Allocation and changes of street names and street numbers
Unique IDAY-0051Description*** This activity applies to all Councils ***
Authority for naming streets and changing existing names (by the City of Sydney and suburban Councils later absorbed by the City) needs further research.
The first large scale street name change seems to have been in 1875, when a large number of street name changes were made following a recommendation of the City Surveyor from 31 July, with the aim of eliminating duplicated names. These changes were published in the Government Gazette of 19 November 1875 (CRS 10/9, 23 September 1875). However, there were earlier name changes. On 9 October 1873 the Improvement Committee agreed to a petition from ratepayers to rename South Head Road from Liverpool Street to Dowling Street as Oxford Street. (CRS 10/9, 9 October 1873).
The Finance Committee Minutes for 12 July 1876, record the receipt of a letter from George Pile suggesting that Council adopt the American system of street naming. The City Surveyor reported that the irregular manner in which the streets of Sydney had been laid out, prevents the system alluded to, being adopted, and that the alterations made by the Council in November 1875 provide that only one shall in future have the same name”. [CRS 11/7].
The earliest known reference to street naming by a suburban municipal Council is in Newtown, Minutes for 21 Dec 1869 and 21 May 1878.
Authority for naming streets and changing existing names (by the City of Sydney and suburban Councils later absorbed by the City) needs further research.
The first large scale street name change seems to have been in 1875, when a large number of street name changes were made following a recommendation of the City Surveyor from 31 July, with the aim of eliminating duplicated names. These changes were published in the Government Gazette of 19 November 1875 (CRS 10/9, 23 September 1875). However, there were earlier name changes. On 9 October 1873 the Improvement Committee agreed to a petition from ratepayers to rename South Head Road from Liverpool Street to Dowling Street as Oxford Street. (CRS 10/9, 9 October 1873).
The Finance Committee Minutes for 12 July 1876, record the receipt of a letter from George Pile suggesting that Council adopt the American system of street naming. The City Surveyor reported that the irregular manner in which the streets of Sydney had been laid out, prevents the system alluded to, being adopted, and that the alterations made by the Council in November 1875 provide that only one shall in future have the same name”. [CRS 11/7].
The earliest known reference to street naming by a suburban municipal Council is in Newtown, Minutes for 21 Dec 1869 and 21 May 1878.
Start date9th October 1873Start date qualifierbyEnd date9th October 1873Relationship legacy dataRELATED TO: Suburban municipal government FN-0029 (01/01/1869 to 31/12/1948)
RELATED TO: Town planning FN-0011 (01/01/1875)
RELATED TO: Town planning FN-0011 (01/01/1875)
Source system ID51
Allocation and changes of street names and street numbers [AY-0051]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 02 Feb 2025, https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/62799