Eliz Watkins, Cohen; Mw Charlton, Cumberland St; Mrs Aspinall, W. H. Kerr, Cumberland St; James Sea, Pitt St; Mrs Pearson, Pitt St; James Pashley, Cumberland St; Mw Charlton, Cumberland St; Jos Middleton, Cumberland St; Luke Milward, James M. Leigh, George St; Danl Egan, Pitt St; Jeffreys, Savage, Cumberland St; William Aitken, Pitt St; William Sharpe, Bligh St; Chas Newton, Pitt St; T. W. Bowden, Liverpool St; Joy, Cavenagh, Parramatta St; Martin Gill, Pitt St; R. W. Goodall, George St; W. Samson, George St; James Mitchell, Cumberland St; James Bluck, Park St; John Hosking, Pitt St; John Dillon, W. A. Sea, George St; Lewis Alexander, Newton, Pitt St; P. N. Russell, George St; William Thompson, York St; John Walker, Sussex St; John Willliams, George St; T. J. Bown, George St; John Rowe, King St; John Williams, George St; Peter Steele, Willmot St; Wright, Pitt St; William Blythe, Pitt St; Mary Roberts, Phillip St; William Cole, Argyle St; T. Douglass, Pitt St; William Stone, Pitt St; William Knight, Faris, Pitt St; William Wallis, Elizabeth St; C. McLaughlin, York St; Danl Rogers, Pitt St; George Clark, Pitt St; Ms Hooper, George St; J. Fielding, Foster, George St; Avery Benham, Reynolds, George St; Jos Thompson, Pitt St; Price & Favenc, Pitt St; William Melville, George St; G. F. Poole, Walker, George St; Reuben Uther, Pitt St; W. B. Allen, Sussex St; William Cole, Argyle St; George Jilks, Bathurst St; John Holman, George St; James Ramsay, George St; John Brown, George St; J. W. Byrnes, Grant, Wilmott St; John Holt, George St; C. Deacon, R. Nott, George St; W. A. Dobson, George St; Johnson & Weight, Pitt St; Rd Driver, King St; H. Sheldon, McIntosh, Pitt St; C. Jenkins, D'arcy, Parramatta St; William Palmer, R. Benjamin, Kent St; Smithers, Charles St; Joy, Charles St; James Walker, Frost, Charles St; H. Moreton, Charles St; John Booth, George St; John Fletcher, George St; Thomas Fleming, Kent St; Ed'd Bones, Ford, George St; John Smith, O'Connell St; H. Gritton, Pitt St; J. Cetta, George St; J. G. Griffiths, Bligh St; T. E. Jones, Bligh St; J. Montefiore, O'Connell St; William Thurlow, Bligh St; William Ford, George St; James Levick, George St; George Small, Jamison St; M. A. Strutt, Jamison St; Thomas Smith, Jamison St; Jane Irvine, Jamison St; Agnes Atkinson, Jamison St; John Stewart, York St; Jacob Pouthen, George St; J. B. Jones, Castlereagh St; George Jilks, Kent & Bathurst Sts; P. F. Morgan, Pitt St; H. Robertson, Pitt St; Kenna Lord, M. A. Strutt, Jamison; Saul Lyons, Elizabeth St; Mary Roberts, Elizabeth St; William Galliott, Castlereagh St; James Dearing, Castlereagh St; William Foster, Elizabeth & Castlereagh Sts; Rd Hill, Pitt St; William Wyatt, Pitt St; George Moss, Elizabeth St; Flavelle & Brush, Brush, George St; Thomas Molloy, George St; William Aitkenhead, George St; McEncroe, George St; F. Kosten, Pitt St; R. Coveny, Market St; Jos Smith, Pitt St; E. C. Suttor, Fattorini, Elizabeth St; R. Owen, Rowley, Elizabeth St; William Starkey, Elizabeth St; J. B. Jones, 24 York St; James Curtis, Hunter St; George Fitchett, Castlereagh St; C. McElhone, Castlereagh St; P. J. Elliott, Macquarie & Bent Sts; Thomas Dawson, George St; A. H. M. Cullock, Elizabeth St; Rd Rogers, Elizabeth St; G. R. Nichols, Gilchrist, Pitt St; James Smith, Castlereagh St; Aw Goodwin, Kent St; Peter Favenc, J. Samuel, O'Connell St; Thomas Lee, George St; James Curtis, Hunter St; Tooth; Dawson; John Nobbs, York St; J. C. Kirby, George St. List of premises inspected with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered), date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. Names