Unique IDAY-0056DescriptionHosting of or involvement by Council in ceremonial events, such as public celebrations and commemorations. The earliest of these may have been Council's involvement with the farewell to the NSW Soudan contingent in 1885.
Hosting of or involvement in civic occasions, such as welcomes to distinguished visitors. The earliest of these occasions seems to have the iullumination of the Town Hall and an address of congratulation sent to the Prince of Wales on the occasion of his mariage to Princess Alexandra in 1863.
Suburban municipal councils held commemorative anniversary celebrations (e.g. Newtown, 1862-1912) and participated officially in the welcome to the Prince of Wales in 1920.
Start date9th January 1863Start date qualifierbyEnd date9th January 1863Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Suburban municipal government FN-0029 (31/12/1948)
RELATED TO: Mayoralty / Lord Mayoralty FN-0023 (9/1/1863)
RELATED TO: Ceremonial events and civic occasions FN-0020 (9/1/1863)
Ceremonial events and civic occasions [AY-0056]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 18 Dec 2024, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62804