Advertising signage control
Unique IDAY-0108DescriptionThe control and regulation of advertising signage in the City.
Since the 1950s, this has often been part of the conditions of consent included in development applications. Development applications are also required for many signs and structures intended to support signs.CreationRecommendation to Council by the Finance Committee that ByLaws be drafted to regulate the use of calico and other signs (CRS22/44/28, 25 April 1893).
Special Committee of Enquiry into Street Signs, constituted 1906
Since the 1950s, this has often been part of the conditions of consent included in development applications. Development applications are also required for many signs and structures intended to support signs.CreationRecommendation to Council by the Finance Committee that ByLaws be drafted to regulate the use of calico and other signs (CRS22/44/28, 25 April 1893).
Special Committee of Enquiry into Street Signs, constituted 1906
Start date25th April 1893Start date qualifierbyEnd date25th April 1893Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Building and development regulation FN-0010 (11/07/1906)
Source system ID108
Advertising signage control [AY-0108]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 01 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62852