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OrganisationControlled by series
- Index to Correspondence of the City Building Surveyor's Department, 1936-1974
- Planning Street Cards, 1920-1994
- Glebe Planning Street Cards, 1949-1968
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City Building Surveyor's Department Correspondence Files, 1949-1984
Unique IDAS-0138Start dateBetween 5th January 1949 and 17th May 1984Start date qualifierexactFormatRegistered FileShort descriptionThis series contains the City Building Surveyor's Department's working files. They are mostly duplicates of Town Clerk's Correspondence Files (AS-0034). However, it also contains interim development application files and development application files, which were made up as departmental correspondence files from September 1949 to December 1953.
DescriptionThis series contains the City Building Surveyor's Department's working files which are mostly duplicates of CRS 34, Town Clerk's Correspondence Files. However, it also contains interim development application files and development application files, which were made up as departmental correspondence files from September 1949 to December 1953.
Prior to 1945, Councils had limited control over development. The Local Government (Town and Country Planning) Amendment 1945 was an attempt to rationalise and coordinate development in the County of Cumberland, of which the City of Sydney was the Number 1 electorate. The Act set up the Cumberland County Council and required it to prepare a planning scheme for the County. It was envisaged that this scheme would take three years to complete. In order to control development in the interim period, Interim Plans were formulated.
The first Interim Plan was adopted on 12 July 1946. This meant that an application was required to be submitted to Council before any development could take place. "Development" can be defined as any change in the use of the buildings, land or work from its previous use, subdivision of land, or erection of a building.
Applications received in the period between the gazettal of the First Interim Plan in 1946 and the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme in 1951, were called Interim Development Applications.
Development was controlled jointly by the local Council and the Cumberland County Council. The County Council controlled development relating to parks, recreation areas, County roads, railways, special use areas, and land owned by the Crown or Public Utility undertakings. The local councils controlled development relating to living areas, industrial areas, rural areas, and commercial areas. The County Council also required any local plans devised by the councils to conform to its plan.
From July 1946 to September 1949 the City Engineer was the Council officer responsible for approving applications, although the files were created by the City Building Surveyor's Department. During this period the interim development applications were maintained as a separate series, CRS 305, Interim Development Application Files. From September 1949, the City Building Surveyor took over the function and the files were made up as part of CRS 138. They were no longer given a separate run of numbers.
This series contains the City Building Surveyor's Department's working files which are mostly duplicates of Town Clerk's Correspondence Files (AS-0034). However, it also contains interim development application files and development application files, which were made up as departmental correspondence files from September 1949 to December 1953.
The series was created by:
-Planning and Building Department (AG-0008) in the period 25/10/1971 to 17/05/1984
-City Architect and Building Surveyors Department II (AG-0016) in the period 01/06/1936 to 25/10/1971.
Content does not exist for this full period.
Prior to 1945, Councils had limited control over development. The Local Government (Town and Country Planning) Amendment 1945 was an attempt to rationalise and coordinate development in the County of Cumberland, of which the City of Sydney was the Number 1 electorate. The Act set up the Cumberland County Council and required it to prepare a planning scheme for the County. It was envisaged that this scheme would take three years to complete. In order to control development in the interim period, Interim Plans were formulated.
The first Interim Plan was adopted on 12 July 1946. This meant that an application was required to be submitted to Council before any development could take place. ‘Development’ can be defined as any change in the use of the buildings, land or work from its previous use, subdivision of land, or erection of a building.
Applications received in the period between the gazettal of the First Interim Plan in 1946 and the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme in 1951, were called Interim Development Applications.
Development was controlled jointly by the local Council and the Cumberland County Council. The County Council controlled development relating to parks, recreation areas, County roads, railways, special use areas, and land owned by the Crown or Public Utility undertakings. The local councils controlled development relating to living areas, industrial areas, rural areas, and commercial areas. The County Council also required any local plans devised by the councils to conform to its plan.
From July 1946 to September 1949 the City Engineer was the Council officer responsible for approving applications, although the files were created by the City Building Surveyor's Department. During this period the interim development applications were maintained as a separate series, Interim Development Application Files (AS-0305). From September 1949, the City Building Surveyor took over the function and the files were made up as part of AS-0138. They were no longer given a separate run of numbers.
