Management of parks and reserves
Unique IDAY-0084DescriptionResponsibility by the City for the management of parks and reserves was acquired gradually from 1866 through until about 1902. This activity does not include responsibility for children's playgrounds (see activity A 42).
On 31 May 1866, the Finance Committee resolved “That a Deputation wait upon the Minister for Lands with reference to the dedication of Sydney Common to the Citizens as a place for public recreation.” [CRS 11/4].
On 7 June 1866 the Improvement Committee requested the City Engineer to "take the necessary levels, and prepare sections of that part of the Sydney Common lying between Botany Street and the culvert about 15 chains south of the Toll Bar - showing the cutting and filling that will be required to bring the surface of the ground to easy gradients for planting and to suitable levels for recreation and pleasure grounds". This request originated with Alderman Charles Moore. The City Engineer replied on 14 June with an estimate of 75 pounds for the work but suggested no further action until the Government has decided and informed the Council of the intended boundaries of the Common. The report was finally presented to Council on 5 November 1866. (CRS 23/18, Report 127).
This appears to be the first time that Council considered spending money on this activity.CreationSee table of legislation compiled by James Moloney in registration for function CF 14.
Sydney Corporation Act 1902 s150A etc
Council acquired power to create and manage parks and playgrounds.
Local Government Act 1919 s348 (Councils other than the City of Sydney): permitted Councils to provide public parks and gardens.
On 31 May 1866, the Finance Committee resolved “That a Deputation wait upon the Minister for Lands with reference to the dedication of Sydney Common to the Citizens as a place for public recreation.” [CRS 11/4].
On 7 June 1866 the Improvement Committee requested the City Engineer to "take the necessary levels, and prepare sections of that part of the Sydney Common lying between Botany Street and the culvert about 15 chains south of the Toll Bar - showing the cutting and filling that will be required to bring the surface of the ground to easy gradients for planting and to suitable levels for recreation and pleasure grounds". This request originated with Alderman Charles Moore. The City Engineer replied on 14 June with an estimate of 75 pounds for the work but suggested no further action until the Government has decided and informed the Council of the intended boundaries of the Common. The report was finally presented to Council on 5 November 1866. (CRS 23/18, Report 127).
This appears to be the first time that Council considered spending money on this activity.CreationSee table of legislation compiled by James Moloney in registration for function CF 14.
Sydney Corporation Act 1902 s150A etc
Council acquired power to create and manage parks and playgrounds.
Local Government Act 1919 s348 (Councils other than the City of Sydney): permitted Councils to provide public parks and gardens.
Start date31st May 1866End date31st May 1866Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Suburban municipal government FN-0029 (01/01/1919 to 31/12/1948)
RELATED TO: Parks and public spaces management FN-0014 (31/05/1866)
RELATED TO: Parks and public spaces management FN-0014 (31/05/1866)
Source system ID84
Management of parks and reserves [AY-0084]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 22 Jan 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62830