Unique IDAY-0052Description*** This activity applies to all Councils ***
Administration of the election of Aldermen, Councillors and (where applicable) the Mayor or Lord Mayor. From 1999 most of the responsibility for this activity has passed to the NSW Electoral Commission.
Hilary Golder: Sydney's Elections, A Short Electoral History of Sydney City Council 1842-1992 (Sydney, SCC, 1995).CreationSydney Corporation Act 1842, ss1-59.
Boundaries, franchise and method of holding elections for Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors.
Municipalities Act 1858 s10ff (Councils other than the City of Sydney): conduct of elections.
Start date1st November 1842End date12th February 1999Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Electoral administration FN-0017 (01/11/1842 to 12/02/1999)
RELATED TO: Suburban municipal government FN-0029 (03/08/1858 to 31/12/1948)
Administration of municipal elections [AY-0052]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 18 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62800