of inspectors: Doling and Wells . Names and street for register numbers 369-434 for year 1848: John Forrester, George St; William Toogood, King & Pitt Sts; George Chisholm, Pitt St; Morehead & Young, Castlereagh St; Edwin Daintry, Elizabeth St; John Rickards, George St; John Black, Castlereagh St; George Thornton, Bent St; Peter Steele, Willmot St; Walter Christie, Pitt St; Isaac Titterton, George St; Isaac Titterton, George & Market Sts; Anne Marr, Castlereagh St; Israel Solomon, George St; John Jones, Bathurst & Pitt St; John Benson, Druitt St; Thomas Holt, George St; John Sharkey, George St; John Brush, Swan St; Ed Raper, George St, John Foulis, Andrw Gribben, Castlereagh St; George Fullerton, Pitt St; Peter Maher, Swan St; James M. Coy, Swan St; John Carruthers, Swan St; Jos Smith, Pitt St; James Calder, Swan St; James Garrick, Elizabeth St; John Dalley, Macquarie St; E. Gray, Jamison St; B. J. Haigh, Pitt St; James Teare, Pitt St; George Evans, Pitt St; Henry Ferris, Castlereagh St; Phillip Joseph, Hunter & Phillip St; H. Bond, 2 houses, Pitt St; Aw Goodwin, Princes St; Jos Armstrong, Castlereagh & Hunter St; T. Cowlishaw, School of Arts; Thomas Smith, George St; Thomas Hyndes, Fort St; William Cankett, Princes St; Aw Goodwin, Princes St; James Norton, Castlereagh & Elizabeth St; John Stirling, Jamison St; James Murphy, Swan St; Henry Fisher, George St; Phillip Hart, George St; Pat Gray, Phillip St; Jerh Donovan, George St; George Jilks, Bathurst St; R. Dawson, George St; John Greer, George St; George Atherden, George St; Martyn & Coombes, George St; W. P. Cousins, Elizabeth & Liverpool St; Thomas Johnson, George Coulton, George St South; F. W. Unwin, Pitt St; George Talbot, Vic. Terrace; John Kent, Vic. Terrace; John Jones, 49 Pitt St; Dawson & Thompson, George St; Edward Borton, Market & Pitt St; Alex Fotheringham, Richmond Terrace. List of premises inspected with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered), date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. Names of inspectors: Doling and Wells . Names and street for register numbers 435-556 for year 1849:Ed Dalamon, George St; M. A. Burdekin, Macquarie St; Chas Marsh, R. Douglass, Pitt St; George Hamilton, Hunter St; Alex or James Smail, Argyle St; C. Kemp, Macquarie St; John Fairfax, Macquarie St; James Farmer, George St; Ml Daly, George St; John Morris, Market St; Peter Paulus, George St; William Hay, Fort St; William Brown, Macquarie St; George Simpson, Pitt & Hunter St; J. P. Bond, Millers Point; John Flavelle, George St; Elias Deeper, George St; William Birch, Market St; George Smith, Castlereagh St; D. F. Roberts, Elizabeth St; F. Merewether, Cumberland St; H. Armitage, Vic. Terrace; William Aitken, Pitt St; William Tunks, Castlereagh St; Benj Roden, Millers Point; Jos Yeomans, Pitt St; Samuel Holmes, King St; Rd Cullen, Castlereagh St; William Cole, Argyle St; B. A. Church, Vic Terrace; John Thacker, Liverpool St; Ml Bennett, George St; William Fisher, George St; E. Hunt, Jamison St; E. Hunt, Jamison St; Thomas Walker, Fort St; Jos Middleton, Cumberland St; John Chard, George St; John McIntosh, George St; Rd Harnett, O'Connell St; Francis Ellard, Pitt St; Thomas Smith, Liverpool St; James Murphy, Swan St; James Oatley, Pitt St; Henry Isler, Pitt St; J. W. Wood, Pitt St; John Pearson, John Keane, King St; Thomas Rielly, King St; John Hamilton, Dixon St; Henry Matthews, Liverpool St; James Turner, Bligh St; Thomas Smidmore, Bathurst St; Aloes Hock, George St; William Tucker, Richd Ter; William Wallis, George St; William