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Image Tags
Add- Print - Terrace houses targeted for demolition, Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Demolition of terrace houses in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Symonds Furnishing store, in Pitt Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Symonds Furnishing store in Pitt Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Terrace houses and residential chambers, Kent Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Terrace houses and residential chambers in Kent Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Commercial buildings and Penzance Chambers in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Vacant block and buildings with Penzance Chambers in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Kembla Building in Margaret Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Kembla Building, corner of Margaret Street and Wynyard Lane Sydney, 1922
- Print - Demolition of Dutton House, Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Demolition of Dutton House in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1922
- Print - Queensland Hotel, corner of Erskine Street and Kent Sydney, 1923
- Print - Queensland Hotel on the corner of Erskine Street and Kent Sydney, 1923
- Print - Garlings Chambers in Pitt Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Garlings Chambers building in Pitt Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Businesses in Kent Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Businesses along Kent Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - The Playhouse and Manchester Unity Building in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Manchester Unity Building in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Commercial buildings in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Voluntary Workers Café, Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Manchester Unity Building in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Commercial businesses along Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with buildings targeted for demolition, Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Crown Hotel and newsagent, Crown Street Surry Hills, 1923
- Print - Crown Hotel and newsagent, Crown Street Surry Hills, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Carlton Café, Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - Golden Crown Fruit Shop and Carlton Café, Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Gospel Book Depot, Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - Building targeted for demolition, Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - Building targeted for demolition in Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - Kuznetsky Furrier and Feather Expert, Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - JG Cruden Furrier and Skin Merchant in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Building on corner of Goulburn and Elizabeth Streets Sydney, 1923
- Print - Buildings targeted for demolition in Clarence Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Demolition work in Clarence Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Sunday Times Newspaper in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Sunday Times Newspaper in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Terrace houses along Shepherd Street Chippendale, 1923
- Print - Terraces houses in Shepherd Street Chippendale, 1923
- Print - Wynyard Terrace building, Carrington Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Wynyard Terrace building in Carrington Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Buildings and roadwork in Wynyard Lane Sydney, 1923
- Print - Buildings along Wynyard Lane Sydney, 1923
- Print - Commercial businesses in George Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Building targeted for demolition in George Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Grounds of Kirketon Private Hospital, Darlinghurst Road Darlinghurst, 1923
- Print - Grounds of Kirketon Private Hospital in Darlinghurst Road Darlinghurst, 1923
- Print - Kirketon Private Hospital, Darlinghurst Road Darlinghurst, 1923
- Print - Kirketon Private Hospital in Darlinghurst Road Darlinghurst, 1923
- Print - Commercial businesses and the Daily Telegraph, Market Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Commercial businesses and the Daily Telegraph in Market Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Buildings in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Buildings along Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Commercial buildings in Bligh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Turkish Baths and Carrington Printers in Bligh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Residential chambers in Phillip Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Terrace houses and residential chambers in Phillip Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Associated Motors Limited car dealer, Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Associated Motors Limited car dealer in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with demolition work, Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with demolition work in Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - ST Leigh and Company, corner of Goulburn and Castlereagh Streets Haymarket, 1923
- Print - ST Leigh and Company, corner of Elizabeth and Goulburn Streets Haymarket, 1923
- Print - ST Leigh and Company in Goulburn Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - Commercial buildings and ST Leigh and Company, Elizabeth Street Haymarket, 1923
- Print - TJ Bown Company building in Bathurst Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - TJ Bown and Company in Bathurst Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Buildings and Belleview Terrace targeted for demolition, York Street North Millers Point, 1923
- Print - Buildings and Belleview Terrace targeted for demolition, York Street North Millers Point, 1923
- Print - Buildings targeted for demolition on Liverpool Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with building targeted for demolition, Liverpool Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Demolition work in Gloucester Street The Rocks, 1923
- Print - Buildings targeted for demolition in Gloucester Street The Rocks, 1923
- Print - Demolition work in Arnold Place Darlinghurst, 1923
- Print - Ashton Motor School and terrace houses, Little Regent Street Chippendale, 1923
- Print - Terrace houses targeted for demolition in Little Regent Street Chippendale, 1923
- Print - Bassett Welding Company, Bathurst Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Bassett Welding Company in Bathurst Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Terrace houses targeted for demolition, Bourke Street Darlinghurst, 1923
- Print - Terrace houses targeted for demolition, corner of Bourke and Peter Streets Darlinghurst, 1923
- Print - Demolition of terrace houses in Hutchinson Place Surry Hills, 1923
- Print - Demolition in Hutchinson Place Surry Hills, 1923
- Print - Demolition in Fitzroy Street Surry Hills, 1923
- Print - Building targeted for demolition in Fitzroy Street Surry Hills, 1923
- Print - Bridge Street Chambers building, corner of Bridge and Hamilton Streets Sydney, 1923
- Print - Bridge Street Chambers in Bridge Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Commercial buildings in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Eastwood Chambers, Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Streetscape with Eastwood Chambers in Elizabeth Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Terrys Chambers, Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Terrys Chambers in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
- Print - Coles Furs shop in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Commercial buildings in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Open Exchange commercial building, Macquarie Place Sydney, 1924
- Print - Open Exchange commercial building in Macquarie Place Sydney, 1924
- Print - Ewington bootmaker, Kent Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Ewington bootmaker in Kent Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Cox scale makers building undergoing demolition, Sussex Street Haymarket, 1924
- Print - Businesses in George Street Haymarket, 1924
- Print - London Hotel, corner of Albion and Elizabeth Streets Surry Hills, 1924
- Print - Streetscape with London Hotel in Elizabeth Street Surry Hills, 1924
- Print - Grocer and cottage in Bathurst Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Cottage in Bathurst Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Streetscape with businesses on Bathurst Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Commercial premises on corner of Bathurst and Castlereagh Streets Sydney, 1924
- Print - Streetscape with grocery store, corner of Castlereagh and Bathurst Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Streetscape with businesses in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - New South Wales Fire Brigade headquarters, Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - New South Wales Fire Brigade in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Clark Brothers building, Sussex Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Clark Brothers building in Sussex Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Streetscape with Freemans Journal Office, Lang Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Streetscape with Freemans Journal Office in Lang Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - British Traders Insurance Company building, Bond Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - Commercial buildings along Bond Street Sydney, 1924
- Print - The Distillers Company building in Martin Lane Sydney, 1924
- Print - Commercial building in Martin Lane Sydney, 1924
- Print - Commercial building in Castlereagh Street Sydney, 1923
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Album - Demolition Books - Volume 11 - Condemnations and demolitions, 1922-1924
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Photographer: Milton Kent, Album - Demolition Books - Volume 11 - Condemnations and demolitions, 1922-1924 (01/01/1922 - 31/12/1924), [A-01187671]. City of Sydney Archives, accessed 13 Feb 2025,