Unique IDAY-0029DescriptionReceiving and approving or disallowing applications to make use of existing buildings (including making changes to their fabric) or land (including to construct a new building) in a way that would be a change from previous use and has impact on land-use planning (=zoning) laws. Includes the inspection of plans and of actual buildings to determine whether approval should be granted, and what conditions should be tied to an approval.CreationLocal Government (Town and Country Planning ) Amendment Act 1945
Start date1st January 1945End date1st January 1945Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Suburban municipal government FN-0029 (01/01/1945 to 31/12/1948)
RELATED TO: Building and development regulation FN-0010 (01/01/1945)
Development applications inspection and approval [AY-0029]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 22 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62779