Northwood, Market St; Chas Hensley, Swan St; Jos Smith, Pitt St; William Howell, George St; George Jilkes, Kent St; John P. Bond, Millers Point; George Thornton, George St; Thomas Walker, Vic Terrace; R. Lowater, Willmot St; Abraham Elias, Bathurst; Aw Lenehan, Castlereagh St; J. G. Raphael, Princes St; G. K. Holden, Castlereagh St; John Wood, Castlereagh St; Jos Pritchard, Bridge St; William Davis, Pitt St; O. Bloxsome, Jamison St; John Francis, George St; John Hosking, Hosking Place; A. M. Rielly, Bridge St; R & E Tooth, Parramatta St; Hastings Elwin, Millers Point; H & D Perrier, Pitt St; Joseph Wyatt, Pitt St; Jos Le Brun, Bridge St; William Moffitt, Bridge St; Rd Andrews, Hunter St; John Hosking, Castlereagh St; John Lamb, Vic Terrace; Jos Thompson, Macquarie St; J. T. Falconer, Liverpool St; James Ewen, George St; James Wright, George St; Hastings Elwin, Millers Point; Francis Smith, Alex Bremner, George St; George Fullerton, Pitt & Liverpool St; W. J. Noblett, Pitt St; Josiah Miles, George St; John Marsh, Macquarie St; J. B. Jones, Wells, 48 Castlereagh St; Terence Daley, George St; William Evans, George St; Thomas Brown, Browns Lane; A. W. Young, Macquarie St; Tucker Lingard & Co, George St; John Wedderburn, George St; William Bowen, George St; Thomas Farrell, Elizabeth St; Thomas Hyndes, Cumberland; J. G. Raphael, Lower George St; R. W. Moore, Pitt St; G. R. Nichols, Castlereagh St; Francis Smith, Kent St; Thomas Holmes, Parramatta St; Humphrey Jones, Hunter St; Henry Parkes, Hunter St; Henry Brown, Hunter St; R. W. Moore, Charles St; Isaac Morris, Pitt St; E. Crampton, Parramatta St; Francis Gutland, Kent St; James Brady, Pitt St; Samuel Lyons, Lyons Terrace; Francis O'Brien, George St; Pat Farley, Gloucester St. List of premises inspected with headings: year of registration, number in register (from 1 to 556 plus a further 26 unnumbered), date of inspection, by whom inspected, name in register, present occupant, street, number of rooms in register. Un-numbered entries give one name, street and number of rooms or rate only: John Argent, Pitt St; H. Fisher, George Street; Sarah Wallis, Castlereagh St; Hannah Hill, Pitt St; Elias Solomon, Pitt St; George Quinlan, Clarence St; H. W. Wallis, Clarence St; Hyan Elias, Pitt St; George Wilson, Castlereagh St; J. G. Cohen, George St; John Kelsey, George St; James Rose, George St; George Clark, Clarence St; John Howell, York St; T. Cutler, Millers Point; D. J. Tierney, Pitt St; A. J. Rayner, Goulburn St; Sarah Wallis, Liverpool St; Ja Garrick, Elizabeth St; W. Thompson, Castlereagh St; W. Samuel, Pitt St; James Stewart, George St; John Taylor, George St; George Miller, Barrack St; R. W. Goodall, Pitt St; R. W. Moore, Clarence St.LanguageEnglish (eng)Digitised recordYesBorn digital itemNo
Public access statusRestricted original (digital copy available)
Source system ID21/7/76 [749] (a)
Data Quality
Authenticity & integrityThese are the original Committee Reports created by Council. The record has been held in the Council’s custody and has a high level of authenticity. Users should be aware that this is an historical record and the language used within the record was the language of the time it was captured, and may not reflect current community values or expectations.
OrganisationSydney City Council
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Report on their proceedings and the General State of the Water Works, 1844-1849 (01/01/1844 - 17/12/1849), [A-00434603]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 23 Dec 2024, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/938509