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- Print - Alteration...
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- Print - Alteration...
- Print - Alteration...
- Print - Alteration...
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- Print - Alteration...
- Print - Alteration...
- Print - New awning...
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- Print - Alteration...
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- Print - New awning...
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Add- Print - Alterations to the lift shaft, second floor, Queen Victoria Building (QVB) Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), along York Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), York and Druitt Streets Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the first floor, Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, first floor, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - First floor alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), first floor, Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), from Druitt Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), second floor, Sydney, 1918
- Print - Ground floor, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - New awning, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, York Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Second floor, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, York Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Lift shaft, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB) Sydney, 1918
- Print - New awning, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, York Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Ground floor, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Cawarra Wines, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Second floor, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the ground floor, Druitt Street end, Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, north along George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street interior, Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB), George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - View of lift shaft, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - First floor, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - New awning, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, York Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to ground floor of the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations ground floor, Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1918
- Print - Alterations ground floor, Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations lift, Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, Druitt and York Streets Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Lift shaft, alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to lift shaft, Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to lift shaft, Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, York Street Sydney, 1919
- Print - Alterations to the Queen Victoria Building, George Street Sydney, 1919
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Album - Demolition Books - Volume 24 - Construction progress, 1918-1919
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Photographer: Milton Kent, Album - Demolition Books - Volume 24 - Construction progress, 1918-1919 (23/09/1918 - 24/05/1919), [A-01187686]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 07 Feb 2025,