The County of Cumberland Planning Scheme was incorporated into the Local Government (Amendment) Act 1951, assented to on 27 June 1951. After this date the applications were called development applications. It divided the County up into 14 zones and prescribed the purposes for which buildings would, and would not, be allowed in each zone.
From 1951 until the end of 1953 development applications were made up as part of this series. However, the development application files for 1952 and 1953 were destroyed in 1983 because it was not realised that the correspondence files actually contained development applications. (AS-0116, 19.16.0082). From 1954 the development application files were maintained as a separate series, Development Application Files (AS-0062).
In 1968, the files dealing with the Glebe area were handed over to Leichhardt Municipal Council when it assumed control of the Glebe area. In 2004, when Glebe was handed over to the City of Sydney, these files were returned and were placed back into this series.
The rest of the series contains copies of correspondence, minutes and reports, as well as Departmental memos. Most of these files (with the exception of interim development application and development application files for 1949 to 1951), were destroyed in 1983.
The Planning Department ceased to create their own correspondence files in 1978, when Council introduced a centralised filing system.
The series is controlled by:
-Glebe Planning Street Cards (AS-1103) in the period 01/01/1949 to 31/12/1953 - Glebe area DA files only
-Planning Street Cards (AS-0533) in the period 01/01/1949 to 31/12/1953 - Interim DA & DA files only
-Index to Correspondence of the City Building Surveyors Department (AS-0306) in the period 01/06/1936 to 25/03/1974.
Relationship summaryPRECEDED BY: Interim Development Application Files AS-0305 (01/10/1949)
RELATED TO: Town Clerks Department Correspondence Files AS-0034 (01/06/1936 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Refurbishment and restoration of heritage buildings, structures and sites AY-0017 (05/01/1949 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Strategic town planning AY-0030 (05/01/1949 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Construction and maintenance of buildings and structures AY-0001 (05/01/1949 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Development applications inspection and approval AY-0029 (01/09/1949 to 31/12/1953)
LanguageEnglish (eng)
DescriptionThis series contains the City Building Surveyor's Department's working files which are mostly duplicates of CRS 34, Town Clerk's Correspondence Files. However, it also contains interim development application files and development application files, which were made up as departmental correspondence files from September 1949 to December 1953.
Prior to 1945, Councils had limited control over development. The Local Government (Town and Country Planning) Amendment 1945 was an attempt to rationalise and coordinate development in the County of Cumberland, of which the City of Sydney was the Number 1 electorate. The Act set up the Cumberland County Council and required it to prepare a planning scheme for the County. It was envisaged that this scheme would take three years to complete. In order to control development in the interim period, Interim Plans were formulated.
The first Interim Plan was adopted on 12 July 1946. This meant that an application was required to be submitted to Council before any development could take place. "Development" can be defined as any change in the use of the buildings, land or work from its previous use, subdivision of land, or erection of a building.
Applications received in the period between the gazettal of the First Interim Plan in 1946 and the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme in 1951, were called Interim Development Applications.
Development was controlled jointly by the local Council and the Cumberland County Council. The County Council controlled development relating to parks, recreation areas, County roads, railways, special use areas, and land owned by the Crown or Public Utility undertakings. The local councils controlled development relating to living areas, industrial areas, rural areas, and commercial areas. The County Council also required any local plans devised by the councils to conform to its plan.
From July 1946 to September 1949 the City Engineer was the Council officer responsible for approving applications, although the files were created by the City Building Surveyor's Department. During this period the interim development applications were maintained as a separate series, CRS 305, Interim Development Application Files. From September 1949, the City Building Surveyor took over the function and the files were made up as part of CRS 138. They were no longer given a separate run of numbers.
This series contains the City Building Surveyor's Department's working files which are mostly duplicates of Town Clerk's Correspondence Files (AS-0034). However, it also contains interim development application files and development application files, which were made up as departmental correspondence files from September 1949 to December 1953.
The series was created by:
-Planning and Building Department (AG-0008) in the period 25/10/1971 to 17/05/1984
-City Architect and Building Surveyors Department II (AG-0016) in the period 01/06/1936 to 25/10/1971.
Content does not exist for this full period.
Prior to 1945, Councils had limited control over development. The Local Government (Town and Country Planning) Amendment 1945 was an attempt to rationalise and coordinate development in the County of Cumberland, of which the City of Sydney was the Number 1 electorate. The Act set up the Cumberland County Council and required it to prepare a planning scheme for the County. It was envisaged that this scheme would take three years to complete. In order to control development in the interim period, Interim Plans were formulated.
The first Interim Plan was adopted on 12 July 1946. This meant that an application was required to be submitted to Council before any development could take place. ‘Development’ can be defined as any change in the use of the buildings, land or work from its previous use, subdivision of land, or erection of a building.
Applications received in the period between the gazettal of the First Interim Plan in 1946 and the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme in 1951, were called Interim Development Applications.
Development was controlled jointly by the local Council and the Cumberland County Council. The County Council controlled development relating to parks, recreation areas, County roads, railways, special use areas, and land owned by the Crown or Public Utility undertakings. The local councils controlled development relating to living areas, industrial areas, rural areas, and commercial areas. The County Council also required any local plans devised by the councils to conform to its plan.
From July 1946 to September 1949 the City Engineer was the Council officer responsible for approving applications, although the files were created by the City Building Surveyor's Department. During this period the interim development applications were maintained as a separate series, Interim Development Application Files (AS-0305). From September 1949, the City Building Surveyor took over the function and the files were made up as part of AS-0138. They were no longer given a separate run of numbers.
The County of Cumberland Planning Scheme was incorporated into the Local Government (Amendment) Act 1951, assented to on 27 June 1951. After this date the applications were called development applications. It divided the County up into 14 zones and prescribed the purposes for which buildings would, and would not, be allowed in each zone.
From 1951 until the end of 1953 development applications were made up as part of this series. However, the development application files for 1952 and 1953 were destroyed in 1983 because it was not realised that the correspondence files actually contained development applications. (AS-0116, 19.16.0082). From 1954 the development application files were maintained as a separate series, Development Application Files (AS-0062).
In 1968, the files dealing with the Glebe area were handed over to Leichhardt Municipal Council when it assumed control of the Glebe area. In 2004, when Glebe was handed over to the City of Sydney, these files were returned and were placed back into this series.
The rest of the series contains copies of correspondence, minutes and reports, as well as Departmental memos. Most of these files (with the exception of interim development application and development application files for 1949 to 1951), were destroyed in 1983.
The Planning Department ceased to create their own correspondence files in 1978, when Council introduced a centralised filing system.
The series is controlled by:
-Glebe Planning Street Cards (AS-1103) in the period 01/01/1949 to 31/12/1953 - Glebe area DA files only
-Planning Street Cards (AS-0533) in the period 01/01/1949 to 31/12/1953 - Interim DA & DA files only
-Index to Correspondence of the City Building Surveyors Department (AS-0306) in the period 01/06/1936 to 25/03/1974.
Relationship summaryPRECEDED BY: Interim Development Application Files AS-0305 (01/10/1949)
RELATED TO: Town Clerks Department Correspondence Files AS-0034 (01/06/1936 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Refurbishment and restoration of heritage buildings, structures and sites AY-0017 (05/01/1949 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Strategic town planning AY-0030 (05/01/1949 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Construction and maintenance of buildings and structures AY-0001 (05/01/1949 to 31/12/1978)
RELATED TO: Development applications inspection and approval AY-0029 (01/09/1949 to 31/12/1953)
LanguageEnglish (eng)
240 Glebe Road Glebe. Alterations to garage portion & use as a self-contained flat. Mrs A G Phillips
Public access statusOpen to public access
Identification and Arrangement
Source system ID138System of arrangementAnnual single number
Digitisation statusNot digitised
Data Quality
Authenticity & integrityThese are original correspondence files created by Council. The records have been held in the Council’s custody and have a high level of authenticity. Users should be aware that these are historical records and the language used within the records was the language of the time it was captured, and may not reflect current community values or expectations.
OrganisationSydney City CouncilControlled by seriesIndex to Correspondence of the City Building Surveyor's Department, 1936-1974Planning Street Cards, 1920-1994Glebe Planning Street Cards, 1949-1968Preceding seriesInterim Development Application Files, 1946-1949Related seriesTown Clerk's Department Correspondence Files, 1914-1978 [Municipal Council of Sydney / City of Sydney]Creating agenciesCity Architect and Building Surveyor's Department IIPlanning and Building DepartmentRelated activitiesDevelopment applications inspection and approvalConstruction and maintenance of buildings and structuresStrategic town planningRefurbishment and restoration of heritage buildings, structures and sites
City Building Surveyor's Department Correspondence Files, 1949-1984 [AS-0138]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 14 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62987